<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Why is the president glorifying gun violence? Extremely disappointing. <a href="http://t.co/GJgy5JSK7y">pic.twitter.com/GJgy5JSK7y</a></p>— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) <a href="https://twitter.com/charlescwcooke/status/565935714265989120">February 12, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> like BriWill, seems to have the need to underscore his machismo.
Personally, I support gun control. If you do not control your gun properly, you may not hit your target.
The funny thing is, liberals would have started this thread to poke fun of conservatives as an example of something silly they could criticize Obama for. The sad thing is, basso and his gang are doing exactly just that.
you need something to talk about. with bush it was "this guy is realllly dumb" and look at bush "he starts needless wars with thousands of deaths" i know conservatives really loved bush and liked where the country was headed when he left office, and that they dislike obama and think he is evil etc. but do they think he is dumb?
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son an AR-15 with Magpul furniture and an Aimpoint red dot.
More to the point, I do love it when a bunch of burger flipping window lickers go around calling people with advance degrees from ivy league schools "dumb" simply because they don't agree with their political ideology. It's adorable.....but we really shouldn't be encouraging them.
Presidents have the full knowledge and cooperation of: The Joint Chiefs of Staff The CDC The Fed 10 highly paid 'Think Tank's' The Surgeon General The Secretaries and entire departments of the Cabinet The CIA NSA The UN Secretary General The Ambassadors of the State Department An Attorney General To say a US President is ill-informed or naive is pretty stupid. You might not like his (her) choices, actions or leanings but they have access to the best information and advice on the planet.
You have have all of the information in the world and still be naive. I'm sure someone as bright as yourself understands that naivete has to do with judgement and wisdom rather than knowledge.....so you should probably re-think that comment.
Having access to all the information in the world and a myriad of opinions about every possible option, you by definition, couldn't be naive. i.e. Do you think there aren't career State Department and CIA experts advising him on both sides of whether to arm the Ukraine or not in the balancing act of engaging Putin? He could choose to be reactionary or cautious but he has the issues framed, scenarios mapped out, outcomes predicted, histories known. And the same level of information is true for every issue. Naivete' is just another of the hollow political buzzword criticisms paid consultants come up with to repeat until they sound true to the gullible.
Well, maybe I was wrong, perhaps you don't understand that naivete has to do with judgement and wisdom rather than information....