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NYT: Ever Loyal, Yao Risks His Career!

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by t_mac1, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Ever Loyal, Yao Risks His Career

    The physical demands would have been daunting for any finely tuned athlete, much less one standing 7 feet 6 inches, with 300-plus pounds stressing his lower extremities, and who had succeeded at becoming, as his former Houston coach, Jeff Van Gundy, said, “something no one that size has ever been, much more than a role player.”

    An All-Star, in fact, prominent in the discussion of the sport’s best centers, this season averaging a workhorselike 37.2 minutes a game despite warnings that the N.B.A. grind, combined with Yao’s national team service, was well into the process of breaking him down.

    After three healthy seasons, he has, in the last two and a half years, sustained a broken foot, a broken leg and a seriously infected big toe. This week came word of a stress fracture to his left foot, shelving Yao again and, with the Summer Olympics coming in Beijing, forecasting the perfect career-imperiling storm.

    “The guy’s going to play in the Olympics, and that’s a foregone conclusion,” Van Gundy said.

    He would know, having gone to see Anthony Falsone, the Rockets’ former strength and conditioning coach, now serving as Yao’s (and Van Gundy’s) personal trainer, on Tuesday afternoon. Van Gundy said he was sitting in his car when Yao, of all people, tapped on the window and said, “You heard the news?”

    They went inside, spoke for more than an hour, Yao already guaranteeing his doctor’s estimation of a four-month recovery, just enough time to play his way back into shape for the ultimate home games.

    For Yao, a trail blazer, an ambassador, the Olympics represent the fulfillment of a career-defining dream, the intensity of which may be incomprehensible to many of us and his N.B.A. peers. In New Orleans at the All-Star Game two weeks ago, when asked about Beijing, here is what Yao, in the midst of his best season and in the middle of a fierce Western Conference playoff chase, had to say:

    “I wish the Games would be starting tomorrow, I really wish. I just can’t wait for it. I’ll be very proud.”

    In a telephone interview from Houston, where he coached Yao for four years through last season, Van Gundy said: “This is not some fake national pride, some marketing thing. And some people are going to say it’ll be to his detriment, but how can you be bothered by that kind of commitment to his country?”

    But where does fidelity become foolishness? When does commitment invite calamity? How much does Yao owe the Rockets, who have underwritten his wealth and have almost $50 million pledged to him beyond this season?

    These were always companion questions underlying the conditional coming of Yao, as far back as November 2002, when he was a fouling, fumbling rookie and one look at him told you his body had a reservoir of only so many basketball minutes.

    In Denver, before his second N.B.A. game, I asked him how he would survive the N.B.A. and the regimented Chinese national team training, which is not known to grant stars — or him, specifically — first-class accommodations, much less time off to be rich and famous.

    “I think the Rockets have a plan,” Yao said diplomatically. To which Rudy Tomjanovich, then his coach, said, “It’s a good question.”

    According to Van Gundy, the Chinese have made some recent concessions with regard to preparation for the never-ending international competitions. But with their big show looming, with the popularity of basketball booming, and with the hope, however realistic, of contending for a bronze medal, will undue pressure be put on Yao at a time when caution should rule?

    “Let’s say he starts to play in some of the exhibition games leading into the Olympics and there’s some residual pain,” Van Gundy said. “Is there someone with his best interests at heart? They’ve got to be smart and he has to be, too. I told Yao three years ago, learning to say no is an important part of being a great player because you can’t be everything to everyone.”

    Against the medical odds, Yao has nonetheless tried, Van Gundy said, “working hard to minimize the risk, the hardest worker I’ve ever been associated with — and I’ve been associated with some great workers.”

    At 28, smack in his prime, the most prudent Olympic approach for Yao would seem to be a closely monitored level of limited participation, if that’s even possible. Then the Chinese should let Yao retire from the national team and become the symbolic face of their basketball federation.

    Why try to make him risk the rest of his career and his long-term health? Or force him out of character one day soon to unilaterally declare himself done when his mission — to help China announce itself in the early 21st century — has already been achieved?

    “I can tell you he’s never asked to be treated special, to be singled out,” Van Gundy said. Now is the time.


    really good read. JVG is right. he should just play a few games leading up to the olympics and then play the olympics. i believe yao should play in the olympics b/c it's on an international stage and he's on the host country. i just disagree with how many games/training/competition he should play for china when it's not really iimportant. they could use those to develop their younger talent, which china has and yi. but yao is torn. but it's hard to take his heart and make it focus completely on the rockets.

    i just hope there can be a good plan/solution after the olympics b/c yao's career is really at risk. i don't want him to have a short career b/c if he takes care of his body, he has another 6 yrs of great play left.
  2. Nice Rollin

    Nice Rollin Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I thought he was coming back for a second there from the thread title

    nice article nonetheless
  3. DaDakota

    DaDakota Trump is following Hitler's playbook
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Yao will be 100% healthy, he should play in those games. I am proud that Yao wants to play for his country.

    I will be rooting for all current and former Rockets players in the Olympics.

    Yao, Scola...V-Span (when they get in), Boki...etc..etc..etc..

  4. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    he will be 100% to START the season, which i have no doubt. he has made great recoveries from the previous injuries.

    it's how healthy and prone to injuries he will be DURING the season.

    that is the biggest question. we need both tmac and yao to play at least 70-75 games during the reg. season and be healthy for the playoffs. we finally have a championship contender (and i mean TRULY LEGIT chances) here and we do not want to waste these opportunities due to injuries at inopportune times.
  5. Tfor3

    Tfor3 Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    Play in the stinking Olympics and then RELEASE YOUR HOLD ON YAO, CHINA :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    YAO must retire from the ChiNational Team :mad:
  6. bloop

    bloop Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    why doesnt' the NY Times call him Boxer from Animal Farm and be done with it.

    the NYT is trash. this article is basically claiming (not suggesting... because the entire tone of the article from headline on down hooks on the sense of imminent danger to yao if he plays..) yao is risking his career by playing for china.

    On the contrary doctors project a 100% recovery if Yao undergoes surgery and he's completes a full course of recovery and rehab. if yao was a jetliner, he'd be certified 100% (like a brand new plane) by FCC experts before he stepped on the court.

    Yao himself emphasized his insistence on "100% full recovery" more than once in his press conference when he talked about rehabbing his foot.

    if that's even possible? why in the world would that not be possible? yao is not undergoing experimental surgery. thousands of people have had it over decades and the projected recovery time is 4 months... easily within the 6 months yao has before the olympics. why would the writer even put that phrase in there? does the dude know something the best doctors in the US know?

    how do you even characterize this article? it's not really a sports article, doesn't talk about any aspect of the expected competition at the olympics. it isn't a health article... dude gets basic facts wrong about the medical ramifications of the injury and just conjectures. is it a political article? psychology article? NY times is simply trash
  7. dalman

    dalman Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    It is all about priorities. To Yao and many many Chinese atheletes, playing for country is much more important than playing for clubs. I can understand Yao not playing last summer for the national team for some meaningless games but Yao will play in Olympics if he is healthy at that time.

    I don't understand people would think playing for China is a burden not a honor. I think to Yao, he will take Olympics over Rockets for sure.

    Can we take it a different approach, say, Yao only play for Rockets for 50 games a season to prolong his career? How many games Yao played for Chinese national team last four years? I think that would help Yao to play longer career than stop playing for Chinese national team.
  8. metalshred

    metalshred Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    If Yao has to retire one from NBA and Chinese National Team, i would say he will retire NBA on anyday.
  9. abc2007

    abc2007 Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    If Yao is 100% healthy, he should and will play in olympics games.

    As Clyde Drexler said yesterday, Yao plays in olympics, not only represents China, but also represents the Rockets!

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