75 billion is a lot and don’t really know how the ratings are going . I mean the lakers suck and nobody will tune in for LeBron anymore there’s lots of talent but that doesn’t mean the ratings are good
Maybe those deals were contingent upon TNT keeping NBA games? I'm just guessing here but seems like something TNT should have put in their contracts.
That's still the only jingle I associate with the NBA. It's the best. But I think it's more likely that Amazon jumps in and outbids everyone for the games.
David Zaslav (WB/discovery) CEO was first slashing DC projects, then other HBO shows like Westworld and Raised by Wolves, now seems like the NBA is too rich for their blood. If the NBA is asking too much; maybe they over-projected their next TV deal. Even sports ratings ain't what it used to be. NBA shouldn't get too greedy.
I would normally say this was posturing but the Warner/Discovery CEO seems pretty cheap and cost focused. He's canceled a bunch of projects. I predict he'll be one of those guys that seems like a great leader because he's improved cash flow but a decade from now people will see he didn't fill the funnel with quality projects and profits will drop off a cliff. The NBA also may not have as much leverage either. What are their other options? All ESPN? Fox Sports? I don't think normal games will be back on regular TV channels, they just can't bring enough viewers for a random regular season game. So, it will have to be some cable sports conglomerate.
LOVE THIS NEWS hiring shaq was the death kneel for that show bullying ohter current players like gobert, harden and others because you are sensitive and can dish it but cant take was and is a bad look. The show was perfect with ernie, chuck, and kenny so glad this show is going to be over
I am so ready to be able to see games on NBC once again. All the cable TV stuff is not for the modern time. Folks are cutting cable in droves across the country. And sports is not everyone’s cup of tea, especially now that sports has taken a back seat with the younger generations. I will not pay for cable based on principle. But I enjoy my over the radio broadcasts.