Nike, just wondering, but is the 15% calculated from the lower amount? I thought it may hav been possible for the 15% to be calculated from the higher amount... hmmm.. I guess I'll have to go look that up!!! ------------------
blah blah blah blah 15% blah blah blah blah blah blah BYC blah blah blah.......... So how can we use all of this to our advantage? I'm sorry, buy my mind was getting numb reading all of this financial rigamaroll and you were draining my will to live. Please, in "stupid-guy" talk, how can we take advantage of any of this? I won't even mention the fact that this discussion should probably take place elsewhere...... ------------------ "I'll take a Dream Shake for two, please."
Honestly why would we want PJ Brown? He is not evn an up-grade of Kenny Thomas and Los can do PJ's job if you give him PT. I believe in Carlos and say he deserves more court time! ------------------ I'm tha hip hop attracta, rapper slash acta, right back at cha!
PJ is better than any frontcourt player the Rockets have now. ------------------ I am so exasperated that I could expectorate.
Here we go again, more people claiming the front court on a 30 win team is good enough, we need a big upgrade in our front court if seriously want to win. ------------------ Stuff BBS, the Rockets and you guys It's all Clippers these days, come join the bandwagon and visit
Los could potentially be a great player, just because of his athleticism, except for one thing. He gets injured all the time. Brent Price could have been a great point guard also if not for injuries. Don't get me wrong, I'd have a tough time giving up on Los, but so far he hasn't been able to shake the injury bug. Using him in a reserve capacity off the bench, much like Mobley, (just not as many minutes) might be the best role for him. When he's healthy, he brings a spark to the team & causes things to happen. Having said this, I'd sure like to see what he could do if he stayed healthy for a whole season. By the way, could someone tell me what LOL stands for? For the life of me I haven't been able to figure it out. ------------------ [This message has been edited by Hottoddie (edited August 01, 2000).]
LOL = Laugh Out Loud others ROTFL = Roll On The Floor Laughing BTW = By The Way and I'm sure there's more From back in the day before BBS's could handle HTML, UBB, Smilies, etc. We had 80 lines of text and spent all our time looking at AASCI p*rn, and we liked it dammit! ------------------
"PJ is better than any frontcourt player the Rockets have now." Except for Cato. Didn't Charlotte also trade Bryant to LA? ------------------ Forget regrets or life is yours to miss.
Cato better than PJ? ROTFLOL ´nuff said. ------------------ "Never underestimate the heart of a champion"
DrN-From #59 in the FAQ If a team trades UP in salary but will be more than $100,000 over the salary cap following the trade, then the salaries they acquire can't be more than 15%, plus $100,000, higher than the salaries they trade. So, you take 15% from the lower number....I was always confused on this as well. ------------------ The more lefties on your team, the better. Collier is Seven Foot and Left Handed. How can you go wrong? Trade or bench Kenny Thomas.