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NFL probing Patriots' possible use of deflated balls during AFC Championship

Discussion in 'Football: NFL, College, High School' started by tallanvor, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost No Second â‚¿est
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    The question of guilt or innocence is not at issue here anymore. That is long dead.

    The question is now about the CBA and Goodell's authority/right to issue this punishment.
  2. Kim

    Kim Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    I guess I'll ask it here too: has any read the full decision yet? I'll try to get to it in 2 weeks, but I figure this thread will be dead by then. Why did the appellate say it was ok for Goodell to take unprecedented procedural steps in punishing Brady? Were they differentiating that Bret Favre was just not cooperating when he didn't want to turn over the dick pics he sent the the trainer in his phone, and that Brady was out right deceiving bc he and the Pats just lied all the time and destroyed evidence? Thus, it was okay for Goodell to break all the procedural norms?
  3. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    The culture of cheating and getting away with it in New England is bad for the world in my opinion. They had a ****ing murderer on their team that was trying his best to get away with killing folks. At some point, Brady needs to pay the piper. If there is no punishment for conduct that destroys the brand of your company, then people will screw over their company more. That's just bad business. Take your medicine Brady before the refs do Goodell's biding and let a bunch of hits on you go.

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