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New Year, same Ol' story!

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by CompaqC, Jan 1, 2001.

  1. CompaqC

    CompaqC Member

    Jun 29, 2000
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    How times change!

    now we're having trouble beating the Timberwolves! when was the last time we've beaten them anyway??

    iI didnt get to see this game but i followed up on NBA.com. what i noticed was how many shots Cuttino missed in the Final quarter where the Rockets were only down 4 and couldve done better. but i kept seeing those "Cuttino Mobley Miss" lines everytime the Rockets got posession. The Rockets get an offensive and i read MORE "Cuttino Mobley miss" lines! this is sickening cuz Mobley's not giving his teammates a chance. He's a ballhog, no matter how you look at it. and don't tell me it was because steve got fouled out. this is NOT the first time we see Mobley do this. 30 points???? who cares?!?! he took a hell loadsa shots in the 4th he HAD to get even MORE than 30 points. aaah well, a loss is a loss. and it hurts

    Will the REAL Steve Francis, please step up! I repeat....
  2. ZRB

    ZRB Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    This game was lost on the defensive end. The Rockets, as has always been the case, could not shut down the role players. This is disturbing because outside of Garnett, the Timberwolves are just not that talented.

    "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning how to put food on their family while being put to death."
  3. Summer Song Giver

    Sep 14, 2000
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    Mobley's got to shoot for every time Francis passes on a shot.I'm amazed that Francis with all his skills refuses to drive the lane at all except the occasional baseline drive or blind flip at the basket.He has got to shoot more for the rockets to win.

    Now chew through my ball sack

    [This message has been edited by Summer Song Giver (edited January 01, 2001).]
  4. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    How many times was a Mobley miss followed by two Mobley free throws? Cat kept us in the game. Every time he drove to the basket the Wolves fouled him. Cat was clutch in this game. No one else showed up to play.

    We got beat by the likes of Reggie Slater and Chauncy Billups...your average spares! Steve looked great making spectaculer drives to the basket but not being able to finish them off. Had Steve made those layups (shots he normally makes) we would have had a better chance at winning. The refs called a bad game and as a result Steve fouled out. He stuffed a shot by KG getting all ball but a foul (replay clearly showed all ball) was called.

    The Rox also played horrible D again! I can't tell you how many big time shots Billups made with nobody in his face.

    One other thing about Cat, he had a root canal yesterday and played with a mouth full of cotten. He looked like he was chewing Redman tobbaco or something.

    Bottom line the Rox need to get serious with their D and Steve needs to continue to be aggresive driving to the hole.

  5. ZRB

    ZRB Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    Yeah, you can't blame Cuttino for this loss. It would have been a blowout if it wasn't for him. You CAN blame the horrific defense played by the Rockets. If it wasn't for a few games holding bad teams to under 80 points, the Rockets would be giving up at least 102 points a game.

    "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning how to put food on their family while being put to death."
  6. TheFreak

    TheFreak Member

    Feb 18, 1999
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    Notice the operative words above. crash steps up again, laying down the law. Great poster. Mobley was 8-18 from the field (44.4%), and 14-16 from the line. Get a clue, please.

    "Why can't dip be a meal?" -David Puddy

    The Hunger Site
  7. bobrek

    bobrek Politics belong in the D & D

    Sep 16, 1999
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    When looking at the game logs on NBA.com you need to really pay attention. For example, notice the following lines from the 4th quarter:

    Min: Chauncey Billups for Anthony Peeler
    Min: Laphonso Ellis for Sam Mitchell
    Min: Chauncey Billups personal foul
    Hou: Cuttino Mobley miss
    Hou: offensive rebound
    Hou: Cuttino Mobley miss
    Min: Laphonso Ellis lane violation

    The 2 Mobley misses were free throws. He got to shoot the 2nd again due to a lane violation. Personally, Mobley took too much of it upon himself in the 4th quarter. Granted, he was making most of his free throws, but everyone needs to be involved on offense. It helps you play better defense when you're involved in the whole game. Taylor was on fire in the 2nd half and only got off 1 shot in the 4th quarter. Although Bullard missed a couple of open 3's, Mobley refused to pass it to him a couple of other times he was wide open (when Houston needed 3's).

  8. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    Taylor was on fire until the Wolves unleashed their true superstar. The unstopable, perenial NBA AllStar, the great Reggie Slatter!

    Actually the spare was givin help by the refs with a couple of bad calls. The one that shook up Mo T was a rebound that both Mo and Slater had. It should have been a jump ball but instead Slater nearly ripped Mo's arm off trying to get the ball from him and Mo was called for a foul that he did not commit. Mo was so pissed that he was called for a tech and Rudy imeadiatly benched him to get him cooled off. Mo was never the same after that.


    [This message has been edited by crash5179 (edited January 01, 2001).]

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