TF: "Shut up fat boy and eat your molten lava cake." DM: "It's just three Little Debbie brownies shoved around ice cream and a sparkler candle...." TF: "No, it's money Daryl. Lots of money. Do you know I made $8.50 on each one." DM: "Well it is good.... Mmmm." TF: "That's right fat boy, eat that brownie and let daddy handle the uniform designs. I held a contest with my restaurant bussers. Best design and they don't get deported and I get a new uniform design." DM: "Got any milk?" TF: "Drink the melted ice cream."
When the Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer came out, a lot of Sega fans came out and complained about the character's look. To the point where the director said there were going to be changes and the Sonic was "redesigned". Maybe it's time for Clutchfans to unite and take on the man
Im sure they took a lot of time, research, back-and-forth, and revisions to create this.... which makes it that much worse if Im being honest. The thing that bothers me is how there is almost no connection between the "R" logo and the rest of the elements. Why couldn't they design a logo that works with the typography, it doesn't have to be identical but the forms don't work together. Also, depending on where this logo is going on, it is way too complex. There are a lot of elements going on that just cut off at the text, it's not seamless at all. I wouldn't blame this entirely on the art department either, I'm sure a lot of other people had their hands on this.
Everything is moving to a flat design and we are embracing 1998 3d technology. Did they use powerpoint to make it?
I can’t get over how trash this design is, and why are we now obsessed with black and gray color schemes? I hate this sh*t