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New Evidence of Something Positive in Iran?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by CreepyFloyd, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. tinman

    tinman Contributing Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    oh yeah, considering a good Iranian friend's dad lost his lively hood in Iran when the Mullah's took over. I guess the Mullahs dont like the Iranian Ballet so they took away his job.

    Thank goodness for the great country we live in, and he has a extremely successful business here and live a great life. He could NEVER DO THAT NOW in Iran.
  2. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    Keep rambling creepy. i've been to iran alot more then you. so that makes you a ex, ex, ex pat. in all honesty, i'm startring to think you're dad or some family member works for the intelligence or islamic republics embassy in some capacity. only a blind delusional regime supporter views the current dictatorship in iran like you do . i would bet my life that you're kind of mentality is in the smallest minority in iran. i've seen it first hand.

    The man says i'm trying to give solid and real information about iran, this coming from a man who is sitting in New york and has'nt ever visited or seen the realities of hardships the norma iranian faces. a teacher gets paid 92 thousend toman a month if his lucky. his rent is usually about 60 thousend toman a month, and thats in a Sub-Standard area. a killo of chicken is anywhere from 4 to 6 thousend toman. his kids and wife need food and clothes. then there is electricity and tax. so he has to leave on about 10 tjhousend toman which roughly equates to 9 us$ a month. thats the normal story in iran. most people have 2 to 3 jobs. otherwise they wont survive. yet the mollahs and there supporters keep getting fatter and fatter off the normal joes buck which they are stealing or sending to beruit or palestain.
  3. CreepyFloyd

    CreepyFloyd Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I condemn this the same way I condemn the US for overthrowing Iran's democratically elected government of Mohammad Mossadegh in Aug. 1953

    I've never seen any evidence or primary sources linking Hezbollah to terrorism or Iranian sponsorship of them...Also, I don't consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization, if anything they're a national liberation organization and political party that provides social services and helped liberate their country from over 20 years of illegal occupation in May of 2000

    I don't doubt this incident, but women also makeup a majority in Iranian university students, are represented in practically all sectors of the job market, serve in all ministries of government, in parliament, head political parties, and Iran even had a female vice president for the past 8 years
    Not many countries can claim all this...certainly most countries in the region can't claim all this, but I don't see people demonizing those countries.

    I assume you're referring to the most recent parliamentary elections, beacause you had lots of liberals and conservatives run in the presidential election last year...Once again you're correct, some candidates didn't meet eligibility requirements, but that's where the story usually ends in the media here in the west...what they don't tell you is that all those candidates appealed their decisions and a good portion were then allowed to run and some were elected and others lost their election bid

    If disseminating accurate info about Iran is defending it, I guess I'm defending Iran

    All that stuff about Israel that Ahmadinejad said was mistranslated...In a region full of despotism and authoritarianism much of it supported and sponsored by the US, Iran is a genuine democracy with legitimate elections...isn't this what the US wants in the Middle East? Let me give you one example that speaks volumes since you mentioned Saudi Arabia...women in Saudi Arabia are not even allowed to drive a car, but Iran has women running the country...Iran even has Jews and Christians running their country...very few other Middle Eastern and North African countries can claim this.

    This isn't related to the discussion...We aren't here to discuss me, we're here to discuss Iran

    I hope this doesn't affect our mutual love of everything Houston Rockets
  4. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    My dad was an Airforce pilot. after the Revolution happend, they throw him into the lockup for no apprant reason. no charges whaytsoever. trumpetup charges at best hhe was 25 at the time. the torture he went through was horrific. he still has the scars. all because he condemned khomenie and knew what kind of scum he was. anyhow after the then mollah allianged airforce cheif publicly asked for his release, he escaped to bahrain. anyhow, once iraq attacked, he immediatly went back to iran despite his life being put at risk by doing so. he flew in the iran-iraq war till 85, but once they issued another warrant for his hed, he had no choice but to run. my uncle still serves in the Airforce, whilst for saftey reasons i cannot revail where. this is the norm for hunderds of brave iranian and thousends of army men and woman who fought despite there abslout distain for the regime. they fought there arian land. not because of some dirty, backward uneducated mollah like khomenie.
  5. Cohen

    Cohen Contributing Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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    It would be nice if this spelled the end of it...but somehow I doubt it...
  6. tinman

    tinman Contributing Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    i just find it puzzling that all the iranians i know. no one really likes the goverment or had any good things to say about it.

    dude, people who are making these films that i see are iranians! its not like i'm talking to some rednecks or fat dixie chicks, they are 100% iranians.

    im just puzzled with the support of the iranian goverment. look you can talk about the US government all you want, but no one ever says it sucks to live here.

    Why are you supporting a government, who's main chant is "Death to America?". Iran is not a bad country, the people are nice, the government. that's what i dont get.

    for people who want to watch a documentary about Iran, watch this one:

    History Channel
    Tune In:
    Wednesday, June 14 @ 5pm ET/PT

    For over 25 years, "Death to America" has been the rallying cry of the Iranian government, but it's only recently that the threat has become chillingly real and the Islamic Republic of Iran has emerged as perhaps the most clear and present danger to American security. This special will explore the once proud military tradition of Iran, its recent decline in power, and the country's struggle to gain a place among the world's super powers. We will also examine evidence that shows Iran is secretly pursuing a nuclear weapon and just may intend to use on the United States or its allies.
  7. tinman

    tinman Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    I'm all with you on the Rockets. just like the Rockets you have to tell your story to prove to the crowd. I'm waiting for something.
  8. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    Thats why bahais and christians and now jews are starting to be discriminated against over again . president khatami was the only descent figure this regime ever produced. the man was alot more tolerent and fair. had he had any power, he would have made a real change. unfortunately, a loser like AN has stolen power through fraud and fake votes.

    Ahamadinejad is so delusional, he believes he is paving the way for the 13th imam to come and make the world all holly and moslim again. this is the kind of fanatics were dealing with here.
  9. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    The Iran And US realitionship is more complex then that. iran and the us Through the Swiss embassy continue there under the carpet dealings. nothing new. it's just a show. the offical term there term, no public realtions for 27 years might be right, but that dosent exclude the 27 years of secret contacts. iran also has contacts with isreal. through many channels. isreal infact helped iran's Airforce wit Maintinance and spare parts during the iraq war. many isrealie engineers were permited in a hush-hush deal to come to iran.
  10. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    Ishould have added, for everyone of those fanatical fools who say death to america, i've seen a 100 say they love america. the youths in iran love the us. they love the opportunitie and way of life many, many americans take for granted. iran is the most pro-american country in the region. dont be fooled by the mollah supporters say here. the iranian people love america.
  11. CreepyFloyd

    CreepyFloyd Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    You shouldn't interpret the chants of 'Death to America' literally, it's nice propaganda for all sides, but it's in reference to the policies of the US not the people or anything. I think we can all agree that the policies of the US in the region are screwed up. Plus, there's plenty of inflammatory rhetoric to go around on all sides.

    Also, Iran has never attacked a country in its modern history and has been the victims of occupation, imperialism, western installed dictatorships, terrorism, invasions, wmds (back when the west sponsored saddam hussein), and they literally fought for their freedom and overthrew their dictatorship...How did they become the bad guys?

    Iran is a developing country and I don't deny that there are problems in Iran just like there are problems in every country, but it doesn't take away from the positives and the legitimacy of the government and, as the articles I've posted show, Iran is striving to find solutions to its own problems...Iran refuses to become a puppet regime of the US and charts a genuine independent course for itself. What else do people want? Why is Iran more scrutinized than other countries? Iranian expats hold Iran to some unrealistic standard that they refuse to apply to other countries. I don't understand the demonization of Iran.
  12. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    Iranian-exats as you mildly put it, believe and realistcly now that the country can achive alot more then what were seeing. how can a country with the 3rd largest oil producing country, import petrol. yes import petrol. how can a country wth the 2nd biggest gas reserves, have so much poverty . more 54% of iranians live below the poverty line. most of the oil refineries are owned by the mollahs sons and families. there is a state owned mafia that controls everything that goes and comes into iran. 50% of each paykan sold in iran, goes into the supreme leaders private bank account.
  13. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    His Playing his old game. noone is demonaizing iran. there rightly pointingout that there is a dictatorship in place which is holding iran back.
  14. tinman

    tinman Contributing Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    im not demonizing iran, i just think their goverment is messing up things politically for the world, themselves, and their economy.

    people in iran are cool. when you want have a rock band or make a film, and you cant show it in your own country, thats not cool.
  15. CreepyFloyd

    CreepyFloyd Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I wasn't talking about you, but the general sentiment on this board, which is a microcosm of society here in America

    It reminds me of the Wikipedia War thread, I just couldn't figure out why somebody would only post negative info in Max's wiki entry and people here at Houston Rockets fans' site would demonize him as well...it just doesn't make sense

    The only thing Iran is doing is exercising its unalienable and legal rights as a soveriegn nation-state...I don't see how they're messing anything up in the world...Iran's never attacked a country in its modern history, again, not many countries can make this claim...This is a manufactured crisis by the US...They always have to have a foreign boogeyman to demonize in order to deflect attention away from domestic problems from the Soviet Union to Castro to Ortega to Khomeini to Qaddafi to Saddam to Chavez etc...
  16. tinman

    tinman Contributing Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    The state of the world isnt comparable to the legend of maxwell.

    you are denying that Iran has done NOTHING wrong and is some UTOPIAN government, which is far far from the truth.

    So are you saying Iran, Cuba, Venezeula are the great model countries in the world?

    Why are people from Cuba drowning to get to the USA?
    do you know how dirt poor people are in Cuba? Did you know that Cuba canceled a latin hip hop because the government didnt want them blasting hip hop?

    A coworker went to Uraguay, and he had to be escorted by military dudes with bullet proof vests to a wedding. You think that country doesnt have problems?

    Crisis is real in the world. I'm not the one saying the US is perfect, we had our share of screwing things up.

    You know if you said France or Canada or Germany or something as a better society than the US, than maybe you have an argument, but IRAN??

    You still havent given me a great story on why Iranians have it so good in IRAN.

    The ONLY Iranians who have it good are living in USA. Are they not true Iranians if they were forced into exile to save their lively hoods and careers and to give their children freedom? I want this questioned answered.
  17. CreepyFloyd

    CreepyFloyd Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I agree Vernon Maxwell is a hero and a Houston Rockets legend, which makes it even more inexplicable why people on this site say the most vile things about/towards him.

    [/QUOTE]you are denying that Iran has done NOTHING wrong and is some UTOPIAN government, which is far far from the truth.[/QUOTE]

    I'm not sure what you're referring to...If you're talking about their nuclear program, no they haven't done anything illegal...If you have any specifics you want to discuss, I would be more than happy to talk about them with you

    I never said Iran was a utopia, no place is, I've said on many ocassions that Iran has problems, but that doesn't negate the positives and harping on the negatives alone demonstrates an agenda

    [/QUOTE]So are you saying Iran, Cuba, Venezeula are the great model countries in the world?[/QUOTE]

    I don't think any countries are great model countries for others...each country should chart an independent path and course for itself...The countries you mentioned are doing just this, which is one of the reasons they're vilified...Iran and Venezuela are both democracies, thus, the destiny of these countries is in the hands of their people...Cuba has also done a great job in the fields of education, health care, agriculture and has done a lot of humanitarian work in this world and yes all have problems just like many other countries

    [/QUOTE]Why are people from Cuba drowning to get to the USA?
    do you know how dirt poor people are in Cuba?[/QUOTE]

    You're always gonna have people unhappy with the status quo and people who wanna leave...I'm not sure if you're familiar with the story of Assata Shakur (godmother of 2pac), she escaped persecution here in America and received political asylum in Cuba

    I'm sure there's poverty in Cuba, but Cuba also has universal health care and free higher education and takes in poor people from all over the world to give them an opporutnity to acquire a decent education...there's poverty everywhere...go to 3rd and 5th ward in Houston or go to Harlem, Coney Island, Jamaica Queens and the Marcy Projects here in NYC and see what their opnions of the US government are...Most don't make it out like Jay-Z, Telfair, Marbury etc...But does any of this negate the positives in America or Cuba? I don't think so

    [/QUOTE]A coworker went to Uraguay, and he had to be escorted by military dudes with bullet proof vests to a wedding. You think that country doesnt have problems?[/QUOTE]

    Every country has problems, but what's the use, unless there's some sort of humanitairan crisis, of singling out one or two, demonizing them, and just harping on the negatives if there's not an agenda

    [/QUOTE]Crisis is real in the world. I'm not the one saying the US is perfect, we had our share of screwing things up.

    You know if you said France or Canada or Germany or something as a better society than the US, than maybe you have an argument, but IRAN??[/QUOTE]

    I never said Iran was better than any country...It would be silly to try and compare Iran as a whole to the countries you mentioned, because Iranian society, history, culture, politics, etc...are much different than in France, Canada, Germany etc...Iran is a developing country and they're doing just that, developing. I was simply saying Iran used to be a dictatorship, but now is ruled by the people and it doesn't suppress women, it's NEVER attacked another country in its modern history, and has continued to develop socially, politically, militarily, technologically, and scientifically since the victory of the revolution of 1979, and all this has been done in a very hostile international climate vis-a-vis Iran

    [/QUOTE]You still havent given me a great story on why Iranians have it so good in IRAN.[/QUOTE]

    Good is a subjective term...what one person might consider good another might not...What about India? Do Indians have it good in India? India is definitely a regional power like Iran, but there's a great deal of poverty there as well. The majority of Iranians are glad that they don't live under a US installed dictatorship anymore and aren't kidnapped, tortured, and executed for presenting a dissenting view...The majority of Iranians are glad that their country is truly independent just look at the vast support for the nuclear program amongst Iranians...The majority of Iranians also participate in the political process as well, which demonstrates the legitimacy of the government (if they didn't believe in their system, they wouldn't go out and vote like they do)and, as I said earlier every political leader, even the so-called "Supreme Leader," is elected...there was NO political process under the shah, it was an absolute dictatorship...If compared to the corruption, lack of political freedom, and brutal dictatorship of the shah, who killed 10,000 innocent people in one day in June 1963 and had tens of thousands of political prisoners including Iran's best and brightest tortured and murdered, then Iran definitely today is a much better place...Iranians have a history of violently rising up against their government when it is unjust, just look at the revolution of 1979...How come no Iranians are doing this today? How come there are no acts of terrorism like there are in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Morrocco in Iran today? I think the relative stability of Iran speaks volumes about how people feel about their government and its legitimacy.

    [/QUOTE]The ONLY Iranians who have it good are living in USA. Are they not true Iranians if they were forced into exile to save their lively hoods and careers and to give their children freedom? I want this questioned answered.[/QUOTE]

    Again, this is very subjective...There were many people who benefitted from the high degree of corruption of the previous regime and yes many of them also had to leave, because of their association with this same brutal dictatorship once the Iranian people overthrew it in a revolution in 1979...Iranian expats who villify Iran really have no legitimacy in doing so, because they don't live in Iran, thus, they're not responsible for what goes on there

    I would caution you in getting all your information about Iran from the US government, mainstream media, and disgruntled expats...If all I heard was negativity about Vernon Maxwell, I would assume he was a terrible person...Try looking at neutral indicators like stats on education, civil society, health care, strength and durability of institutions, contestation and participation in Iranian elections etc...
  18. CreepyFloyd

    CreepyFloyd Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    Sorry I messed up on the quotes when I first submitted my reply, this one is much easier to read

    I agree Vernon Maxwell is a hero and a Houston Rockets legend, which makes it even more inexplicable why people on this site say the most vile things about/towards him.

    I'm not sure what you're referring to...If you're talking about their nuclear program, no they haven't done anything illegal...If you have any specifics you want to discuss, I would be more than happy to talk about them with you

    I never said Iran was a utopia, no place is, I've said on many ocassions that Iran has problems, but that doesn't negate the positives and harping on the negatives alone demonstrates an agenda

    I don't think any countries are great model countries for others...each country should chart an independent path and course for itself...The countries you mentioned are doing just this, which is one of the reasons they're vilified...Iran and Venezuela are both democracies, thus, the destiny of these countries is in the hands of their people...Cuba has also done a great job in the fields of education, health care, agriculture and has done a lot of humanitarian work in this world and yes all have problems just like many other countries

    You're always gonna have people unhappy with the status quo and people who wanna leave...I'm not sure if you're familiar with the story of Assata Shakur (godmother of 2pac), she escaped persecution here in America and received political asylum in Cuba

    I'm sure there's poverty in Cuba, but Cuba also has universal health care and free higher education and takes in poor people from all over the world to give them an opporutnity to acquire a decent education...there's poverty everywhere...go to 3rd and 5th ward in Houston or go to Harlem, Coney Island, Jamaica Queens and the Marcy Projects here in NYC and see what their opnions of the US government are...Most don't make it out like Jay-Z, Telfair, Marbury etc...But does any of this negate the positives in America or Cuba? I don't think so

    Every country has problems, but what's the use, unless there's some sort of humanitairan crisis, of singling out one or two, demonizing them, and just harping on the negatives if there's not an agenda

    I never said Iran was better than any country...It would be silly to try and compare Iran as a whole to the countries you mentioned, because Iranian society, history, culture, politics, etc...are much different than in France, Canada, Germany etc...Iran is a developing country and they're doing just that, developing. I was simply saying Iran used to be a dictatorship, but now is ruled by the people and it doesn't suppress women, it's NEVER attacked another country in its modern history, and has continued to develop socially, politically, militarily, technologically, and scientifically since the victory of the revolution of 1979, and all this has been done in a very hostile international climate vis-a-vis Iran

    Good is a subjective term...what one person might consider good another might not...What about India? Do Indians have it good in India? India is definitely a regional power like Iran, but there's a great deal of poverty there as well. The majority of Iranians are glad that they don't live under a US installed dictatorship anymore and aren't kidnapped, tortured, and executed for presenting a dissenting view...The majority of Iranians are glad that their country is truly independent just look at the vast support for the nuclear program amongst Iranians...The majority of Iranians also participate in the political process as well, which demonstrates the legitimacy of the government (if they didn't believe in their system, they wouldn't go out and vote like they do)and, as I said earlier every political leader, even the so-called "Supreme Leader," is elected...there was NO political process under the shah, it was an absolute dictatorship...If compared to the corruption, lack of political freedom, and brutal dictatorship of the shah, who killed 10,000 innocent people in one day in June 1963 and had tens of thousands of political prisoners including Iran's best and brightest tortured and murdered, then Iran definitely today is a much better place...Iranians have a history of violently rising up against their government when it is unjust, just look at the revolution of 1979...How come no Iranians are doing this today? How come there are no acts of terrorism like there are in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Morrocco in Iran today? I think the relative stability of Iran speaks volumes about how people feel about their government and its legitimacy.

    Again, this is very subjective...There were many people who benefitted from the high degree of corruption of the previous regime and yes many of them also had to leave, because of their association with this same brutal dictatorship once the Iranian people overthrew it in a revolution in 1979...Iranian expats who villify Iran really have no legitimacy in doing so, because they don't live in Iran, thus, they're not responsible for what goes on there

    I would caution you in getting all your information about Iran from the US government, mainstream media, and disgruntled expats...If all I heard was negativity about Vernon Maxwell, I would assume he was a terrible person...Try looking at neutral indicators like stats on education, civil society, health care, strength and durability of institutions, contestation and participation in Iranian elections etc...
  19. blazer_ben

    blazer_ben Rookie

    May 21, 2002
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    Many iranians vote hence the regimes popularity. what he fails to mention is that goverment workers, students and union leaders are forced to vote. if they dont have the voting stamp on there birth certificates, they cant participate in University, workers wont recive there monthly pay( most workers dont anyway) and so on.

    The 10,ooo figure of shah killed was blownup by a regime official. who said all throughout shah's regin, no more then 3,200 people were killed. also he fails to mention the avge iranian had a better standard of life and wages. the health care and wealfare for it's time was one of the best in the world. now it's the complete opposite.

    tHE PART ABOUT WHY IRANIANS ARE NOT STANDINGUP, BECAUSE THIS REGIME WILL KILL EVERY-SINGLE ONE OF THE INDIVIDUALS who would standup to them. plus there is no real opposition in exile. had there been a organised altanative, iranians would revolt even if there lives would be taken from them. in 1999 students revolted and look what happen to them. hunders if not thousends were killed. in 2003 they revolted and were torn apart by the regimes foreign born security forces. many of there thugs are either syrian or palestinian.
  20. tinman

    tinman Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    please dont compare this to maxwell. keep the rockets stuff in the rockets forum.

    creepy. you can't compare Cuba to the fifth ward, people in the fifth ward at least eat food and have electricity.

    uhh. i believe my friends creepy if their parents had suffered in iran, i dont think they made this crap up for some fun coffee table talk.

    dont compare it to tupac either.

    you still havent given me a good reason why iran is such a great place. the cuba thing is all wrong. its a dictatorship and the standard of living for the average cuban is horrible.

    why are you using the WORST REGIMES IN THE WORLD as an example? why not say that North Korea has it good? what about Nazi germany?

    look i understand, maybe you are iranian and you are defensive, but there's no way that your opinion is weighed more than people who had lived there. hey, i never suffered under iran, but when i mention other people do, i think you should respect their stories because they are real. i dont people make this crap up. so you basically are calling my friends liars or people who make documentaries about suffering liars. people suffer in the US, and if they make a documentary about it, then you'd believe it. but if a woman makes a documentary about hardships such as horrible divorce laws in Iran, then you call her a liar?
    #60 tinman, Jun 9, 2006
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2006

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