Y'all know I love to play devil's advocate if not devil's haircut... But I freaking love Guero -- it is on heavy play rotation now in che B-Bob.
I saw him on SNL last night and thought the first song sucked a$$. VERY unoriginal and lacking of any substance. The second song was ok, but nothing to write home about. I haven't heard any of the rest of the album, so I'll leave it at that and stick to his older stuff.
im not as into the album yet as some others, but i must say i thought the performance last night was really good. beck on guitar, w/ bass, keys, drums and a "dancer" who beat on a garbage can at the end of each song. very stripped down and dare i say, "garagey", but in a beck kind of way. more guitar oriented than the album. definately alot different from beck's past touring bands. i wonder is this is who he takes out on the road.