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NCAA throws out Memphis’ Final Four run

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by GRENDEL, Aug 20, 2009.


    GRENDEL Member

    Nov 21, 2002
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    Didn't see it posted, if it is, lock it up.

    NCAA throws out Memphis’ Final Four run
    By MICHAEL MAROT, AP Sports Writer
    10 minutes ago

    INDIANAPOLIS (AP)—The NCAA has forced Memphis to give up its 38 victories from the Final Four season of 2007-08 under former coach John Calipari because of an ineligible player.

    The announcement came Thursday, 16 months after the Tigers lost to Kansas in the title game. Calipari has moved on to become the coach at Kentucky.

    AP - Aug 20, 9:31 am EDT 1 of 15 NCAAB Gallery The NCAA also said the school must return the money it received from the NCAA tournament appearance. School officials were expected to discuss the report later Thursday.

    The NCAA said a player had someone else take his SAT exam, allowing him to attend Memphis. The player was not identified in the report, although material previously released by the governing body indicates it could only be Derrick Rose, the Chicago Bulls’ No. 1 overall draft pick in 2008 and the NBA rookie of the year.

    The NCAA also said a man, believed to be Rose’s brother, received free transportation and board during away games that season.

  2. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    like this really does anything

    what about all those fans of the teams that lost to memphis

    like in my case UCLA lost to memphis that year in the final four we could/should have been in the title game if Rose was playing "illegaly"

    but of course no one can go back and change any of that now.

    this is one of those silly "principle" thing that has no practical value whatsoever really.

    memphis already made its money from that season just have it wiped from the record books make no difference to them since they didnt win it all
  3. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    i'm sure that makes the 5 teams Memphis beat to get to the championship feel so much better.
  4. Baseballa

    Baseballa Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Yep. As a 'Horns fan, this takes away all the sting of watching Augustin go down in flames in his last college game.
  5. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I like Coach Cal
    I hate how the coach kind of can walk away from the program unscathed by this
    Coaches just gotta catch wind of the investigation
    then he can get in the wind . .. and goes unpunished
    as long as he is gone before the hammer falls

    Rocket River
  6. FlyerFanatic

    Supporting Member

    Mar 25, 2002
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    how can you like cal? he's always leaving programs with problems. hes ridiculously shady, he wins, and i'm sure he'll win at UK, so the fans wont mind. they'll be angry once he bolts and UK is stuck in a eddie sutton ordeal all over again.

    its not to say cal is the only coach, doing this, its just its been numerous times. i get he cant check to see if rose is taking his SAT, but the whole money for charter flights ordeal or whatever. on top of it, he's been under scrutiny for the whole hiring a players family member/adviser to his staff.

    again all this happens probably everywhere, but man, cal needs to get a freakin clue.
  7. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I don't know him personally
    but In his interviews he seem to be an ok guy

    Rocket River
  8. FlyerFanatic

    Supporting Member

    Mar 25, 2002
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    im not saying hes a bad guy, he seems nice enough. i'm talking about the way he goes about his business in running his programs/teams...seems shady to me, even though he has never had anything happen to him, programs he has been at are being punished.
  9. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    He has a clue. His $31.65 million contract shows that.

    <a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/john calipari money/Hypertech_photos/CalMoney.jpg?o=1" target="_blank"><img src="http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc308/Hypertech_photos/CalMoney.jpg" border="0"></a>
  10. Baqui99

    Baqui99 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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    Calipari is dirty, filthy piece of trash. There's some pretty interesting stories out there about Tyreke Evans' recruitment as well.
  11. FlyerFanatic

    Supporting Member

    Mar 25, 2002
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    haha thats great :D
  12. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Now that is funny

    Rocket River
    I think there is one with Cato in it
  13. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    The NCAA needs to change its sanction policies and follow the coach. Memphis should be sanctioned, UMass should have been, but you can't let the coach run away untouched. Restrictions should follow that coach so he can't just pack up and a find a better job. If a coach leaves, is hired, then sanctioned the new hiring school should have the ability to terminate the contract at no penalty if it chooses to.

    The only way to clean this crap up is to get vigilant about it. It will continue to happen otherwise and face it... if you don't hear about it until 2-3yrs later you don't really get as worked up about it do you?
  14. Hayesfan

    Hayesfan Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    The problem isn't with the Universities... it's with the NCAA.

    The NCAA cleared him to play.

    The NCAA said that everything was complete and legal.

    Then when someone comes up and says oh, no he did this, the NCAA says You're guilty, prove your not.

    The NCAA then picks and chooses who to punish, not necessarily the right people.

    The NCAA has crappy people making crappy rules then crappy investigations and crappy allegations then blaming every crappy other person when they are wrong.

    The whole system is a sham. Makes me sad to be an NCAA fan.

    Edit: and if you think the backlash is bad on him now... let one HINT of a NCAA illegality while he's at UK reach the ears of some of the more rabid UK fans.

    Calipari won't leave Lexington alive and I am only slightly exaggerating. You think it was bad what they did to Tubby... oh no. It will be much much worse.
    1 person likes this.
  15. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I'm almost ready to agree with you. Calipari will eventually get caught at UK. After all this flak (unless he's blown it already), he probably won't do anything stupid for a couple of years or longer. But old habits die hard. Caliparai will win at first but eventually a firecracker will blow up in UK's face.

    Hayesfan, don't get to hyped up abouting winning games because the hammer will fall on UK when you least expect it. Maybe it's just me, but every time I watch UK play, the Memphis stink will be on my mind.
  16. Fatty FatBastard

    Jul 13, 2001
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    I'm awed. How a girl can think like a guy is amazing.

    And you're exactly right. The NCAA picks and chooses who to go after, much like the Mitchell report.

    Until there is equality, I'm losing interest.

    Haves vs. have nots is bull****.

    Memphis has to forfeit every game. In the Meantime USC gets off scott free.
  17. Hayesfan

    Hayesfan Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    USC, Duke... there are several instances where guilt was ADMITTED and they still haven't done anything.

    And thank you, I think, about thinking like a guy. I do have girl thoughts as well, but sports thoughts typically have to have a guys perspective.

    It's sort of frustrating to see, but we knew going in that he had that suspicion about how he was getting those great recruits. The thing is, UK has a really really really anal woman in charge of keeping everything copacetic. I mean Sandy is a beast woman... she told off Ashley Judd for crying out loud ;)

    I hope and pray that he doesn't need special circumstances to recruit at UK. We give him all the advantages that he wouldn't have at another school, so my fingers are crossed.

    I can't live though another probation period. Lord how I hated Eddie Sutton.
  18. reckonerone42

    reckonerone42 Member

    Jun 26, 2009
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    Calipari is the slimiest coach in any sport today. He just lets William Wesley (aka World Wide Wes) do all the dirty work for him in recruiting. Those two just make me sick and now, as a Vandy student, I'll have to put up with their slimeball crap just down the road in the same conference. I don't often feel the need to puke, but Calipari makes me want to give myself the hydrogen peroxide treatment. Seriously, even his hair is all greasy and slimy.

    For more reading on World Wide Wes, see




    (The third article is linked in the TrueHoop blog, but is the best of the three)

  19. bloop

    bloop Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    well... this action singlehandedly basically prevents Calipari from being inducted into the Hall of Fame on any level. agreed that it doesn't do **** to hurt Memphis going forward but you seem to have the NCAA confused with Quantum Leap, the NCAA is populated by real world humans who dont have the means to go back in time and set right what was once went wrong. the NCAA is simply addressing a violation that has been brought to its attention without making the current coach and players of Memphis team pay for something they themselves didn't do

    as usual PPL get this wrong. I was laughing all day at these talking heads who go on and on about how "the wrong person" is getting punished and how Calipari got off scott free. the only person who is going to have any repercussions from this IS CALIPARI. Memphis isn't going to be affected going forward but Calipari will NEVER get what he needs most : Validation as one of the best coaches and his job recruiting will become harder with this stigma (which other programs will of course exploit as well)

    The problem certainly isn't with the NCAA. If you're arguing that the clearinghouse cleared him and ergo NCAA was negligent in its oversight then logically you also must point fingers at the AD, coach and UNIVERSITY who are closer to the situation and thus more responsible and more negligent in its oversight.

    It's ironic to QQ at the NCAA for its inconsistencies when your own finger pointing is selective. In other words if you believe the NCAA was negligent and that negligence constitutes complicity then you MUST logically also indict the UNIVERSITY, COACH and everyone else who had oversight EQUALLY, not just the NCAA. If the NCAA somehow is now to blame because a kid cheated on a test then the coach, AD, University, high school, AAU coach etc etc are all somehow responsible for the kid cheating

    I tend to be old fashioned think that the blame should go to the person who did the crime: the cheater himself instead of kicking blame up the totem pole to the NCAA or the University or whoever like everyone is doing. But even if we play the blame game... mechanically what the NCAA would be guilty of and what Calipari would be guilty of is not the same. After all I dont think even UK fans would be delusional enough to say that the NCAA LOOKED the other way to the cheating... the most you can say is that it screwed up... that's very different from a university or coach enabling the cheating

    whatever crappy rules the NCAA has, it's hard to say that no-no to cheating on your college boards is a crappy rule. in fact it kind of seems like a good rule. I'm not sure how enforcing a specific violation it has proof on is a "sham." seems more like it'd be a sham if they sat on it for appearance's sake because they're afraid someone will start talking about Duke

    if you're a UK fan the person you should be pissed at is Barnhart, first for blindly swinging for a homerun with BCG against all logic and again for caving in and hiring Calipari who everyone knew had big question marks and a worse reputation than Eddie Sutton. to the outside world outside of Big Blue Nation blaming the NCAA for doing its job for once is plain homerism... nor do most of the other 350 million Americans buy that the NCAA has it in for UK specifically (via Memphis of all things)
  20. Hayesfan

    Hayesfan Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    Where in any of that does it prove that Calipari is slime and Worldwide Wes has done anything bad?

    I'm not angry at anyONE. I am angry at the screwed up institution that is the NCAA. I am sorry but the whole idea of punishing by "vacating their season" is stupid. The fact that a kid is guilty unless the university proves he's innocent is unconstitutional. The fact that the NCAA committee has the only say as to how and who is punished is a gross inequality.

    There needs to be some sort of changes made before someone has to wipe out a championship and some losing team gets a stupid asterisk next to a game they didn't win.

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