It was an insensitive and stupid thing to say, but he wasn't drawing a parallel between the two. He was saying people would overreact to the Heat losing as if it were something truly important, like Sept. 11. He was NOT saying the two are equivalent. He was criticizing other people for not having their priorities straight. The ironic thing is, he was making a point about people overreacting, and now people are overreacting to his poor choice of words, and misconstruing what he was saying. I think people have decided the Heat are the new team they're going to love to hate, and they're going to jump on any faux pas a Heat player makes, even to the point of exaggerating how bad it is. People, especially people in the public eye, sometimes phrase things inappropriately or say something they wish they could take back. It's going to happen. Cut the guy a little slack. We can see his intent wasn't bad; he just wasn't thinking. That said, his non-apology (I'm sorry if you were offended; it wasn't my fault -- it was taken out of context.) was weak. But let's keep things in perspective, folks.
if it takes this much to explain what he was really trying to say, then he shouldn't have said anything at all. sounds like he made the comment meaning that it'll be a tragedy if they lose 3-4 in a row. then after his PR people saw it, they concocted this excuse to cover his a$$.
I think we all agree that he should not have said this word, it was in poor taste, but the media and some in this thread are severely overreacting. I understood completely what he was trying to say. It's context, the reports are just taking a single line from an entire quote and thus they are misrepresenting what he said.
I dont think people are necesarily blowing this out of proportion. Its mainly cooler talk about the latest news out of Miami. Their quotes are being scrutinized heavily ever since they decided to play together. If nothing else Wade made a bad choice of words at a time when people are focusing on him the most. What he should have said was: "If we lose 3 or four games in a row people are going to act like Im comparing basketball to the WTC tragedy and completely blow it out of proportion"
There is this word you call "Tact" - it is a skill of avoidance in stating things that may offend. A lack of this would label someone as " tactless'. The mere assumption that people would overreact to a trivial losing streak in basketball in such manner is quite self centered, like the whole world revolves around the three divas.
I wonder what they will say next. My money is on Bosh saying something along the lines of "when we win 5 games in a row, it will be like dropping the bomb on Hiroshima."
Is it just me or did those comments not seem all that offensive? People please stop freaking out over small things like this, he was just trying to make an analogy.