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my hair is on fire!

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by thegary, Mar 19, 2022.

  1. Newlin

    Newlin Member

    May 22, 2015
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    Stop it. He’s only posted in this thread 147 times.:D
  2. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  3. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Hey @Os Trigonum can you show where Turley demanded a investigation into the 2 billion dollar saudi deal that jared got ? Can you show me where he demanded an investigation into ivanka trumps 300 million dollar chinnese business while she was a official employee of the government?

    The reason nobody takes you folks seriously is you folks are hypercritics are full of ****. Folks like turley are partisan losers who are begging to be in the next gop administration. The fact that you repost them as some non partisan writer shows how pathetic your resources are.
    #923 astros123, May 15, 2023
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
  4. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    Has Comer found his lost informant yet?

    Word on the street is the informant was last heard insisting the story was not about them.
    FranchiseBlade and Ottomaton like this.
  5. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Lets not forget that Ivanka trump patents were fast tracked by the CCP at the same time trump was negotiating the trade deals. imagine if hunter biden was doing business in a country where Biden was about to sign a treaty. Could you folks imagine the outrage that would come from right wing trolls? Could you imagine how mad the right wing trolls @basso would be?

    Yet when their cult leader family members enriched themselves for years while being offical diplomats of the usa none of these trolls ever said a thing. All the right wing outrage over hunter shows to you how much of a joke the right is. These folks are nothing but trolls


    You want to talk about corruption look at the Trump admin
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  6. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    Donna Reed broken. records.gif

    I'm not the story here
    Nook likes this.
  7. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    There's too much noise to track this story on this thread.

    Targeting Joe's family for influence peddling sounds low (prob why Americans are ignoring it for now), but I'm fine with this being the new normal if the end result are reforms for an inherently and openly corrupt system.

    Tick tock Clarence.

    www.usatoday.com /story/news/politics/2023/03/16/house-republicans-hunter-biden-china/11484189002/
    House GOP: Hunter Biden, others got $1.3M from business associate linked to China
    5-7 minutes
    • The Oversight and Accountability Committee identified $1.3 million paid to Hunter Biden, others.
    • The panel said payments also went to James and Hallie Biden, and companies associated with Bidens.
    • Democrats have dismissed the inquiry as a hyper-partisan attack aimed at President Joe Biden.

    WASHINGTON – House Republicans announced Thursday that President Joe Biden’s relatives received a combined $1.3 million from a business associate with links to China, the latest salvo in an investigation the Biden administration has dismissed as politically motivated.

    Hunter Biden, the president’s son; James Biden, the president’s brother; Hallie Biden, the president’s daughter-in-law; and a fourth unnamed Biden received the payments from business associate Rob Walker, according to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. The money was paid out after Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from a Chinese company, according to the panel.

    “It is unclear what services were provided to obtain this exorbitant amount of money,” said the chairman, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky.

    Comer said he released the memo in response to criticism from the top Democrat on the panel, Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who said the panel was prying into private lives of Biden family business associates by subpoenaing banking records.

    A White House spokesman, Ian Sams, slammed the "bizarre" release. Previously, the White House had dismissed the inquiries into Hunter Biden as hyper partisan and politically motivated.

    Here’s where the investigation stands:
    What did Comer release?
    Comer released figures from banking records from 2015 to 2017, from Walker’s account to several accounts of President Biden’s relatives, from a period when he was vice president until just after he left the Obama administration. The release doesn't detail the full $1.3 million during that time period.

    But the payments ranged from $5,000 to $300,000, either to Biden relatives or to companies linked to them such as Owasco PC, First Clearing LLC, JBBSR Inc. and RSTP II LLC.

    When were the payments made?
    Comer’s timeline for payments while Joe Biden was vice president:

    • Nov. 5, 2015, Walker received a wire transfer of $179,837 from an account the committee continues to investigate.
    • Nov. 6, 2015, Walker transferred $59,900 to his personal checking account.
    • Nov. 9, 2015, Walker wired $59,900 from his personal checking account to Hunter Biden.
    Under Comer’s timeline, the bulk of the payments were made after Joe Biden left the vice presidency:

    • March 1, 2017, State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese energy company, wired $3 million to Robinson Walker LLC. At the time, the account had a balance of $159,000.
    • March 2, 2017, Walker wired nearly $1.1 million to European Energy and Infrastructure Group in Abu Dhabi. Comer said the company is linked to James Gilliar, a business partner of Hunter Biden.
    • March 6 and 13, April 21 and May 17: Walker wires a combined $70,000 to an unnamed Biden.
    • March 20, 2017, Walker wires $25,000 to Hallie Biden.
    • March 27 and 31 and April 18, 2017, Walker wires a combined $500,000 to Owasco.
    • March 29, 2017, Walker wires First Clearing $100,000.
    • April 3, 20 and 24 and May 18, 2017, Walker wires JBBSR a combined $360,000
    • April 14, 2017, Walker wires $10,692 to RSTP.
    The committee also found a $10,000 payment to Hallie Biden on Feb. 13, 2017 – before the Chinese wire transfer. Hunter Biden began dating Hallie, the widow of his brother Beau, in 2016, according to a New Yorker profile. The two exchanged payments during this period, according to emails on a Hunter Biden laptop turned over to the FBI.

    “After a disgusting attack lamenting that the president’s deceased son Beau was never prosecuted while he was alive, Congressman Comer has now decided to go after Beau’s widow," said Sams, the White House spokesman. "Instead of bizarrely attacking the president’s family, perhaps House Republicans should focus on working with the president to deliver results for American families on important priorities like lowering costs and strengthening health care.”

    How did Democrats on the panel respond?
    Raskin, the top Democrat on the committee, said after four years of investigations in the House and Senate into Hunter Biden, Republicans found no conection to the president or any other government official.

    "It must be frustrating to my GOP colleagues to have even Fox News commentators rolling their eyes about this tiresome fishing expedition, but I want to stress that there always remains the possibility of doing serious bipartisan legislative oversight work together," Raskin said.

    What comes next?
    The release Thursday was part of wide-ranging investigations by House Republicans into Joe Biden and his relatives, which Democrats dismissed as politically motivated.

    Comer has subpoenaed banking records linked to Hunter and James Biden and others. Committee investigators will review those Treasury Department reports to see where they lead.

    In response to the banking subpoena, Raskin criticized committee Republicans for dropping a demand for financial records from former President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA.

    “While I concur that the ethics and disclosure laws governing Executive Branch officials demand reform, as the actions of the Trump Administration have demonstrated, the actions you have taken are inconsistent with a good faith interest in this matter," Raskin said.​
    Nook likes this.

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    What`s good for one party is good for the other, if any of the Biden`s did ANYTHING illegal, then they should be prosecuted and both parties should feel some shame..........I just have to wonder when Comer and Jordan wil look into the trump kids, the only clap back I have seen is that the trumps were business people who knew what they were doing and Hunter had no clue what he was doing.........typical gop okie doke
  9. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    There's not too much "noise." Its pretty simple. @Os Trigonum and his buddy @basso spun braindead conspiracies for 40+ pages claiming Biden was part of this huge conspiracy. The same conspiracies they spin about biden is exactly what trump had done for 4+ years with real evidence. They don't care

    There's not one shred of evidence after months of investigating that biden is part of anything illegal. There was no evidence of influence or pay for play. Nothing. Nada.

    Did Hunter do shaddy things ? Yes. Is he responsible for it personally and should he be investigated personally? Yes. Nothing connects POTUS in any way shape or form.

    They spun conspiracies for 40+ pages because their party is imploding with domestic terrorists.
    #929 astros123, May 15, 2023
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
  10. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    can't speak for @basso but I've been a registered Democrat for over 40 years
  11. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Everybody is waking up to GOP bullshit. gop can't spin baseless braindead conspiracies then don't have the goods to back it up. It's funny watching foxnews hosts realize how full of **** the gop is yet the right wing trolls here cling onto them.

    Right wingers are genuinely the dumbest people alive today.
  12. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  13. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    May 7 2023 10:03 AM
    President Biden Needs To Stop Commenting on Justice Department Investigations
    by jgoldsmith

    “My son has done nothing wrong. I trust him. I have faith in him.” So said President Biden on Friday, May 5, when NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle asked him how the Justice Department’s potential charges against his son Hunter might affect his presidency. Other than former President Trump’s incessant self-serving commentary on Justice Department matters during his presidency—a large qualification, to be sure!—Biden’s statement was one of the most egregious and ill-timed breaches of the norms of Justice Department independence since Watergate. And it is not the first time he has breached the norm as president.

    The relevant norm is that, despite the president’s authority under Article II to direct criminal investigations, presidents should not be involved in, or comment on, pending Justice Department investigations, especially ones that impact the president and other senior executive branch officials.

    Former President Obama violated this norm when he said in October 2015, in the midst of the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails: “I don’t think it posed a national security problem. This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.” The director of the FBI at the time, James Comey, later noted that Obama’s comments “seemed to absolve [Clinton] before a final determination was made” and could lead an outside observer to reasonably wonder, “how on earth could his Department of Justice do anything other than follow his lead?” The inspector general report on the Clinton email matter makes plain that Obama’s comments, and related ones later by Obama Press Secretary Josh Earnest, caused significant consternation in the Justice Department and the FBI because they appeared to prejudge or interfere with the investigation. The comments contributed—there were many other factors in play as well—to the sharp public contestation over the legitimacy of the Clinton case’s resolution.

    Commentary on and interference in Justice Department matters was of course commonplace during the Trump administration. President Trump very often publicly engaged with ongoing criminal investigations, including of himself, and was widely criticized for doing so—not just by politicians, commentators, and the press, but by Attorney General Barr as well. Trump’s ceaseless commentary on Department of Justice investigations was near the top of the list of his worst norm-breaking actions.

    President Biden came to office promising to restore norms of Justice Department independence. And yet Biden has been a serial norm-breaker in commenting on sensitive Justice Department investigations.

    Biden’s son Hunter has been under investigation, dating back to 2018, for various crimes related to his overseas business ties, income tax matters, and truthfulness on gun-purchasing paperwork. It was reported last fall that federal investigators believed they have a “viable criminal case.” A few weeks ago there were reports that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss—a Trump holdover—was considering “two misdemeanor counts for failure to file taxes, a single felony count of tax evasion related to a business expense for one year of taxes, and the gun charge, also a potential felony.” Apparently Hunter’s lawyers recently met with Justice Department prosecutors to discuss the matter. On May 3, two days before Biden’s comment, the Washington Post reported that “Prosecutors are nearing a decision on whether to charge President Biden’s son Hunter with tax- and gun-related violations.”

    Attorney General Garland has insisted that he has not and will not interfere in the Hunter Biden investigation. But “the investigator overseeing the Internal Revenue Service’s portion” of the Hunter Biden case has alleged “an array of misconduct including political meddling,” and has further implied that Garland was untruthful in testifying that Weiss has been free to run the Hunter Biden investigation as he saw fit.

    The Justice Department investigation of Hunter Biden is thus both sensitive and fraught—even more so, perhaps, than its ongoing aggressive investigations of Biden’s former and possibly future opponent for the presidency, Donald Trump. And President Biden’s inappropriate commentary on Hunter’s case, and innocence, could not have come at a worse time, right on the eve of a charging decision, and just after a credible allegation of political meddling. However understandable it might be for a father to express confidence in a son, and however rowdy House republicans are acting toward Hunter, this is a very serious violation of the norm.

    It is hard for me to believe that Biden’s comment will actually impact what the prosecutors decide to do; if anything, it will make exonerating Hunter harder. But that does not make the statement any less bad. One can be sure that the comment was unwelcome in the Justice Department, FBI, and IRS, just as Obama’s was unwelcome in the bureaucracy in 2016, and just as many of Trump’s were unwelcome in his Justice Department. One can also be sure that the comment will be used to question the legitimacy of any close call by federal officials in Hunter’s favor. Biden’s statement is impossible to unwind. And it will taint his Justice Department’s investigations in other contexts, especially since this is not the first time Biden has crossed the line of Justice Department independence.

    In October 2021 Biden stated his hope that the Jan. 6 Committee “goes after [the Jan. 6 defendants] and holds them accountable criminally,” and added that he hoped the Department of Justice would prosecute those who defy congressional subpoenas. The Justice Department subsequently proclaimed its independence, and Biden later stated that “The way I said it was not appropriate.” Biden also raised concerns after the Justice Department search of Mar-a-Lago that Trump may have compromised sensitive data, and he called the storage of the documents there “irresponsible,” though he added that he had not inquired about the specifics of the search because “I don’t want to get myself in the middle of whether or not the Justice Department should move or not move on certain actions they could take.” This comment was bad enough, but it was made worse when Biden again commented on the Trump document situation in an effort to distinguish and exonerate himself from his own classified documents imbroglio, which was also under investigation by the Justice Department.

    There is no sugar-coating all of this. Biden’s statement about Hunter was wrong. And in combination with his other statements about ongoing investigations, it is terrible for the Justice Department as it seeks to negotiate tricky decisions about the Hunter, Donald Trump, the whistleblower claim related to Hunter, and, perhaps (this is way too early to assess) the new claim about Biden’s alleged wrongdoing as vice president. The legitimacy of Justice Department decisions in highly political contexts that impact the president is hard enough to achieve without self-serving commentary from the president. Such commentary makes the Justice Department’s task much, much harder. Which is the point of the norm.

  14. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Yeah, right.
    Rashmon and astros123 like this.
  15. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Hes a "democrat" like James harden is a superstar.
    Mr.Scarface likes this.
  16. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    James Harden isn't the story here
  17. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    I'll give you 4:1 odds that none of these GOP investigations into Hunter will show biden committed a crime. Wanna take the bet? 4:1?
  18. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  19. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    If Hunter Is Indicted
    Charles Lipson



    Assuming the federal attorney proposes felony charges and Garland approves them, Joe Biden faces the toughest choice of his political life.

    The president’s dilemma is why it’s so interesting to follow recent speculation by Miranda Devine, a reporter and columnist for the New York Post. She’s the most informed journalist on the Hunter Biden story. Her paper broke the news about the emails on Hunter’s laptop, three weeks before the 2020 election, and Devine has done the best follow-up reporting. To bury that story before the election took the combined, Herculean efforts of the legacy media, social media giants, and former CIA officials. Their success helped elect Biden. But the “little story that could” just keeps chugging along, mostly because the corruption is so extensive, so rich for investigation. Criminal charges now seem likely, not that the mainstream media has shown much interest.

    Now, Devine is speculating that Biden is setting the stage to pardon Hunter, framing it as the actions of a loving father who backs his troubled child. "My son has done nothing wrong," Biden told MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle in a rare one-on-one interview. "I trust him. I have faith in him, and it impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him.”

    Whether such sentiments presage a pardon, as Devine thinks, is still a guess. We can say something more concrete, though, as Biden weighs such a move. Four consequences stand out:

    • A presidential pardon would set off a political firestorm.
    • The White House will try its best to prevent any public revelation of the family’s business dealings. That means the president and his advisors want to prevent a trial, get Hunter to take a plea, and convince the judge to seal the evidence. Another option is to go trial, knowing it won’t be held until after the election.
    • If Biden pardons his son this year, he’s signaling he won’t run for reelection. He wouldn’t put that albatross around his own neck if he intended to face the voters.
    • If Biden does run and pardons his son after November 2024, the political impact depends on who wins the White House and Capitol Hill. The calculations are more complicated than one might expect.
    Let’s consider each in turn.
    more at the link
    Nook and basso like this.
  20. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    You need mental help. Im serious

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