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my hair is on fire!

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by thegary, Mar 19, 2022.

  1. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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  2. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    JJJ Laugh.gif
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  3. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
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    Sep 18, 2008
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  4. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    What exactly is funny? Do you want me to email you the original allegation that we wrote against UHS? I at the age of 28 gathered nearly 1000+ pages of evidence against a multi billion dollar company. You've never worked a case worth 130 million dollars have you? What did i say false in that statement for you to laugh?

    Talk is cheap. Your bs biden conspiracies exposed you as a clown
  5. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    I don't care about the one case in which you were a witness. I have handled nearly a thousand cases. Just today I arraigned two people for kidnapping for robbery that are facing life imprisonment. I have had cases with 14000 pages of evidence, that is a meaningless statistic to me. I am not a civil lawyer, my cases are not about money (except insofar as some charges or enhancements require that a certain threshold amount of money be stolen), they are criminal cases. What you said that made me laugh is that you think you have more legal experience than someone that's been an attorney for more than a decade because you were a witness in a case that one time. You are beyond clownish. You are the marionette in a Punch and Judy show. Also, you don't disbar a doctor, because doctors don't take the bar exam, they have their own licensing exams (boards), unless the doctor is also a lawyer.
    #2665 StupidMoniker, Aug 29, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2023
  6. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  7. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    It's just funny that the people who have actually seen the evidence first hand know there's nothing there but all the retired boomers who watch Newsmax all day think Biden is the most corrupt potus ever. Their dumb as hell

    If Republicans had ANYTNING on biden even the slightest they'd impeach him for trump being arrested. They don't have a damn thing but his cult won't care @Salvy @J.R. @Commodore @AroundTheWorld
  8. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I don’t get what the deal is. Was Baron Trump not allowed on AF1? Was Chelsea Clinton supposed to fly Spirit Airlines when she was going to the same place as Bill and Hillary? What exactly is the crime you are alluding to here??
    B-Bob likes this.
  9. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    Biden’s Secret Emails: President robinware456
    The White House won’t release emails from his pseudonym accounts. Why?
    By The Editorial Board
    Updated Aug. 30, 2023 at 6:41 pm ET

    House investigators are trying to figure out President Biden’s relationship to his son’s foreign business deals, and now comes a new revelation: emails from private accounts that Joe Biden maintained while Vice President using a pseudonym.

    The Southeastern Legal Foundation on Monday sued the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) under the Freedom of Information Act, demanding access to some 5,100 email messages in which then-Vice President Biden used a pseudonym for government business. NARA has admitted having Joe Biden’s emails from robinware456@gmail.com, JRBWare@gmail.com, and Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov.

    House Oversight Chairman James Comer wants to see all of the pseudonym emails, as well as unredacted versions of the few that have been made public. A Comer spokesperson says NARA says it has “sent some of the records to representatives for former President Obama and Joe Biden for their approval to be released.”

    Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson first demanded access to Joe Biden’s pseudonym emails in mid-2021, after Hunter Biden’s famous laptop showed the veep’s office used private or alias accounts to send government information to Hunter.

    One email alerted Hunter to a call the Vice President made to then-Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko—at the same time Hunter was on the board of Ukrainian gas giant Burisma. Another laptop entry shows Hunter using his business email in 2014 to write to his father’s “robinware” account, asking the veep to call him before making a specific government staffing decision. Joe replied: “Re Johnny call me right away Dad.”

    Why use email addresses designed to skirt searches of government records? Without the public exposure of Hunter’s laptop by the New York Post, nobody would know an extra set of vice presidential communications existed under obscure addresses.

    The clandestine emails fit a pattern that GOP investigators are piecing together of a behind-the-scenes effort by Hunter to sell his father’s power in Washington—in which Joe played along. Mr. Comer on Wednesday also requested that NARA provide all documents, communications and manifests related to Vice President Biden’s use of Air Force Two and Marine Two, following a Fox News report that Hunter traveled to at least 15 foreign countries with his father on official trips.

    Government employees are discouraged from using private email to conduct government business, and when they do they are required to forward all relevant documents to federal record-keepers. There’s no reason for the White House to refuse disclosing these official, vice-presidential records—unless it has something it wants to hide.

    Appeared in the August 31, 2023, print edition as 'Call Sign: President robinware456'.

    AroundTheWorld and Salvy like this.
  10. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    THERE IS 0 EVIDENCE OF BIDEN CORRUPTION!!!! 0!!!!! Stop SPREADING misinformation!!!!!
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  11. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    nobody cares about the weather reports
    AroundTheWorld and Salvy like this.
  12. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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  13. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Well maybe it’s because the pseudonym was part of a classified approach to diplomacy. As I said before it’s a given back at that time the Ukrainian communications to the White House were under heavy surveillance by Kremlin. The White House probably cannot release them because they are classified.

    If it’s such a big deal I’m sure the house intelligence committee can see them in a secure facility and if there’s corruption happening impeach him.

    You’re right though at least about one thing… nobody but MAGA ignoramuses care about Hunter Biden. Let us know when you find actual evidence of criminality or even wrongdoing. Blowing the whistle on this nonsense just shows that you are incredibly desperate.
  14. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    The Justice Department’s Politicized Hunter Biden Probe
    Evidence of improper interference by Attorney General Merrick Garland’s department keeps piling up.
    By Kimberley A. Strassel
    Aug. 31, 2023 at 6:31 pm ET

    Don’t expect the “fact checkers” to tackle what is shaping up to be one of the biggest whoppers of 2022: Attorney General Merrick Garland’s sworn testimony that there would be no “interference of any political or improper kind” into Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s investigation of Hunter Biden. The evidence of improper interference is piling up by the week.

    The details have come in dribs and drabs and include new revelations this week of shenanigans from Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer. But the timeline better exposes how what started as a bottom-up effort to charge Hunter with felony offenses was quickly hijacked by politicking from the top of the Justice Department.

    By early 2022, the front-line investigators on the Weiss team had recommended felony tax charges against Hunter, but the Delaware prosecutor needed the cooperation of other U.S. attorneys to file those charges in the appropriate venues. A Justice Department tax team made its case to the District of Columbia office in March 2022, according to Internal Revenue Service whistleblower Gary Shapley. Mr. Shapley testified that he was initially told that the first assistant U.S. attorney in the district was “optimistic” and was assigning someone to “assist.” Yet Mr. Shapley was soon informed that the Biden-appointed U.S. attorney, Matthew Graves, had “personally reviewed the report and did not support it.”

    Mr. Shapley says the team sat in “limbo” for the next six months rather than push in the other relevant district, California, which was in the hands of an acting U.S. attorney. Mr. Weiss’s prosecutors got around to presenting that only in mid-September 2022, the moment Mr. Biden’s nominee for the district, Martin Estrada, won Senate confirmation. As the New York Times reports, Mr. Estrada then blocked charges against Hunter there, too.

    Mr. Shapley says Mr. Weiss related this mess to the team in early October, at which point Mr. Shapley expressed concerns about interference. This was the moment for Mr. Weiss to go public or resign. Instead, those who refused to go along with the politicization were isolated and monitored. The IRS investigators stopped getting invitations to meetings, and Mr. Shapley was given the “extraordinary” order to turn over all his case reports and emails to the Justice Department.

    As the remaining Weiss team turned to a Delaware case which included a possible gun charge, Hunter lawyer Chris Clark decided to escalate politically. On Oct. 31, 2022, he sent Mr. Weiss a 32-page letter threatening to provoke a “constitutional crisis” by calling Joe Biden as a defense witness if the prosecutors charged his son. By February Mr. Clark was sending multiple emails demanding meetings with high-level Justice Department officials—looking for intervention on Hunter’s behalf.

    On April 19, news broke that an unnamed IRS agent (Mr. Shapley) would blow the whistle on a sensitive investigation (Hunter Biden). Out of the blue Mr. Shapley’s team was contacted on April 24 by Mr. Weinsheimer, right-hand man to Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. In an April 25 phone call with the Shapley team, Mr. Weinsheimer expressed his interest in understanding better the whistleblower’s claims, which by then were known to relate to Hunter’s case. He didn’t get much information, as he refused to provide written assurances that Mr. Shapley wouldn’t get in legal trouble for relaying sensitive information.

    He also failed to tell the Shapley team this striking detail: Mr. Weinsheimer was due to sit down the next day (April 26) with Mr. Clark, acceding to the lawyer’s demand to talk to top brass. Put another way, a top Justice Department employee cold-called a whistleblower looking to elicit details of the allegations, hours before he was due to discuss the case with the subject of the whistleblower’s complaint. Nothing shady there, right?

    We don’t know the exact content of that meeting, but on May 11, according to Politico, Mr. Weinsheimer thanked Mr. Clark for the chat and directed him to work with Mr. Weiss on “next steps.” The meeting clearly had yielded a plan. Four days later, according to the Times, top Weiss deputy Lesley Wolf called Mr. Clark to offer a deal in which Hunter would evade the gun charge, a deal that also led to immunity against future prosecution. That same day, May 15, the IRS officially removed Mr. Shapley’s entire investigative team from the Hunter probe—at the Justice Department’s request.

    Mr. Garland has worked hard to present Mr. Weiss as operating independently. But the record is showing that nearly every piece of Justice—its political appointees, its tax division, senior officials, the Federal Bureau of Investigation—had fingers in the Weiss probe. Should anyone have any confidence that this will change now that Mr. Garland has bestowed on Mr. Weiss the honorific of “special counsel”? Absolutely not.

    Appeared in the September 1, 2023, print edition as 'The Purely Political Hunter Probe'.
    Invisible Fan and AroundTheWorld like this.
  15. Astrodome

    Astrodome Member
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    Apr 23, 2015
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    CNN seems to be shifting away from Joe. Can he run without their endorsement?
  16. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    He can run as long as there's no smoking gun, much like Hillary's emails.

    The various Trump indictments also puts a pall over both candidates, so the calculus has already been set.
  17. Astrodome

    Astrodome Member
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    Apr 23, 2015
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    I can't imagine they both get the nomination again.
  18. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    I bet they both do.

    But, I'm hoping that peoples' dissatisfaction with that will lead to some new rules being created. For example, age limits and debate requirements. That would be great if we could get that.
  19. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Do you live under a rock? Say what you want about national polling but Iowa and NH primary polling is pretty spot on. Trump is running away with it and it’s not even close.

    With Biden republicans don’t understand Biden voters. It’s not about him. It’s about his policies that strike a balance very well to hold together the coalition of voters needed. It’s not a cult of personality and if Biden isn’t physically fit to go, Dems will have no problem with a change at the top of the ticket. As long as it doesn’t swing to a Bernie platform or a Joe Manchin platform. If it strikes that balance the votes will be there to win.

    With Biden we all know it’s day to day knowing at any point his health could go so it’s preferable of course for him to not run, but nobody is going to vote Trump just because they wish Biden was younger and nobody cares about the Prodigal son.

    The sins of the father goes both ways. The Bible teaches us that it’s a virtue for a father to still love and be there for your son if they screw up. If you aren’t a partisan trumper you see the Biden family in a completely different light than those who are fed conspiracy theories and lies from FoxNews.
  20. Astrodome

    Astrodome Member
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    Apr 23, 2015
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    No, I don't live under a rock. Both of the favorites have a lot going on, so I don't think it would be outrageous if one of them did not get nominated. I don't think it is a hot take.

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