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My dog got attacked.

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by London'sBurning, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Al Calavicci

    Al Calavicci Contributing Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Yeah, things are kinda headed in this direction. I don't know how I get myself caught up in these nonsense arguments so often.
  2. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    This is the most bizarre stance I've ever seen a poster here take since....well......when was the last thread SwoLy-D took a stance in?
  3. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Which human being? The one who's dog was nearly killed, and or the one who nearly got another person's dog killed? Who do you feel more compassion for?
  4. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I've just skimmed through this thread and feel compelled to defend Rottweiler's. I look after one every now and then and it really is a sweet dog and doesn't even bark at other dogs. He can get rambunctious with playing but other than that is very sweet around small children and other dogs.

    From what I've noticed with Rottweilers is that if you treat them firmly but give them lots of love and exercise they are very good dogs.

    The biggest problem I've seen with them is they don't live very long and when they start to break down from age they really break down physically. Something I can relate to though.
  5. Lady_Di

    Lady_Di Member

    Apr 11, 2007
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    You forgot London's wife who got hurt in the process. It's not just the small dog. People got hurt as well. I'm sure London and his wife are hurting emotionally because their loved pet is in pain. They did everything to keep him safe and the rot was out of their control. So where is the HUMAN compassion?
  6. Throwback9495

    Throwback9495 Member

    Apr 9, 2009
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    My compassion is here on clutch fans. Obviously it is. I am having a ridiculous internet argument on whether or not it's cool to sue a lady. I'm here arguing for this woman (a human) and her wallet.
  7. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Tony Hayward, is that you?
  8. AXG

    AXG Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    If someone's dog attacks anyone or anything, then the dog's owner takes responsibility for its actions. If that dog had attcked a child, you wouldn't just say "Well, it was just being an animal. I shouldn't be responsible for the child's medical bills."
  9. London'sBurning

    Dec 5, 2002
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    He had surgery done around midnight last night. They stitched up his wounds with the exception of two spots where they inserted tubes to help drain any abscess he'll get while healing. He's going to be on antibiotics for a couple of weeks as well as a pain killer. My wife and I are going to need to heat pack his wounds to help lessen swelling every 2 or 3 hours for about 5 or 10 minutes. If any strange fluids leave the tubes stitched in his wounds then we'll need to take him back to the vet. Hopefully if he ends up healing properly, we'll only need to take him to the vet on the 24th to remove the tubes, and then 10 days after to remove the remaining sutures.

    They had to shave his neck to get a good look at his wounds so he's sort of shaved like a poodle.

    His temperament is good. He's still wagging his tail and has been chewing on a new bone when he's not sleeping on the couch. My niece is lending some dog shirts her Schnauzer doesn't need to us because the vet tech said we should try and cover his neck with so he's less likely to scratch.

    We did unfortunately return to the Anatolian Shepherd today though. She has a very sweet temperament, and we're pretty sure she's house trained, but we can't give both dogs our undivided attention without feeling like we're neglecting one of them.

    They do behavioral tests before making a dog available for adoption to see whether a dog is food, animal, and people aggressive. I've no doubt that they warned her about the dog's behavior, and if they didn't then the owner should complain to TLAS for not telling her the dog is aggressive.

    Also my dog was not aggressive with it. There's no way my dog did anything to make the Rottweiler feel threatened. Both of my dogs were on their leash. My Bichon was wearing a harness FFS. That dog jumped out of the window of a moving car going about 10 mph just to attack my dog. Ollie is probably the most submissive dog I know and did nothing to provoke being nearly killed.

    The fact is that woman put a financial stress on me for not using common sense. She could have had someone sit in the back of the car to hold onto the dog's leash. If she had no one that would accompany her, she could have called Animal Control to come and pick the dog up for them instead. She could have simply rolled up her windows.
  10. Mae

    Mae Member

    Oct 23, 2008
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    That totally sucks about having to take the other dog back. It's hard to care for just one especially when he's hurt. Glad he made it through okay and that with some healing he'll be okay. Hope that heals right.

    I think everyone was under the impression that the car was parked! But if the woman was driving it with the windows down....that just seems to make her more stupid than before. I never roll my windows all the way down when I'm driving with the dogs in the car. Always afraid they'll jump!
  11. kaleidosky

    kaleidosky Your Tweety Bird dance just cost us a run

    Mar 20, 2002
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    It just makes no sense how you have compassion for one human and her wallet...and not another human and his wallet. You're arguing for one human because she's human, but you're ignoring the other human even though he's human. Pick a stance you can be consistent about.

    Also.. her possession caused harm to his possession. Whether she did something stupid to allow it to happen is irrelevant really--she is responsible for her possession and anything that results from it. (Trying to eliminate the human/animal component)
    1 person likes this.
  12. Lady_Di

    Lady_Di Member

    Apr 11, 2007
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    Oh wow, I thought the car was parked. Okay, now she's more idiotic to have the windows way down!
  13. Throwback9495

    Throwback9495 Member

    Apr 9, 2009
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    Why side with him though? We already have a bias for him posting on the same forum, and his dog is cute, it's a fact, I was just trying to show the other side.
  14. Throwback9495

    Throwback9495 Member

    Apr 9, 2009
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    I find it shocking that no one else feels for this lady. LOL She is unknowingly being attacked on a public forum, and not only that, people are saying its okay to take her money!!
  15. kaleidosky

    kaleidosky Your Tweety Bird dance just cost us a run

    Mar 20, 2002
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    You just quoted me. Read the 2nd part of the quote.
  16. Mae

    Mae Member

    Oct 23, 2008
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    To be perfectly honest, and no offense to the OP, I don't find the dog cute. It's not my kind of dog, but that in no way takes away from the fact that the dog is suffering and is injured. But you're right. We should take her side.

    Her side:: That stupid idiot was walking his dog on a leash when I was driving by with this aggressive dog in my car with all the windows rolled down. Jeez. That'll learn him.
  17. rrj_gamz

    rrj_gamz Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    Exactly...The owner takes responsibility...That's what you call manning up...However, if the owner didn't have the background or know the dog was agressive, then the owner would look to the place she got the dog from for recourse, my $0.02
  18. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    I'm sorry, but your posts are getting really stupid. I think you are confused or something and don't truly know what you are defending. Was that lady related to you by any chance that you would make up some ridiculous arguments to defend her irresponsibility?
  19. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I find it more shocking that you're defending her so passionately...at least with the OP we know his side of the story and i think it's fair to say he's not lying about the most important part: his dog was attacked and it wasnt his fault. That alone is enough to feel for him...

    on the other hand, what do you know about the lady? Nothing, really, other than what the OP said. That's enough to blame her and i could see how someone could argue maybe she can't afford it, but to defend her like she's your granny who'd never injure a fly?

    The average person involved in a car wreck isn't out there trying to hurt anyone on purpose, whether it's hurting someone or something. Regardless, if they happen to do so, even if by accident, they are responsible. I seriously doubt you'd let a person drive off after they wrecked your vehicle simply out of general compassion for human kind.
  20. London'sBurning

    Dec 5, 2002
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    The woman was in tears and seemed really upset and apologetic when the attack happened. An animal control officer was on duty and was able to get her information, plus she's on TLAS's adoption database. The officer at the time separated my wife and I away from the woman because things were already so heated so we didn't actually get to sit down and talk with the owner afterwards. I had to rush my dog to a local 24 hour vet and my wife stayed until the animal control officer got our information, then a volunteer at TLAS dropped my wife off at the vet where me and Ollie were.

    When I went to TLAS today, they told me it might take weeks for the woman's information to come in the mail. When it arrives we'll start contacting her about my wife and dog's medical expenses and hopefully she'll pay up.

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