Yeah you woke clowns should be scared. You tried to kill him several times and Trump ain’t putting up with your bullshiit anymore. You tried that crap one more time foreign or domestic, he’ll obliterate you straight to hell. This is what a real president does instead of that fraud with dementia that you Dems installed to fool us and destroying America.
Be careful fat slob. Trump already left directives in case something happens to him. Be very afraid if I were you stupid fat woke clown.
This is not how cutting costs should look like. It looks like it is only matter of time before these guys cut a wrong wire!!
Most of the FBI and CIA are right wing folks. Bet a lot of them voted for trump Maybe this will shifts voting in the future after they get fired.
Imagine proposing "buyouts" to the CIA and turning Gaza into an American territory on the same day. If supporting the mujahideen to 9/11 was a circuitous path, this is a neon-light-straight-arrow to future terrorist attacks.
Vote for our stooge! Vote for our stooge! WTF is wrong with the Republican party, the party of Reagan to appoint a wacko Russian stooge to the highest intelligence office in the land? This is still staggeringly insane
Update - thy're now trying to disband the NSA (National Security Agency) - cybersecurity/signals intelligence This is completely ****ed and completely illegal for a non-government employee (or a government employee) to try to gut the national security apparatus by inducing allof its employees to quit? Like, treason/espionage level illegal.
CIA sends unclassified list of employees to Doge kids One former agency officer called the reporting of the names in an unclassified email a “counterintelligence disaster.”
If Elon musk was a hostile foreign adversary trying to destroy the United States- what would he be doing doing differently here? Anything?
What? The CIA killing the President? If the CIA wanted him dead, he would be dead. This is bonkers - Josef Stalin level **** that you are buying into now. You are better than this.
Yeah - he would be less successful. This is like Rome .... the worst enemies come from within. This is insane..... and we will not know the full extent of the damage for a very long time.
So, if Trump gets assassinated, Iran gets blown up. There's a whole bunch of Israelis and Sunni Muslims seriously considering this one right now. He might want to think twice about that statement.
And in totally unrelated news, Palintir stock went up 25% yesterday (about 50 billion in market cap). Tech billionaire Peter Thiel's company, that makes 55% of it's revenue from government contracts couldn't possibly be in a position to be the major corporate contractor of cyber intelligence? This is some serious kleptocracy going on. Peter Thiel financed 100% of JD Vance's career and is a major Trump contributor. Side note: Palantir Technologies is named after the magical seeing stones wielded by the evil wizard Sauron in The Lord of the Rings. You can't make this **** up.
Tough on China! lol "It included a large crop of young analysts and operatives who were hired specifically to focus on China, and whose identities are usually closely guarded because Chinese hackers are constantly seeking to identify them."
WTF is Putin in charge? Cause this is exactly what Putin would do. Completely strip the USA of all intelligence operations and leave it completely vulnerable to all kinds of attacks and influence. Da Faq are these people doing.