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[Movie] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by rhino17, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    My thought exactly, which is why I imagine they cut out the final battle. it would have been cool to see, but you would have to add a lot more story to get to that point.
  2. rhino17

    rhino17 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I honestly could not remember a lot from this book, but you guys mentioning some stuff being left out has helped me remember. I have a little bit lesser expectations now
  3. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    I wanna add I thought the fight scene in the middle of the movie was a nice addition, despite it not being in the book.
    Not only did it help to develop Harry and Ginney's budding relationship (which in itself was a tricky task; you can't read Harry's thoughts) but we got to see Lupin and Tonks; I was thinking they would possibly cut out that storyline entirely.
  4. HombreDeHierro

    Jun 26, 2008
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  5. ItsMyFault

    ItsMyFault Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    They did add excessive romance in this movie though... I'll say that..
  6. Chuck 4

    Chuck 4 Member

    Sep 11, 1999
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    Only change I felt cheated on was when Harry calls Snape a coward at the end. In the book Sanpe went off on him. I mean he flipped out. In the movie, he just kind of shrugged it off. That whole scene was may favorite part of the book and it just felt rushed in the movie. But it wasnt enough to ruin the film, in my opinion.
  7. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    I saw this film last night and I enjoyed it, I've only read the book once and that was right when it came out so there was a lot of stuff I had forgotten I probably should have re-read the book again before watching the movie but its too late now.

    It did motivate me to re-read the last book mainly because I read through it so fast just to get to the end and the climax of the entire series. I am going to start reading that book tonight.

    It was a 2.5 hour movie and it still left out a decent amount goes to show you how detailed the books are. I am so glad WB is breaking up the last book into two movies so that everything can be put in.

    OH if anyone watched it in IMAX 3D? I was curious if there were actual scenes shot in IMAX or was it just shown on a IMAX screen? If there were actual scenes shot with an IMAX camera (I can already guess which ones they could have been) I will go see it again in IMAX.

    I would give it a solid 8.5/10

    if you are a fan of the book/movies a 9/10
  8. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    There probably should have been more emphasis on it. The title of the movie was The Half Blood Prince, yet I didn't give a crap about who the Half-Blood Prince was.
  9. lalala902102001

    Jul 4, 2002
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    I wonder if someone who's never read the books would understand this movie -- it flew by so fast. Did they even mention that there were six/seven horcruxes?
  10. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    i think they did mention that there were 7 though since Slughorn's memory showed Riddle asking if it was possible to split a soul 7 times.

    but i am sure they'll go into more detail about hocruxes for the deathly hallows since they make up a huge portion of that book.
  11. CharlieMurphy

    CharlieMurphy Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Yeah, I think they did when Slughorn finally gave Harry his memory, in which he told Riddle/Voldermort that you could split your soul up to seven times.
  12. Depressio

    Depressio Member

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I've never read the books.

    I've seen all the movies (including this one yesterday).

    I really had no trouble following the movie and enjoyed it thoroughly. I've never really felt I've missed things that I needed to know from the book.
  13. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    It doesn't follow the book that well, and it was way too focused on their sexual urges, but it was all in all a good movie. Like I told my wife, they already have book readers hooked, they have to appeal to a new crowd in the theaters, plus less time to give extensive detail. This is the best movie so far, and really was probably my favorite book.
  14. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I'd agree with your first points, but not with the ranking of the movie. I thought it was just okay...

    Like many others, the not following the book, the focus on sexual urges, etc. made this one a little hard to stomach. Good movie still, sure. But not the best of the series, not at all.

    Personally, I am finding it a little bit difficult to understand why they decided to deviate so much. To save time, I can understand...the movie doesn't feel long, but is. But to save time only works when you're not randomly adding other scenes that weren't in the book. They added new scenes that don't work as well, imo, at the expense of existing scenes that were just in the book in the first place.

    Additionally, I think I have to complain about the lack of "action". Even the added fight scene in the middle, which I liked (though again, why add this and take out later fight scenes?), was just ok.

    I still liked the movie, though. Just closer to the bottom in the series.

    I'd rank them as follows:

    1. Prisoner of Azkaban
    2. Goblet of Fire
    3. Sorcerer's Stone
    4. Order of the Phoenix
    5. Half Blood Prince
    6. Chamber of Secrets
  15. Depressio

    Depressio Member

    Mar 3, 2009
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    BTW, considering I haven't read the books, looking ahead as someone that has no idea WTF is going to happen...

    Dumbledore isn't dead! He could've easily fought all those scrubs off by himself. To let Malfoy disarm him like that? Dumbledore is better than that. Folks might say he was weakened by that potion he drank, but he obviously had enough strength to fight off all those little buggers in the cavern, so he CHOSE that fate. He's got something up his sleeve (again).
    Okay, laugh at me if my prediction is right or wrong!
  16. HeyDude

    HeyDude Member

    Apr 27, 2001
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    Not having the fight scene in the end creates a big flaw IMO. Why did the other death eaters even have to come in at all? And why did Malfoy spend so much time with the vanishing cabinet if the people who came in....didnt really do anything...all they did was play witness to the 'deed' (which they could've really done themselves instead of playing cheerleader), destroy the hall (w/o any students) and burned a cabin (w/o hagrid in it)...... When in the book, their part was fighting off the order so snape and malfoy could do the deed....

    I thought 90 % of the movie was awesome. After the cave part ended I was ready to rate it as one of the best potter films....and then.....it just ended....almost as if yates just said, ok we're outta time, les just end it.... :(
  17. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    I read the books, and if you want to know the reason you could always look it up before the movies come out. That was exactly what I said after reading the book.
  18. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    TSchmal if you want read below

    no he is really dead...when he destroy the first hocrux (the thing) it contain a curse that was slowly killing him, hench the charred hand. Dumbledore was going to die anyway he chose the manner in which he did...i wont say much else just go read the last book if you wish

    i agree they should have had stuck with the book a bit more on this point it seemed odd that they all just were there watching instead of actually trying to help Draco
  19. Depressio

    Depressio Member

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I should've requested you NOT do that because my curiousity undoubtedly got the better of me.

    Oh well, I had already kinda heard stuff about the Deathly Hollows anyway. There are some expectations there, it's just a matter of seeing how it comes together I guess.
  20. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    I agree that they really could have done more by showing the fight scenes that should have occurred at the end of the movie, but our taste in movies are really different. The Burrow fight scene was a good addition, and probably should have not made so much out of the relationship aspect in order to have the whole storming of the castle, or not paid so much attention to Draco when he was in the Room of Requirement(Part of the intrigue of the book was not knowing what he was up to).

    1. Half Blood Prince
    2. Chamber of Secrets
    3. Order of the Phoenix
    4. Goblet of Fire
    5. Sorcerer's Stone
    6. Prisoner of Azkaban(My least favorite book as well).

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