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[Movie] Fast and Furious 6

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Xerobull, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    Anybody watchin this b**** tonight or what? Bout to go check this out at the Santikos Theaters: AVX D-box edition BIOTCH!!!!

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/unkObk7ovQs?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Juxtaposed Jolt

    Apr 5, 2010
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    Saw this already, albeit...ahem...using unscrupulous means.

    The stunt Toretto did with Letty during the tank scene was SICK.

    I can't believe arguably the hottest chick in the franchise died at the end. That wraps up Han's loose end though, for Tokyo Drift, as to why she wasn't there. Good plot device.

    I wish Jordana Brewster got more screen time in this one. I know she had to play new mom, but still. :(

    I think Dwayne Johnson could carry FF7 if he wanted / needed to. He was pretty good in this one.
  3. Dave2000

    Dave2000 Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    surprise not as many reviews yet, caught the midnight showing of course

    If you liked Fast 5, you'd enjoy the hell out of this one. Don Omar and Tego Calderon was a welcome absent because of the addition of Gina Carano and Joe Taslim, albeit small role, from The Raid Redemption was a nice touch to the cast, not big enough names to disrupt the crowded cast. Justin Lin deserves the credit for evolving the series that is now from Tokyo Drift.

    Highly recommend this over Hangover 3

    agree that I wish Mia/Jordana Brewster and even Ms. Chris Hemsworth was more involved in the movie, but understandable

    the crowd in the theater I was in was ecstatic with the Jason Stathman cameo

    the last scene with the airplane, good lord how long was that runway? on it for at least 30 mins at lets say 80-100 miles/hour, guess as long as from Galveston to Spring.

    be sure to stay after the first set of credits at the end for the most epic cliffhanger for a sequel scenes ever

    if I had to guess, based on the packed theaters last night, was sold out for the 10/11/11:10 showings yesterday at first colony, this is going to at least make 80+ million this weekend, not including Memorial Day.
  4. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    I thought it was very enjoyable. I probably liked Fast Five more because they were involved in a more amusing heist plot, but this was a good follow up movie to it.

    I agree with Dave in that the smaller roles were really good. Gina Carano was hot taking on Michelle Rodriguez. Nice to see they put her MMA background into some good choreo, and the guy from The Raid had some nice moves.

    Also wanted more of the hot Brazilian chick, and I cried when the hottest character Gisele died. Squeemed with the Jason Statham cameo at the end.

    I also lol'd at how long that runway was at the end. Pretty ridiculous, but this series isn't supposed to make sense. Dom jumping over the bridge to save Letty was pretty badass, but these stunts hardly make any sense.

    Like I said before, good followup to Fast Five but Five is still my favorite in the series.
  5. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    Santikos Theater was an absolute clusterfuk of a mess.. So I said *** it and drove to another theater near west oaks where nobody goes and guess what? It was pack as ****, Damn summer at the movies has officially begun!! Only Hangover 3 was available at the moment so I had to watch that and it was consistently funny..
  6. atomicanderz

    atomicanderz Member

    Jan 19, 2010
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    Starts in 20mins...
  7. VBG

    VBG Member

    Jun 23, 2009
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    LOVED IT. I love how this franchise knows what it is. Doesn't try to do anything stupid by trying to be more. Embraces what it needs to be. Perfect movie for what you're going into.

    Gal Gadot is smoking. Surprised there weren't more hotter chicks. Not a fan of Lety/Michelle Rodriguez at all. She irks me.
  8. rocketsfeeva

    rocketsfeeva Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    yo this movie was sad man. I know Han's storyline is over but damn they killed off his girl too?!?! Also the after credit scene was cool but they made me relive han's death made me feel the feels.
  9. francis 4 prez

    Aug 15, 2001
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    agreed. i really enjoyed Fast 5 and this one was even better, imo. the bank vault chase scene was great in fast 5 but i may have like 2 of the chases in this even more.

    and yeah, everyone commented on the length of the runway. minimum 25 miles long. filming that final scene had to be crazy. you've got cars hanging off a plane, people fighting in the planes and the cars, people jumping back and forth between them, the plane crashing and a car flying out of it.

    has any movie series ever followed the trajectory of the fast and the furious series? it's on its 6th movie and is currently much bigger and more hyped in its 6th movie than in any of the other movies? it was practically dead after its 3rd movie and now is about to make a 7th movie. hell, how many series have ever even made a 7th movie? they brought back most of the main cast for the 4th movie because the franchise was dead and, let's face it, most of the cast had nothing more important to do. and now it's a big memorial day franchise. such a weird thing.
  10. Oski2005

    Oski2005 Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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    I seriously can't wait for somebody to calculate how long that runway had to have been.
  11. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Very impressed. Didn't expect much, but I'm glad my gf made me go see this with her. It's an awesome, mindless action flick.

    I wasn't all too happy with them killing off Han and his Giselle. I would much rather have them come back in FF7 instead of the possible Latin bros showing up. Can't understand the writer's reasoning behind killing off Han tho.

    Joe Taslim was badass. I wished he had a much cooler death. All the villains had a sappy death with the exception of the dude Han threw at the propellers.

    Also how friggin awesome was the part when the Rock fought the Hulk. Dude was so huge that the Rock seemed smaller in comparison. And I'm pretty sure Rock was on some good steroids in that movie.

    I'm a bit confused tho, was there a second after-credits scene after Han's death/Jason Statham scene? I thought that was the only one so I left immediately after.
  12. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Looks like it's going to be another 2.5 hours of action and never really giving the movie a second thought again. I liked Fast Five for what it is, which is sex for my eyes and ears.
  13. putyouonthegame

    Nov 21, 2011
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    the jason statham cameo at the end was :eek:...literally sent shockwaves to the audience

    anyways, great action flick, surprisingly had great humor too. Can't wait for the next one.
  14. oelman44

    oelman44 Member

    Mar 24, 2012
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    didn't a fast and furious movie already come out, like earlier this year?? :confused::confused:

    Maybe I'm thinking of something else
  15. dachuda86

    dachuda86 Member

    May 3, 2008
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    She doesn't die... she falls... meaning severe trauma but could have lived. Perhaps she comes to avenge han?
  16. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    Your gf had to convince you to go watch an action movie?
  17. Rox11

    Rox11 Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    QUICK question! is the movie 3d or not?
  18. mrm32

    mrm32 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Went to go watch this tonight, lines were ridiculously long. Went back home.
  19. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    You didn't want to go to a 10:00/11:00/midnight showing? Or was there lines for those showtimes too?
  20. Juxtaposed Jolt

    Apr 5, 2010
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    It was at super high speeds, and it wasn't like a fall from the length of one story either. No one in the audience really cares about her character anyway. Besides the fact that she was hot, of course. Doubt she's coming back for any future iterations of FF.

    Was JUST about to post this lol.

    They also had an infusion of new ideas. It went from just a movie about cops and cars to a heist movie, and now the law is asking them to stop bad guys?

    Normally, this wouldn't make sense, but for what it is at its very core (a fun action flick), you could probably throw aliens into the story and still make boatloads of money.

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