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[Movie] Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Xerobull, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
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    Jun 18, 2003
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    Captain America: The Winter Soldier Starts Shooting On Closed Set Link

    It Seems shooting for the upcoming Captain america sequel has just started!

    Destruktor2k - 4/2/2013

    It Seems shooting for the upcoming Captain america: The Winter Soldier has just started! According to http://www.onlocationvacations.com, filming is now underway at Marvel Studios/Manhattan Beach Studios, 1600 Rosecrans Avenue in Manhattan Beach, CA.

    According to the same site The movie's working title is Freezer Burn.

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier is expected to be released on 4/4/2014.​

    Redford Confirms He’ll Play ‘Head of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ in Captain America 2 Link


    Although Robert Redford already confirmed he has joined the cast of Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the veteran actor revealed to SPINOFF ONLINE this morning precisely what role he’ll play.

    Asked by SPINOFF’ during a press roundtable for The Company You Keep about portraying a senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, as previously reported, Redford was quick to clarify, “Well, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. The head of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

    “The Captain America thing is just a very simple thing,” he continued. “I wanted to do something different. I wanted to do something just to be different. Something bold, different. And that felt like a good thing to do. That was it, nothing more to it than that. Well, it’s bold in terms of expectations, I guess. ”

    Redford joins returning cast members Chris Evans (Captain America/Steve Rogers), Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier), Toby Jones (Arnim Zola) and Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), along with Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson/Falcon), Emily VanCamp (Sharon Carter), Frank Grillo (Crossbones) and Max Hernandez (Agent Jasper Sitwell).

    Directed by brothers Anthony and Joe Russo, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is believed to be based on the Captain America storyline of the same name, which revealed Captain America’s sidekick Bucky Barnes didn’t die as expected during the war. Instead, an amnesiac Bucky got snatched by the Soviets, fitted with a bionic arm and programmed to serve as an assassin known as the Winter Soldier. The secret is revealed in the present day after Barnes attacks the Red Skull and blows up part of Philadelphia. The film opens in 3D on April 4, 2014.​

    (I swore that there was a thread for this but a search yielded nothing....so here ya go.. )
    #1 Xerobull, Apr 2, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
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  2. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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  3. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    That sounds so lame, even for Marvel.

    Will watch, but probably as a rental/pirating.

    Bucky Barnes from the 2011 movie:

    #3 Haymitch, Apr 2, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
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  4. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Cap would have been better off by laying low until Avengers 2. This movie sounds bad.
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  5. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    As if the first one wasn't bad enough.

    The only people that loved it was nerds fantasizing that injection/chamber really existed.
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  6. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    The problem with this is Hulk could literally spend 4 minutes and kill this villain but he's not there somehow. A bionic arm? Lol Hulk would eat him
  7. Qball

    Qball Member

    Nov 9, 2001
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    What about Commander Canada? or Major Mexican? Are they in the 3rd part?

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  8. LC Rox Fan

    LC Rox Fan Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Bucky clearly had to have died from that fall :rolleyes:
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    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    Apparently Captain America is basically the same biochemistry of the hulk but with only
    .000001% of the juice.
  10. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I can't wait to watch Capt get emotional for 90 minutes.
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  11. seclusion

    seclusion rip chadwick

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I love captain america. I don't care if anyone disagrees, I just have always liked the character. This is my favorite story arc of his (solo anyway).
  12. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
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    Jun 18, 2003
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    To wax comic nerd for a moment:

    Hulk is nigh-'cosmic' level. Cap and The Winter Soldier are 'street' level heroes (think Wolverine). Not even in the same conversation except that Cap's shield can take a punch from the Hulk.
  13. Classic

    Classic Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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  14. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    More Maria Hill please.

    I don't like How I Met Your Mother but Cobie Smulders was smoking as Agent Maria Hill.

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  15. ROXRAN

    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    On that pic, she has that attractive wife material look but nothing exciting.
  16. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    To each their own but to me she has the look and body that says "Come here and I will do stuff to you..."
  17. clubberclyde

    clubberclyde Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    Say WHAT?!

    It isn't an exaggerated air-brushed silicone-enhanced too-much-makeup this-and-that sort of picture. Doesn't make her any less hot.
    1 person likes this.
  19. Big MAK

    Big MAK Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    This movie will go down as one of the greatest movie ever made, second only to the first cpt america.
    1 person likes this.
  20. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!
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    Jun 18, 2003
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    Even if Warner Brothers' Comic-Con announcement that the sequel to "Man of Steel" would be a Superman/ Batman crossover film stole the thunder of just about every other Hall H presentation on Saturday, Marvel Studios' late-afternoon panel offered fans some incredible content, including a first look at "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, the film picks up where the original "Captain America" and Joss Whedon's "The Avengers" left off, as the red, white and blue hero adjusts to life in the 21st Century -- and all of the moral ambiguity that accompanies it.

    Following the Hall H panel, the Russos, along with cast members Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Anthony Mackie, Emily Van Camp and Cobie Smulders, gathered at the nearby Hilton Bayfront to talk to a virtual army of press to discuss their work on the upcoming sequel. Comic Book Resources was on hand to talk to the stars and download all the info on the upcoming Marvel Studios sequel.


    CBR News: How does this "Captain America" film set itself apart from the first film, especially after the events of "The Avengers" leading into it?

    The cast of "Captain America: The Winter Solider" spoke with the press about the upcoming sequel at Comic-Con

    Samuel L. Jackson: That's on the talking points list of things we can't tell you.

    Joe Russo: The movie is very different in tone from the first film. The first film was a wonderful love letter to the origin of the Captain of the time period. Cap is now in the modern world. The movie is a political thriller. In order to be germane to that tone, we wanted the movie to be as modern and as edgy and as aggressive as it could be 'cause you can't have thrills in a thriller unless the characters have real stakes and real jeopardy. Cap gets put through a lot in this film. It's action-heavy. It's a very intense movie.

    How do Captain America and Black Widow work together, in this film?

    Scarlett Johansson: This film is in real time, so it's been two years and we're both agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. We're fighting on the ground. It's not like we have these superpowers that we use, and fly around. We have a short-hand between us. We fight in a similar style. It's very much a working relationship. Through a series of unfortunate events, they find themselves in a situation where their working relationship becomes a more intimate friendship. They have some unexpected similarities between them. They have their guard up and they have their trust issues. They also have both been working for "the man" for their entire professional careers. Through this unexpected friendship that forms, they're starting to question what they want, and they start to question their own identity. It's a complex relationship that forms between them. Chris and I have known each other for 10 years. It's our fourth movie together.

    Chris Evans: We go way back.

    Chris, Captain America is really the only remaining wholesome, all-American superhero. What's it like to portray such a classic American hero?

    Evans: To be candid, the hurdle with Captain America is that his nature is to put himself last. His nature is to take everyone else's conflict and put it on his back. As a result, it makes it difficult to find an interesting film. Most complex characters have flaws, and Cap is a Boy Scout. The first "Captain America" film was about giving him the opportunity to serve and be a soldier. In "The Avengers," you had so many other characters and all of these establishments of relationships, so you can't dive too deeply into any individual character. This movie is about showing Cap now. Given the opportunity to serve and given the ability to give of himself, the question now becomes, "What's right?" I think he's so determined to be good and to do what's right, the conflict with modern society, as opposed to the '40s is, "What is right?" In the '40s, it was very easy to say, "Nazis are bad." We can all agree on that. Today, it's a little bit harder to know "Who am I serving?" with modern technology and access.

    Where is the line? What are we willing to compromise, in terms of civil liberties, to ensure security?

    That's where it gets blurry for Cap. What's the right thing to do? It makes an interesting conflict for him because it's not about just doing the right thing. It's about, "What is the right thing?" I think we actually get to explore Cap struggling a little bit. It's not black and white, it's grey. That's where his relationship with Black Widow comes to fruition. The relationship with Black Widow is interesting because she's someone who's always had the ability to compromise her morals, and Cap is black and white. As a result, something happens.

    Jackson: He's got a potential whistle-blowing future.

    Evans: Sam, take it easy! Something happens and, as a result, these two people from different worlds need to rely on one another. So, you have two people who, on the surface, may seem very different, find a lot of common ground and learn quite a bit from one another.

    How is Cap doing now, with modern technology and today's trends?

    Evans: I think you'd get a little tired if every joke was, "What's the internet?" He gets it. The problem is that he doesn't sling jokes. He's not sarcastic. So, it's hard to find the humor unless the humor is self-deprecating, but you can't keep playing that one note of, "I don't get it. What's going on in this modern world?" I think we're past that. He's up to speed. He knows how things work. He has a cell phone. We're not just hitting that one note. We're trying to find humor in other places, thanks to [Anthony] Mackie, in large part. He's really good. He's a funny guy.

    Emily, what was it like to join this world?

    Emily Van Camp: I can't say too much about the character. I think people have a certain idea about what I'm meant to be playing, but I think they'll be surprised about how we introduce this character. Compared to other things that I've done, everything has been a little bit different to this. It was certainly a challenging experience and an exciting experience. I had so much fun playing this part. I can't say too much about how we introduce her. You'll just have to go see the movie. But, it was a great experience.

    The Marvel universe has such strong female characters. How does it feel to represent that presence in superhero movies?

    Johansson: Well, most superheroine films are simply not really good. They're just not well made. They fall back on this hair-flipping, posey, hands-on-hips thing. We do a little bit of that, of course, because it's important that it looks good, but I've really had a great opportunity. Joss really set the bar in "The Avengers" to really celebrate these female characters that are usually bookends or ornaments in the film, to sell the sex appeal. He was such a pioneer in really fleshing out these characters, starting with Black Widow, and really making her a character that could get punched in the face and could deliver the blow, and was an intelligent, complex, really strong female character for this series. It's been a real pleasure for me to play those multi-layers and to really be able to act, and not just pose. Our characters have some real storylines here. We're not just the romantic interest, and thank god for that. It makes our jobs interesting, and interesting to watch, too.

    With a cast this huge, how much Falcon will be in the film, and will there be more?

    Anthony Mackie: You can't get enough Falcon, that's for sure.

    Russo: Anthony used to ask us that question, almost every day. There was about 5% of Falcon in the film, and then we cast Anthony Mackie and now there's 95% of Falcon.

    Mackie: 'Cause I would just show up and walk into the scenes in full wardrobe. I didn't care. I had no lines.

    Russo: It's a character that's very personal to us. We've been collecting comics since we were kids, and one of the first books we ever bought was a Cap/Falcon book, so we have a real affinity for the character. We can't tell you exactly how much he's in, but the Captain is looking for a friend in the modern world. He lost everyone and everything that he knew, and Falcon could be that guy, if that gives you a hint.

    Anthony, now that Falcon appears in the "Avengers Assemble" animated series don't you think it would be cool if Falcon is in "The Avengers 2?"

    Mackie: Growing up, my brother was a huge comic book person, and he always showed me the comic books with Black Panther and Falcon. So, when I heard about Falcon and was given the opportunity to meet with the Russos, and we talked about it and what they wanted to do with the character, the reason it worked so well is that the two of them had the ability to give dignity and substance to a character without making him heavy and hokey. What was so cool about the script, where it is now, and being able to work on it, as an actor, was having a three-dimensional real person that just happens to be a tactical expert that can fly. I think if the Falcon is added to "The Avengers" world, I'm looking for the opportunity to take down Iron Man, so I'll be the only flying Avenger. Thor don't count. The hammer flies. He don't fly!

    "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" opens in theaters nationwide April 4, 2014.
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