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Most Comprehensive Jalen Sucks Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Landry's Tooth, May 11, 2023.

  1. MaxRider

    MaxRider Member

    Jun 22, 2006
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    He's fine on offense. His main problem is ball watching on defense and bad shot selection. I hope this is because of bad coaching from Silas. Hope Udoka can fix it.
  2. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    He also played with a superior vet roster with proven scorers and all stars like DLo and Kat. Roster construction has much to do with the success of young players.
  3. fattz

    fattz Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    If Green wasn’t a Rocket would you still be a fan of his? Would you still think he will become an all NBA player? Take off your “Rocket goggles” and look at this player and be realistic about his value.

    Here is what I see, an extremely athletic role player (scorer) that has holes in his overall game. He plays an overall lazy style of play and doesn’t mind losing.

    He is frustrating to watch play because just as extreme of an athlete he is, he is just as soft throughout, mental, emotionally. He comes across as caring, loving and overall just a sweet person. I truly think he is a good person. Thats crazy we talking about his character not his play on the court but, that is the way it is with him.
  4. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    All hail the too-caring too-loving too-sweet Jalen Green.

    You're talking about the top scorer in his draft class and the next class combined. You can't for the life of you figure out how to motivate someone like Jalen or get him to play defense, so you've assumed that's the truth. That it's not possible.

    Fortunately, we have a coach who just gets **** done so we don't have to worry about your concerns. All we need to take away from it is that you can't figure out why Jalen is going to be a star scorer as efficient as any other in the NBA. You're also creating the illusion for yourself that his decline in efficiency last season is a state of being rather than a temporary issue related to the roster and coaching. You just need to stop projecting that stuff. Your beliefs about Green are the furthest fringe extreme negative opinions available online, and life has taught me that the most extreme negative person is unlikely to be right about anything.

    If you want to know what non-Rockets fans think, well when the fake trade rumor came out Raptors fans were angling to dump Siakam for him. That's a $30m/season player in his prime they want to trade for 21 year old Jalen Green who just had a down season. Every serious coach sees a player they can turn into a star. You're just not one of those people and that's ok.
    Caesar likes this.
  5. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    not sure if anyone’s mentioned it in this board, but his colored fingernails are probably holding him back
  6. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Everyone points to the raw number of points he's scored while ignoring efficiency, but that matters....as does defense.

    That's why despite scoring the most points and playing the 4th most minutes, Jalen Green is 20th in his own draft class in win shares....38th if you look at it per 48 minutes played.

    Hell, if you compared the win shares he's managed to compile in 2 seasons with the next rookie class, he'd only be tied for 5th despite none of them having logged 2500 minutes to his 4700.....and again, win shares is a compilation stat.

    I'm not saying that you should give up all hope, it's possible he could turn things around and become an efficient scorer and maybe he could improve to being a merely bad defender....but let's not be delusional about it. Odds are someone (almost certainly Wemby) from this next rookie class that hasn't even been drafted yet hits 10 WS before Jalen hits 5.
  7. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    I don't disagree with his potential to score the basketball. I think there is still room to improve but still have concerns on defense and court vision. I also question basketball character. He has some bad habits (decision making, effort, focus) that can hopefully be coached out of him.

    Silas isn't a horrible coach, I just think he's a horrible coach for young players. When they moved the veterans he would have been bought out too if we weren't tanking.
  8. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    I think subject to change but based on what he is now, he's 3rd or 4th best player on a winning team.... might be ok if we add those other players.

    For a #2 pick that is failure. Had he been drafted #12 then it's a different story.
  9. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Yeah, you can have character and quirks when you're winning.

    I think it's a minor indicator he's too much about the life than the game.
    Jontro and DaDakota like this.
  10. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    If he is Goth, he should be wearing black and white fingernails......mind you.
    Jontro likes this.
  11. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Tell me something good about Jalen other than scoring.

    That's the problem.

    I don't care how elite you are at scoring, if that's all you can do then you're going to be a role player on any good team.

    Your scoring doesn't make up for defense if you're one of the worst defenders on the court.
  12. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    There's a difference between character and basketball character.

    He comes across to me as a kid and he's lacking maturity. A lot of that is environment not forcing him to grow up.

    Hoping some vets and a new coach work it out of him.

    He also needs to add some weight. He's one of the slighter 2s in the league.
    fattz likes this.
  13. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    I don't think as of now, he plays much on a winning team, certainly wouldn't start. He's been one of the larger reasons why the Rockets have been so bad the past 2 seasons.

    Obviously that could change if he improves on both sides of the ball, but it's hard to have someone THAT bad defensively who doesn't shoot well enough to play off ball, who isn't good on ball.
  14. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Nah, a #2 or #3 pick still has the trade value to add someone like Jaylen Brown to pair with Harden.

    If it's #2 and Boston likes Scoot and doesn't want to supermax Brown, we trade the pick with KPJ salary offset. Maybe Tate is thrown in...

    Now you are adding Harden and Brown to Green/Jabari/Sengun.

    That has the makings of a mid tier playoff team next year.
  15. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Correct, but depending on the players around him his defense could be covered up.

    Similar to Curry on the Warriors...
  16. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Sure, in theory you COULD make up for one really bad defender, but I think the question then becomes, why would you?

    With Curry, it's obvious, he's the greatest shooter in the history of the game.

    With Jalen.....I mean, what role offensively does he even have on a winning team? They certainly wouldn't have him on ball because he's so inefficient, but they wouldn't really want him off ball either because he's not a very good shooter.

    I think on a winning team, Jalen as he currently is, would be relegated to a minor bench role.

    That could obviously change if he learns to score efficiently either on ball or off ball, but he'd have to improve a lot to have a starting role on a winning team.
  17. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
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    Oct 4, 2008
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    Oh I don't care about your methodology of judging basketball players, it seems really really far from mine. Just discussing facets of Jalen's game we disagree on is not going to change your/my mind about his future net impact on an NBA game. For me I know that there are players who were gifted scorers and poor defenders at age 21 who went on to earn multiple max contracts and in some cases NBA titles as the franchise player so I don't see why I should worry even if I thought he's never going to be a better defender than Allen Iverson or Steph Curry for example who were both atrocious defenders even in their mid 20's. Kobe Bryant was a garbage defender at age 21. Garbage.

    It's a total fallacy you're pedaling here that because Green was a bad defender at age 20/21 that (and here's where you jump to an illogical inexplicable conclusion) it means for the next 10+ years he will for sure end up an inefficient scorer who doesn't play defense or get tons of assists. Almost no one believes this, it's a fringe opinion. There are no lesser opinions of Jalen anywhere. All opinions are valid, but there's no point trying to convince someone that far from you of anything.
    Stephen_A likes this.
  18. Xopher

    Xopher Member
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    Feb 1, 2017
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    Depends on the team. Is he going to be on a team that has better players and coaches. A team where there are people capable of coaching him up? A team with a cohesive system? Yep. I'd be a Jalen Green fan, because that Jalen Green would be better.

    The guy has been begging for better coaching and structure. Now he finally has it. No excuses.
  19. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    If they lose Brown, l'd say they would go for someone like Donovan Mitchell or Anthony Edwards.

    Tatum is going to be 25, they would never rebuild when he is there.
    That is not going to happen.

    Or Lillard.
    #139 daywalker02, May 12, 2023
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
  20. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    dont need to offset when you have caproom.


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