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Most Comprehensive Jalen Sucks Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Landry's Tooth, May 11, 2023.

  1. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Houston "fans"
  2. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Dummy. Where’s Booker? Where’s Lavine? Wheres Sharpe? Where’s all the 20 year old one and dones? Cade? What about players on sorry ass teams not within the top 10 picks? Where’s Josh Christopher at?

    Anyway here’s rookie numbers (FG%) you can meditate on between Green and Edwards who a lot of people dic$ ride on here:

    Catch and shoot
    Green: 35.2%
    Edwards: 33.2%

    Green: 34.8%
    Edwards: 31%

    Less 5ft
    Green: 58.6%
    Edwards: 57.7%

    5-9 ft
    Green: 13.5%
    Edwards: 36.3%

    10-14 ft
    Green: 37.5%
    Edwards: 31.3%

    Green: 35.2%
    Edwards: 18.4%

    20-24 ft
    Green: 38.1 3pt: 37.4%
    Edwards: 36.2% 3pt: 35%

    Restricted area
    Green: 62.1%
    Edwards: 59.6%

    In paint non restricted
    Green: 19.5%
    Edwards: 33.8%

    Mid range:
    Green: 38.5%
    Edwards 26.2%

    Jump shot
    Green: 34.9%
    Edwards: 31.5%

    As you can see both guys can score in the paint and the diff is negligible. Green is better in the restricted area. Edwards better in non RA and 5-9 ft area. Deeper numbers show they shoot similar amount of pull ups and jumpers in general. But Green’s shooting is better in all these categories especially in the mid range game. Deeper numbers show us a composite of a player including where they like to score and how they score. And the numbers are simply based on the actual shots they took not projected or normalized. Does this mean
    Green is a better player or that Anthony sucks? Not necessarily as I haven’t gone into deeper metrics but the eye test shows both really good young dynamic players that can get to the paint and score and the numbers support it. Edwards may be the better player now in his 3rd year. But Green shot better in his rookie year than Edwards. Point is looking solely at a certain metric or a few numbers don’t necessarily paint a complete picture. A lot of different advanced metrics need to be reviewed along with what we see with our eyes to build a composite of a player. Numbers in most instances support our visual assessment. And certainly rookie numbers shouldn’t be used to assess how good a player is today especially young players in their second year who continue to grow and evolve.
    #302 Stephen_A, May 15, 2023
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
    Rocketeer likes this.
  3. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I don't get where people try to suggest that Anthony Edwards is a good player....he's better than Jalen, sure, but that says almost nothing. Most players are better than Jalen.
  4. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Edwards is a good player but then again your definition may be different. As I showed both players can get into the paint and score. Again this is all based on their rookie year numbers. Aint no one talking about how they are as a player now. The premise of the OP was Jalen Green “sucks” based on his rookie year numbers relative to the sorry ass list of 11 other players he selectively chose.

    Edwards played 32.1 min per game (0.2 min more than Green) his rookie year but shot lower in FG%, 2%, 3%, EFG%, TS%, FT% than Green and in most distances on the court measured.

    Green played 31.9 min per game his rookie year. He Avg 2.6 assists to Edwards 2.9. A diff of 0.3 assists per game.

    They both play quick less than 2 sec 38.6% of touches for Green and 34.3% for Edwards. 17.7% of all Green’s dribbles that are over 7 dribbles to Edwards 18.3%. Unlike a pg like Luka who had 30.1% over 7 dribbles and 35.3% of his touches over 6 seconds likely because he scans the floor and holds the ball more on dribble drives looking to make plays more. This may show why Green and Edwards’ assists per game are similar.

    Edwards had more steals. 1.1 per game to Green’s 0.7. Diff of 0.4.

    Edwards was the better rebounder clearly at 4.7 per game to Green’s 3.4.

    He also scored more 1392 pts in 72 games to Green’s 1157 in 67 games hence his avg is higher.

    These numbers are per game not per 36 as their minutes per game and it shows that each player had strengths and weaknesses. Edwards was clearly better in rebounding and pts scored per game and slightly or negligibly better in steals and assists. Jalen was clearly a more efficient mid range shooter (12.3% better) and relatively better (2.5%) inside in the restricted area. His overall jumpshot was 3.4% better than Edwards and FG% and shooting numbers across the board. And Green shot better from the line.

    The eye test shows both quick players getting to the paint at a very high level with the ability to make plays and also shoot from beyond 23 ft. Edwards may have been the better defender. And the data between the two in their rookie year are close. I don’t see a clear edge for either player. Fox who is a dominant player now in his 6th year shot 59.9% in the restricted area and 56.2% less than 5 ft. and 35.7% mid range his rookie year. All numbers lower than Green. But Fox shot 44.4% mid range this past season. This shows you that players evolve and grow. So the premise that OP presented that a player “sucks” based on rookie stats isn’t justified. Its bullshi+
    #304 Stephen_A, May 15, 2023
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
  5. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Correction: Fox shot 47% in mid range 2022-2023. He shot 35.7% his rookie year.
  6. Rocket_Man_2.0

    Oct 14, 2007
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    That Jalen Green sure does suck...We need to trade him for Quintin Grimes!o_O
    fchowd0311 likes this.

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