Michael Jordan in Turkey > T-Mac of Greece lol To put things in perspective, Turkish people are FANATICAL when it comes to football (soccer), and many of them would have never heard about Alpi. BUT Alpi signed the largest deal any Turkish athlete has ever signed, so that got him some attention there.
Why the fuss...to Turkish, he is the Michael Jordan of Turkey.. But I have to admit, I like "Yao Ming - the Walking Great Wall of China" metaphor better...
I feel that this Michael Jordan lost a tad of hops and spring this offseason...... I hope it is not the newly acquired muscle mass.....
Damn we went from the T-Mac of Greece to the Michael Jordan of Turkey. Turkey is easily a top 4 or 5 basketball league in the world. That's a serious upgrade, well done Rockets.
So much hidden butthurt right now lol. The best part is that so called fans are riled up by a comment about Sengun's popularity in his native country, not his skill level, a comment from our head coach, not from Sengun or his fans. The haters just want to pounce on anything nowadays, smells of desperation.