Saw on via the Philadelphia Inquirer that the trade is being discussed with a 1st round pick also going to Philly. Seems like a very expensive price for Hughes.
Not only that grummet but ESPN is reporting the Sixers are <a href="">trying to trade Hughes for Kerry Kittles</a>. Kerry Kittles?! Someone get on the phone with Larry Brown. ------------------ Clutch http://www.clutchcity.NET SPREAD THE WORD
I wonder if the Rockets could broker that deal with Toronto, sending the Philly kid Mobley home and then shipping Hughes on to Toronto for McGrady. The question would be if Mobley's enough to pry Hughes from Philly. It's complicated but nowhere near as complicated as the Francis deal.
If you put Mobley in the deal it would be a start but it would take a lot more from a financial standpoint and a little more on the talent level for Philly or Toronto to make that deal. Kenny Thomas, Carlos Rogers... someone would have to be in there also. Walt Williams has the kind of salary that would bring it close. I doubt we could, but would be nice to find out if they're looking into it. Also have to keep in mind that Mobley and Francis are good friends and get along very well on and off the court. Would McGrady-Francis or Hughes-Francis work? Tough question. Certainly a McGrady-Anderson-Francis 3-2-1 combo would be nice ... but I know I'm dreaming. ------------------ Clutch http://www.clutchcity.NET SPREAD THE WORD
Clutch: McGrady and Hughes are both feeding off their rookie contracts which are each roughly at about $2-$3 million [because they are former lotto picks]. I don't understand why you say a Walt Williams type of salary would need to be included. Williams is at $4-$5 million, and that alone is more than the salary of Hughes/McGrady, and THEN on top of that we'd have to include the talent's salary [Mobley,Rogers]. That would give us a grand total of $8 million. Mobley's $1 million, and Roger's $2 million are enough to get the deal done, financially.