Awesome. Of course, McCain is not asking us to use CFLs! Ergo, he is immune from the "all-environmentalists-must-live-in-caves-and-wear-hemp-clothes-and-never-travel-except-by-walking" r****dation from the loony rightwingers. Makes sense right?
Ty Webb: "What's wrong with lumber yards, I own 2 lumber yards." Danny Noonan: "I notice you don't spend much time there." Ty Webb: "I'm not quit sure where they are."
This stuff is truly laughable when compared to the bombshells that are about to start falling on Obama. Seriously. Obama is forced to do this, though, because of the poll drop that he has seen. Long ago, Obama decided not to go negative -- and for good reason... that reason is that there is much more to go negative on him about than any potential opponent. Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Indonesian citizenship, racist rants from Michelle, anti-American rants in Kenya from Obama himself, Farrakhan, the relationship with Bill Ayers, drug usage, infanticide, I could go on and on and on... Obama has been reluctant to open that Pandora's box, because what lies inside is crippling to him. McCain is wealthy, since when is that a crime? Do you really want to go down the home ownership attack ad path, Obama, considering a convicted felon fraudulently helped you buy your own house because you couldn't afford it? What a manufactured controversy this is, all beginning with a planted question from a reporter...
I'm trying not to feed the trolls but the above post is truly a LOLer. Bombshells?? com on dude, you're being delusional. the rezko story which had the most smoke didn't even blow up, jeremiah wright is so April. so we have all these "bombshells" and yet we have the first legitimate black candidate. you're right, "bombshells"
man i wish i owned so that many houses... so does he rent them out? to make more money or are they strictly private residences? honestly though, i think these houses belong to his wife as opposed to him. he married rich, he is not rich by his own $5M/yr definition...
If he can't remember how many houses he has, how can we expect him to remember that Czhekoslovakia is no longer a country, that Pakistan and Iraq don't share the same border, or where he left that damn remote!!!
His radical associations are legit concerns, I won't argue with that. But I do hope the "infanticide" issue gets more play. This is serious. He voted against a bill in the Illinois Senate in 2003 that was identical(yes, IDENTICAL no matter what BS explanation Obama uses) to the Born Alive Infant Act that passed in the U.S. Senate that same year 98-0. That says a lot more about how out of touch a candidate is than how many homes he owns.
yeah like having been associated with an education professor that was a radical when Obama was four years old. man, scary
He was definitely asked, and I remember this being reported during the entire Heinz-is-rich-and-maybe-even-jewish-oh-noes! media cycles, but as with the present case, I didn't care about the answer, and I don't remember the answer.
no people just questioned his patriotism after serving in vietnam when his opponent had daddy schedule him flying lessons in alabama
Absolutely he was criticized for it. He was also bashed by the right-wing for marrying an heiress, yet here we are four years later and suddenly, it's ok to do that...hell, you can even cheat on your wife to do that!
Can you imagine the stink if Kerry had dumped an ill wife to marry the Heinz fortune? Unbelievable. Would have been on Limbaugh & Fox airwaves sun up to sundown.
Yeah, apparently much of the Illinois legislature as well the Illinois medical community supports infanticide. You really should get your information from non-crazy-right-wing sources.
and yet W gets elected twice because so many imbeciles voted for the guy they'd "like to have a beer with." add to the fact that he is in fact a NewEngland blue-blood elitist and it makes you want to smash your head through a plate glass window.
The bill passed despite Obama's opposition. He's giving a BS reason why he voted against it. He said because it didn't have a neutrality clause to prevent Roe vs. Wade from being overturned. But it did have the neutrality clause. So why did he oppose it then?