Since others are implying video games and bullying and forms of extremism motivate the shooters, you're implying guns motivate the shooter. Idiotic.
I know your comment is an attempt at trolling, however your failure to acknowledge that gun rights is pretty entrenched with Democrats too. Why else do you think nobody in Washington will touch gun control? Its not a popular topic across the board.
@Liberon words got taken way out of context by some of you guys. It’s a basketball forum. Ppl can voice any opinion they want. Most these kids look up to athletes. Here you have a baseball player. (U of H) commit who got shot in the head, speaking on how much it means to him that Chris Paul mentioned Santa Fe. U don’t think Paul will hear about this? Followed by visiting the player n the school. The guys will most likely have initials on sneakers etc for the kids.
What a freaking idiot. He's lack of understanding of the building code and creating a fire hazard is so freaking embarrassing. All so he can keep getting those contributions from a group I will not name. Holy ****.
Yeah, let's throw 1,500-3,000 kids and 100+ teacher/staff into a building and have only one entrance/exit. Stupid. There usually only is one entrance open to non-school personnel during school hours anyway.
Comments like Hinch's are so useless. Reminds me of high ups at work that suggest no solutions but just demand problems be fixed. DO your homework and suggest a solution Hinch. Otherwise shut up.
This is not a good take. You need more than one exit for fires or other incidents when you need to evacuate in a hurry. Where do you think a gunman would be if there was a single entrance and exit? Lt. Gov needs to thing a little harder on this one.
And then if he had, you would be screaming at him to stay in his lane. Stick to bouncing balls and such...
I’m so sick and tired of hearing about “thoughts and prayers” after every mass shootings u get the same cliche “thoughts and prayers” and then nothing changes...
Props for the compassion, but this person is JUST NOW taking these situations personally and thinking something should been.
i see a new rant trend now." What do prayers do in real life?" "prayers dont help" This new generation is ridiculous
that's because people don't agree on a solution. that's how a democracy works. instead of b****ing about nothing changing why don't you convince people of a position?
Being so close to home its really depressing. I just wish there was a great solution to stopping these things from happening. Is it bullying?Is it parental problems? Lack of discipline..? The more it happens, the more you start considering drastic changes to the second and even then....this was a shotgun and simple hand gun....