A very good post, Moes. What I would have added, and Supermac34 barely mentioned, would be liability for parents, relatives, or anyone else who hasn't safely locked or locked up their firearms. Facing a very large fine or even prison for not taking the simple step of insuring that no one but you can access your firearms would definitely have an impact, in my opinion. I have been around for a while and over the years I've seen numerous stories about someone taking their parent's gun, or their uncle's gun, or someone elses gun, without their knowledge, and shooting someone, or shooting themselves, accidentally or on purpose. If kids can do it, they're going to show their friends, "Daddy's guns." Heck, I did it at home growing up, because I knew where they were, Dad was at work, and Mom was doing the laundry or something else. They are fascinating to look at and handle, and the 1950's and '60's were a far safer era that today's world, in my opinion. I have two friends who have collections of firearms and they each keep them in a safe. They aren't paranoid about someone breaking in, either. One, who has an amazing collection and is fun as hell to go to a range with, keeps a pistol in his bedside table with a trigger lock. You don't have to be a "scientist" (don't get mad at me, B-Bob!) to take common sense measures to insure that your firearms are safely locked up.
US murder rates by year 1950 4.6 1951 4.4 1952 4.6 1953 4.5 1954 4.2 1955 4.1 1956 4.1 1957 4.0 1958 4.8 1959 4.9 1960 5.1 1961 4.8 1962 4.6 1963 4.6 1964 4.9 1965 5.1 1966 5.6 1967 6.2 1968 6.9 1969 7.3 2010 4.8 2011 4.7 2012 4.7 2013 4.5 2014 4.5 2015 4.9 2016 5.3 I don't have info on 2017, but it's supposed to be lower than 2016....so no, it's not more dangerous today than it was in the 50's and 60's, people just think so because you have the news peddling fear 24/7. The late 60's was considerably more violent and dangerous than today.
Let's be honest here, we made a reality tv star the leader of our country. Shootings are not surprising, at all.
You do realize a revolver is a semi-automatic weapon, right? They've been around since Texas was a Country... I've also determined you have zero clue as to why the 2nd amendment was put into our constitution in the first place. I know you mean well, but man, you are seriously drinking the kool aid these days.
Shootings have become popular since the Columbine incident, which was the Clinton era. Please think before you post.
It depends on the revolver. The revolvers when Texas was a country were not semi-automatic. Most of the revolvers until the 20th century were single action and not semi-automatic.
I don't know, I bet a lot of these things are because of psychoactive drugs. Most of these dudes were on SSRIs From opioids to happy pills this country takes way to many drugs.
Yeah it is almost like this way of life isn't for everyone and there should be alternatives or something. Weird.
I'm drinking a 2 liter bottle of realness. The 2nd amendment was put in place to allow private citizens the right to rise up against a tyrannical government and arm themselves? Soooo please illustrate for me how you are planning to organize yourself and half the world in hopes of taking on the United States Army? One drone strike and your neck is a few shades redder.
I can smell your sarcasm but it was too deep for me to understand your point about "way of life" or "alternatives" so I'll just reiterate doctors are throwing answers in a bottle out like candy and that has consequences and mentioning this shouldn't be the object of ridicule.
Oh don't be a snowflake jeez. I agree with that but SSRIs are non habit forming and only a small number experience psychotic side effects so you should probably be more concerned about the opioid crisis because that includes gun sucking white Americans too. I'd be much more concerned about Xanax and beans that are powerfully addictive and easily attainable rather than Ritalin which just make you hyper focused and SSRIs which help a lot of people not kill themselves.
Yes, and Columbine was SURPRISING. Please read, comprehend, study, meditate and listen before you post. Hanx...
The US public has the authority to obtain cannons, tanks, etc. under the 2nd amendment. You are right though; control regulations have made it next to impossible for the 2nd amendment to have the true power it was originally meant to have. Times change, but history has a really weird way of repeating itself to those ignorant of its past. Here's what I grew up watching.