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Many of you are selling Evan Mobley short

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Plowman, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I have no idea what you're talking about.... what did I do? my entire point on Garza was what you brought up, as it was sarcasm to prove the point. He thinks Mobley leading the NCAA in box +/- is analysis of his game.

    Xavier Tillman led the NCAA in that last year. 3 years ago it was Gary Clark. There's some legit guys in there, too. Zion, AD most notably, but you also recently have KJ McDaniels, Sindarius Thornwell and Frank Kamisky in recent years. It's kind like... ok...
    dmoneybangbang and RudyTBag like this.
  2. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I keep hearing a lot about Mobley allegedly only having a standing reach of 9'0" and that being disappointing.

    First I would point out that only 4 players in the entire draft have a longer standing reach and none of them are elite prospects.

    Myles Turner, Demarcus Cousins and Rudy Gobert are the only prominent players in the last decade to have a standing reach longer than Mobley.

    Guess who had the SAME standing reach as Mobley? Anthony Davis.....
    Rashmon, Ottomaton, D-rock and 2 others like this.
  3. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I'm not saying it's disappointing, just i thought it would be more given the way he was touted... eg. not imposing but uniquely long.

    I looked up Clint Capela and his was ranked higher... so not sure where you were looking. Ayton's was listed as 9'3. JJJ is 9'2.... this is just from google....??
    dmoneybangbang likes this.
  4. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    KAT was expected to be an elite defensive player in the NBA. He has blossomed offensively in the NBA, he has reached a very high level offensively. He can score in volume (25 a game), from the perimeter (38% on 3), he can pass (5 assists) and can block shots and rebound (11 a game)........ yet KAT isn't a top 25 player in the NBA and his magnitude on winning is questionable....... all because as a 4/5, he is NOT a good defender. If he could defend like he was supposed to, he would be a Hall of Famer and would be a top 5 player.

    Mobley is likely too talented on offense to be a below average offensive player unless he just doesn't put forth the effort or is really poorly coached. He runs the floor well, he has an ability to finish for flushes off of passes, and he has already shown some ability to shoot a hook.
    Rashmon, D-rock and Rudyc281 like this.
  5. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    Standing reach doesn’t mean squat if you’re unable to move your feet
    Rudyc281 likes this.
  6. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    This list is missing a ton of players, Embiid, Giannis, Jokic, Ayton, Wood all come to mind immediately

    Most just expect 7fters to have 9'3+ standing reaches, 7'5+ wingspans if they are touted to be elite paint protectors. Mobley's measurements aren't far off, just an inch or two below the "wow" measurements.
    Rudyc281 and Nook like this.
  7. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I looked up the NBA pre draft measurements.

    I had JJJ at 9'2" on the site I looked at but he really hasn't been terribly productive as a player... I was singling out stars.

    As for Capela, he wasn't listed in the NBA draft combine anthology.

    Standing reach is a measure that has become more important to some teams, it is why some are excited about Barnes....... but really it is just one measure.

    IDK.... seems to me complaining about a 7'0" man with a 9'0" standing reach is kind of pushing it, especially when Anthony Davis and others had the same measurement, and most of the other long players were maybe an inch or two longer. I guess some people expected Gobert type length? Anyone that saw Mobley play though had to know his standing reach wouldn't be like that....

    Mobley is potentially special because it is rare to find a player with his measurables (7'0", 7'4" WS and 9'0" standing reach) that can move as fluid and quickly as a guard and still defend inside...... to me the question is whether he will be strong enough long term to play inside and/or his shot will continue to develop.

    Evan Mobley going into USC weighed 215 lbs...

    Anthony Davis weighed 221 lbs at the NBA combine.

    No, that doesn't guarantee that Mobley will fill out to 250 lbs like Davis did, but it gives an idea that there have been other players that weighed light entering the NBA draft. Mobley's older brother has a similar frame and is 235 lbs. Kevin Garnett weighed 215 lbs as a rookie as well.

    I ultimately do not know what Mobley will be as a player, but I do feel like Duncan was too hard on him.
    Deuce, Ottomaton, D-rock and 2 others like this.
  8. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    only guy that has really nice measurements is Cade
  9. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Right... I'm not disappointed. I just thought it was going to be super unique.. not necessarily same as all the relevant other names.
    Nook likes this.
  10. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Yeah, I used the NBA data point which only included players that measured in the combine. I did not take into account how many skipped the official measurements.

    Wood has a very long 9'3" standing reach... Joel Embiid is a freak.
    D-rock, Rudyc281 and ThatBoyNick like this.
  11. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    KAT was projected to be a two way player in a traditional center's body.
  12. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Big thing on this is AD always had holy **** shoulders

    KG is a much more similar frame

    Like half of the draft skips the combine its crazy
    Dobbizzle and dmoneybangbang like this.
  13. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Dat Mobley ass is too high with those skinny long legs.

    High ass = getting pushed around.
  14. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    I agree its a concern for an "elite defensive center", will Mobley just be a slightly bigger Chris Boucher on D?

    He wears short shorts I legitimately wonder if that has helped draw that "high center of gravity" criticism more then it would have otherwise
  15. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Yeah, there is nothing on it's own unique about his measurements... they are all solid, but nothing on it's own that jumps out. He is tall (7'0"), he has a solid wingspan (7'4) and decent standing reach (9'0")........ what stands out is that he checks all those boxes and is a very fluid and good athlete with the ability to guard the perimeter with his foot speed.... and he has excellent instincts. He can be an explosive athlete as well, but he mostly relies on fluidity.

    He runs the floor like a guard, and I do not mean just speed from one side of the court to the other, but he can go side to side, he can crouch and he can really look like a guard out there... that is very rare.... especially for someone that also has some base skills and isn't raw.

    I don't know if I would take him at #2 at this point. He DOES get pushed off kilter offensively by stronger players... they can bump him at is does mess with his shot. He also was inconsistent from long range. He showed the ability to score in transition with the basketball and look like a guard, but he also struggled some in half court putting the ball on the floor and scoring. He is a very gifted passer and understands the game intuitively at a high level... but he can also be very quiet on the court and sometimes timid. I have seen him initiate contact and even mouth off at players, but it appears it depends on his mood.

    To me, the most important issue is to decide is he going to be a good defender like Al Horford is a good defender (can one on one shut down his man) or is he really a very good team defender than can anchor a defense. Those are two radically different values in my book.
    Deuce, Dobbizzle and Rudyc281 like this.
  16. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I am not selling him at all, he is too tall.
    dmoneybangbang likes this.
  17. kiwirocketsfan

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Big long immobile guys can still impact shots, but having good movement multilplies that efect drastically though.
    Nook and D-rock like this.
  18. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    It is possible that offensively he operates as a wing if he doesn't put on weight. He has the coordination and foot speed to do it and can put the ball on the floor as well. I am not saying it is the most likely outcome but it isn't THAT far fetched. Some scouts are very bullish on his ability to shoot the ball long term and if that plays out as true, then we may see him playing on the wing.... he can likely defend most forwards and guards as well.
    D-rock and Rudyc281 like this.
  19. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Immediately made me think of this. :D

  20. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Yeah, i like him as a prospect, lol

    I'm team Green, but its like 60/40...
    dmoneybangbang and Nook like this.

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