Malaysian Addicts Turn to Cow Dung Thu Jul 11,12:40 PM ET By JASBANT SINGH, Associated Press Writer KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Faced with some of the world's strictest anti-drug laws, some addicts in Malaysia are sniffing fresh cow dung to get high. An official at the National Narcotics Agency said Thursday the problem was small but growing among addicts who cannot buy drugs. Trade Minister Rafidah Aziz was quoted in The New Straits Times newspaper on Wednesday as saying she wanted the government to deal with addicts who sniff cow dung, glue and even polystyrene smoke. She did not elaborate. "The cow dung emits gases like sulfur, and addicts sniff on these gases to get high," the official at the agency said on condition of anonymity. Despite harsh anti-narcotics laws that call for death by hanging for drug traffickers, Malaysia does not have legislation to cover such acts as cow dung sniffing, the official said. "The problem is not very serious yet, but we are worried as this method means addicts can get high for free," the official said. Malaysia, a nation of 23 million people, had more than 200,000 drug addicts. About 40,000 of them are repeat users who had not kicked the habit despite undergoing government-funded rehabilitation programs. Malaysia approved a law last month that allows for punishing hard-core addicts who repeatedly fail rehabilitation with five to 13 years in prison and six lashes from a rattan cane.
See - all these problems would just go away if we would legalize cow dung! I mean, since when has sticking your face in a cow pie ever hurt anyone? It also has health benefits, such as building up your immunity to various bacteria and mad cow disease. The meadow muffins can be produced on farms and used for other important things like cow chip tossing contests. If it's legalized, you'll be able to go to your local convenience store and wait for the resident cow to drop a fresh, steaming pile of **** just for you! Right now, well-meaning cow dung sniffers have to illegally trespass in farmers' fields and even tip the cows just to feed their harmless habit. Lots of the great thinkers, musicians, and athletes in our culture have smelled bovine poop, and odds are that you, too, have at one time or another. The diseases and bad smells do not really exist - it's a government conspiracy that makes you think that way.
i'm malaysian. and i see cows, like almost never. maybe gateway cows. never knew you could get high from cow dung. see, its these politicians that are teaching kids to mess up their lives.
Well its better then eating it. On Ripleys Believe It or Not they actually showed people in China and India eating cow crap.