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List everything wrong with every single Rockets player so far

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by TheRealist137, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    The more every game passes the more I am starting to think that this is just a bad basketball team out there. These are my observations about each player, individually.

    Ty Lawson, our prized acquisition, has been a complete bust. He's not a very good spot up shooter and his defense has been terrible. I expected his D to be bad but not this bad. I expected him to be able to impact the game offensively but he simply hasn't. Dude can't even hit free throws consistently anymore.

    Dwight Howard, he has decent stats but he no longer impacts games that much. He grabs boards because he is our only rebounder and the only guy underneath the rim, not because he is beating the other team. He is awful in the post and has gotten worse. I have to say he is a negative on offense, he's only good for lobs. Commits so many stupid fouls, his head is not in the game all the time.

    James Harden, still good offensively but his defense has regressed. He is the laziest defensive player I've ever seen, he is slow to react to everything. Gets beat on the backdoor cuts way too much and is slow to close in on a shooter. Looks like he's sleepwalking all the time on defense, half the time on offense.

    Cory Brewer forgot how to play basketball. All he is good for is multiple slips on the defensive end, gambling too much, bricking jumpers, and running into the paint and putting up a wild lay-up attempt that doesn't go in.

    Marcus Thornton. He is what we thought he was, he is either hot or cold. When he is cold he is really cold, bricks everything and is mediocre at defense.

    Will update later.
  2. rocketsballin

    rocketsballin Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    i bet barely anyone knows the main reason ariza has struggled with his shot in houston is cuz HE PLAYS TOO MANY MINUTES! im not an advanced stat guy but i never see this mentioned. he's not a 35-40mpg player. and with all this depth he should be playing less minutes eventually. hopefully brewer can hurry the hell up already so he can give ariza more rest. he wont have the same sharp shooting he did with the wizards, but he can be a lot better than 40 fg% and 35 3pt%
  3. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Harden, Dwight, Lawson and our supporting cast are so freaking talented.

    But our chemistry and discipline and offensive schemes and habits are just terrible.

    Harden handles the ball entirely too much, and he is naturally a sloppy player. They have every reason to let a PG run the show, but the coaches don't have the cajones to pull the trigger.
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    This team needs rick adelman
  5. digitallinh

    digitallinh Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Lawson - This guy is depressed due to lack of alcohol. Moping around the court, not paying attention, our worst defender.

    Harden - He seems disinterested. He was the key to our top 10 defense last year, but this year he's back to Harden of old. Doesn't really get players involved on a consistent basis despite getting his fair share of assists. Seems he's more interested in numbers than winning.

    Howard - Defensively, has regressed. Gets frustrated too easily. Still bad in the post. His athleticism has probably waned, see a lot less second/third efforts on the rebound like in the past. Seems more interested in numbers than winning. Doesn't play 25% of the games.

    Ariza - Defense has also regressed, but still one of our best guys. His shot has kind of been missing as well.

    Jones - Was really hoping he would play like he did last year when Howard was out. Hasn't really shown that same tenacity. Looks tentative like most of our team. His rebounding has regressed from bad to very bad. Still one of our better players at the moment, offensively and defensively.

    Brewer - by far our worst defensive player at the moment. Can't hit a shot, but could never hit a shot before. Plays out of control.

    Harrell - Good effort player but poor defender and rebounder. Pretty good at finishing. PF that can't shoot or play Center = bad.

    Capela - Been one of our best players so far, 24 PER in limited minutes. Needs to improve passing, help defense, not being stuck out of position.

    Thornton - low efficiency player, streaky, doesn't contribute much on defense despite being one of our better defenders this year. He plays hard.
  6. el_locoteee

    el_locoteee Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I thought Brewer will be that guy, but man he is been bad and that after a great pre-season, what the heck happen.
  7. mfastx

    mfastx Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    Lawson - massive drop off in his game, looks like he will be out of the league in 1-2 years. Definitely not doing what we brought him here to do, and it doesn't matter if he is playing alongside Harden or not. He just sucks.

    Harden - has had a few great offensive games, but is just not engaged at all. Clearly didn't work on his game last summer, was too satisfied with last season's success. Defensively he's worse than ever, offensively he just goes with the flow.

    Ariza - he's on the wrong side of 30 and is gradually declining, but has played well the last few games seems to be one of the few guys who gives a damn

    Jones - has had a few nice games but overall worse than most of last year. Injuries may play a part, but doesn't look in rhythm offensively. Defensive he's been okay. Weirdly successful at the 3 ball but still scared to shoot 'em.

    Howard - looks about 5-10 years older than he actually is. No explosion whatsoever and is super slow and lumbers around like Shaq did at the tail end of his career. Along with Trevor at least he seems to play hard and try though. Still a solid presence on the boards and can finish around the hoop. Probably should be involved more on pick and rolls.

    Terry - too old, drop off from last season, can't handle the rock, bad defensively. The fact that he's starting is a testament to how bad Lawson is.

    Thornton - if he's not on fire he's useless

    Brewer - significantly worse than last year in every facet of the game.

    Beverley - an ok stroke from deep, but slow defensively and can't stay on the court as usual.

    Harrell - nice energy but is a really terrible basketball player at this point, shouldn't sniff the floor at all.

    Capela - the one guy I'm optimistic about, getting really good at finishing at the rim and blocking shots. Needs to be stronger with the ball on rebounds and needs to learn how to power up and through people at the rim.
  8. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I'd like to see the Rockets shoot the ball more capably than a middle school team.
  9. Dhoward12

    Dhoward12 Member

    Jul 17, 2014
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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To put it another way, in 13 games, the Rockets have missed more 3-pointers than 19 teams have taken.</p>&mdash; Jonathan Feigen (@Jonathan_Feigen) <a href="https://twitter.com/Jonathan_Feigen/status/667921392260657152">November 21, 2015</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  10. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    Lawson - literally everything , there is not phase of the game he has impressed me with yet

    Brewer - almost everything , is completely out of control . Not going to judge him for shooting since he has never done that

    TJ - nonexistent team d , jekyl and Hyde offensively .

    James - awful shooting , subpar defensive effort

    Ariza - shooting

    Thorton - shooting woes

    Capela - bad team d

    Terry - shooting , really lazy passing , slow on defense

    Harrell -typical rookie mistakes

    KJ - apparently not good enough in practice to get off bench , poor decision making when has played

    Beverley - gets into **** with opponents when there is no need , bad focus defensively .

    Dwight and Dmo are absolved . Dwight because he has played hard and well and Dmo because he is hurt . Second least to blame is James , just because he shoulders such an immense role isn't a reason to heap blame on him . The games we have won have all been because he put up superstar efforts . He's got to have some help for games where his shot isn't on and he isn't getting calls ; he is basically all of our offense and did so much lifting for us last year . It's not fair to ask him to carry such a burden again and then be healthy and play 100% in the post season .
  11. CK Johnson

    CK Johnson Member

    Aug 27, 2013
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  12. dkoune

    dkoune Rookie

    Jun 26, 2008
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    James Harden is playing like an MVP caliber player.

    Dwight Howard is back to his superman orland Magic days.

    Ty Lawson looks like Chris Paul out their, just amazing.

    Trevor Ariza is shooting lights out, and locking up on the defensive end.

    Terrence jones is playing like a man, just beasting!

    Clint Capella is a superstar in the making.

    Marcus Thornton is shooting like he is Ray Allen.

    Corey Brewer is playing the best basketball in his career.

    Kj mcdaniels is looking like Andre Iguodala.

    Jason Terry is the JET. Future Hall of famer

    Patrick Beverly is playing like a bulldog, just locking up everyone.

    Montrezll Harrell is top five rookie of the year candidate.

    Donates montiejunas is going to be the X factor when he returns... And an all star caliber player.

    And Sam dekker ... Tbd. ;)
  13. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    This post was annoying until I read the Corey Brewer line...then I LOL'd. Well done.
  14. ISOBall

    ISOBall Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    *Horrible drafter
    *Does not do whatever it takes to win
    *Analytic geek
    *Studies to be a gynecologist rather than fix his team
    *Hates plays
    *Hates ball movement
    *Hates mid range shots
    *Loves contested threes
    *Loves stagnant offense
    *Loves puppet coaches
    *Loves to talk
    *Loves to be arrogant
    *Loves to never admit he's wrong
    *Always looking to trade his team for a star player
    *Loves to make fans depressed
    2 people like this.
  15. OpenLayup-Why3?

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Harden is total **** and others are just not used to play this r****ded "style" we have in Houston. I bet every single player we have would be better on real teams with real coaches.
  16. ClutchCity3

    ClutchCity3 Member

    Mar 17, 2008
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  17. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Might be better off listing what ISN'T wrong with the team/players. ;)
  18. Crashlanded19

    Crashlanded19 Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    We just can't shoot! We were 37% from the floor tonight. A woeful 20.7% from 3 and only 59.5% from the line. Thats horrible but I didn't even mention the 23 turnovers. :eek:

    How can a pro team shoot that bad and fumble the ball so much? They've been struggling since opening night. Hire a shooting coach because this is utterly pathetic. 15 missed layups tonight! Seriously!.:mad:
    1 person likes this.
  19. bratna8

    bratna8 Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Harden - Plays no D, turns the ball over like he's passing out Christmas gifts in November.
    Dwight - out of shape, too much BS fouls and needs to be more mature out there.
    The rest suck ass.

    Bottom line is we are running a gimmick offense which is not how basketball is suppose to be played. It's a joke and embarrassing to watch.
  20. Dopamine

    Dopamine Member

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Hmmm lets see...

    2 people like this.

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