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Level of competition in Espana

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by douglasreedy1, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. douglasreedy1

    douglasreedy1 Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    I read the draft profile of Guillermo Hernangomez, whom chad ford has going to us in his latest mock (32 overall). The thing that most stood out to me in his profile was that listed under "weakness", Ford listed The fact that he's played against weak competition in Spain. My first thought after reading that line is that it's antiquated thinking. As many of us here have eyes on Sergio Llull, I figured this would be a good place to ask the question. Do you all agree that the ACB is weak competition? I do not, but know there are some here I would defer to when speaking comparatively about NBA, NCAA, ACB, and Euroleague competition.
  2. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    The NCAA is weaker. High school is even weaker. That doesn't stop you from evaluating talent. There is no guarantee that anything anyone did can be duplicated in the NBA. Hell you can't even determine if what someone did in the east can be duplicated in the west. Look at Jeremy Lin. And even from game to game. Look at Delly brilliant for a couple of games and then came down to earth. Just evaluate talent on it's on merit. And then try to figure out if and why that player should be able to duplicate it in the pros. Does he have the skills, does he have the size, does he have character. That's all anyone can do with an unknown.
  3. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    2nd best national competition?

    3rd or 4th best after Euroleague, Eurocup..... overall
  4. douglasreedy1

    douglasreedy1 Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    I agree, although admittedly, I don't watch much European basketball. Anyone dare to compare the ACB to the ACC or Big East?
  5. OpenLayup-Why3?

    Mar 4, 2015
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    NBA > Euroleague > SPANISH league > Every other league in the world.

    Yes, Spanish league is 3rd best league in the world. Unless I am forgetting something obvious... It's definitely better than NCAA
  6. Egemen

    Egemen Member

    May 28, 2015
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    But have to admit that, Real Madrid has probably best roster in the Europe this year and comparing to the lower tier teams in Spain, they are very dominant. But you can't find a higher level than Spanish League in Europe.

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