Could mean then the Texans would have to put a better product on the field due to competition. I doubt this happens. Raiders need a new stadium tho...shouldn't have to share with the baseball team
The Cowboys would have far more issues with this than Houston... and with the amount of influence that Jones/McNair carry with the other owners, I don't think it would happen (not to mention that SA still has a lot of significant hurdles in PSL, tax/stadium approval and corporate sponsorship... before it can show that it can not only support a NFL team short-term, but long-term).
That has to do with the success of the Spurs, not playing in San Antonio. You have to expect front runners in cities without teams to gravitate towards the teams with the most recent success.
The most annoying thing would be that San Antonio would be gifted the core of a solid team. It wouldn't surprise me if they became the best team in texas. I don't want to deal with more San Antonio hubris.
Team revenue is not important in the NFL due to revenue sharing, the draft, and the QB-centric game. Some of the most historic and successful franchises in it's history are Green Bay, Pittsburgh, Indy, NOLA, St. Louis, KC, and Buffalo. Basically you need a QB more than you need revenue. Texans wouldn't lose any support with this move. San Antonio and South TX are Cowboy country. Trust me I know, I grew up in the Valley. It's the Cowboys who would lose support if the San Antonio Raiders moved in and were good at the outset. But if they sucked, then even Cowboys would hardly be affected.
Not in my opinion. This is Texas and this is football country. Houston has far from put out a successful team and yet we all here gravitate towards them. Year in and year out since 2002 Reliant/NRG sells out, no matter the product on the field and that will never change.
Sure, in Houston that is the case, but I'm talking about away from the city. People in San Antonio would support a team there, but not everyone in the portion of the map that supports the Spurs would. When you get away from your city a bit loyalty tends to go to whatever is the nearest successful team.
That entire Spurs region is big-time Cowboys country (as is most regions in Texas other than the immediate Houston area). That would play heavily on the success (or failure) of a team there. When you re-read the blurb, it reeks of them using San Antonio as leverage against Oakland... the Raiders would basically double-triple in value if they moved to LA, but Oakland with a new stadium vs. San Antonio... not really a huge difference. San Antonio is also going to be leery of voting/approving ANYTHING... till they have an iron-clad commitment from somebody. They do not want another Alamodome debacle.
I definitely think that the cowboys would lose a lot of "fans" but I also think its about brand recognition. Texans are supposedly playing a game in Mexico City in the near future and if a San Antonio team were already here, you think Houston would be featured in that international game over San Antonio? I dont.
2 good players does not a solid team make. If anyone knows that, it should be us Texan fans.... But yeah, this wouldn't affect us at all. San Antonio is 100% cowboy country. I see nothing but cowboy gear everywhere I go there. No Texans presence at all.
I never understood the whole moving to La back to oakland back to La, back to oakland and now back to La. Is it like wife swapping? both cities ok with it?
Thinking that Jerry and Bob would be ok with a 3rd NFL team revenue sharing the Texas luck with that.