Even LeBron James is captivated by what Kevin Durant is doing for the Oklahoma City Thunder. Over his last five games, the NBA's leading MVP candidate has picked up the slack left behind by Russell Westbrook in a big way, averaging 40.6 points, 4.8 rebounds and 6.0 assists per contest while shooting 59 percent from the field and 50 percent from beyond the three-point arc. That's just what happens when a player drops 54 points, then goes for 30 points and nine assists two nights later, then puts up another 46 with just one night of rest under his belt. And trust me when I say that it's not being overlooked by the man he's chasing: Marc J. Spears ✔ @SpearsNBAYahoo Follow LeBron James recited Kevin Durant's statistics from tonight verbatim off the top of his head. "I got a KD watch on my phone," LeBron said. 9:53 PM - 21 Jan 2014 What do you guys think about this? Cool, creepy, or jealous/envious?
It's something that most people wouldn't admit to, but LeBron is being very candid here. I like it. Game recognize game.
Lebron's a cool dude, nothing new. While KD is pwning this league right now, Lebron is still on another level. Maybe not just offensively, but as a complete player he is one tier above KD.
Lebron is trying to stay King James but he is getting older and he is coasting regular season games. I am not sure how long he will stay the better player but he will be the most versatile player no matter what. Durant is a scorer, rebounder, shooter but he aint Lebronesque in Defense, Assists and other areas (physicality, leadership.....). Darn, Durant is just a top notch scoring machine.