as we all know, Nike took over the uniforms from Reebok this season, which means a new set of Chinese knockoffs you can purchase online through wholesale prices I took a chance and bought a Brooks Reed Blue Texans jersey. They are going for the same price of $20, with $20 shipping, which is flat rate no matter how much you buy. I did my research and found a Youtube video of a guy from here in Houston reviewing his Dre jersey he bought from the same site I bought mine (email me if want to know, don't want to advertise) and looked pretty good. Took about a week for delivery, which isn't bad considering its shipped from China, and here's the verdict. Spoiler Here a link I found to compares a real vs. fake Nike authentics for comparison Overall, I'm happy about my purchase where I'm probably going to buy a Watt and Cushing one also. Didn't have an authentic Nike Texans jersey to compare it to, but do have a Dre Reebok Premier Jersey (between replica and authentic) to. Color shades are duplicate and the red loop around the should is the same. My only complaint is that it runs a size smaller, but then again, its possible Nike has a more tighter/fitted fit than the Reeboks did. Just wanted to post this since I remember someone here bought some knockoffs last year but were the Reebok kind and wanted to give heads up how the Nike ones look. NOTE: forgive my pics from my cell phone, the shades look different in each pic since I took these with flash.
Nike has been making all their shirts more fitted for the past year or so...i hate it. I'm not even a big guy and they feel too restricted, especially for athletic tees. Their jerseys are the same, so you probably got the right fit. I'm not crazy about paying so much for jerseys now that players move around so much, especially now that the replicas are 100 instead of 80-ish. Might be interested in purchasing one like they have any of the basic replicas?
Really not suppose to advertise that you purchase these things much less provide pictures but nice. Some may say its unAmerican to do this but I think its outrageous they charge $200 plus for the elite jerseys and they may put $15 into making it. BTW, the sight I know of put but never use :grin: has the Texans jerseys with the 10 year patch already on it. Its honestly the best sight; has baseball, soccer, hockey and basketball too.
Naw, they only have "authentics" which still come out cheaper than Nike's replicas. The reason for the thread was just to show how the Texans jerseys look like, since there wasn't much sites to see how it looks other than whats shown on the site. I get no gain for posting this or the website. I just posted this because I know there was a thread last year about getting these type of jerseys, and had pics of them, but couldn't find it. UnAmerican? Psh, people buy fakes all the time, hell you can go to a local gas station and buy knockoffs all the time.
My buddy got one of those (knockoff) but with the new 10th anniversary patch. Looked pretty cool but it was very heavy.
You really have no clue how the world works my friend. Keep buying your knockoff jerseys, I can spot you second class citizens from a mile away.
Alternatively you can get Reebok authentics (custom) for $150 right now. If you don't care about it being Nike Flywire, that's an awfully good price.
Thanks, Dave. I've never done one of the knockoff jerseys before, partly because I never know which sites are best/most legitimate. But I've been looking for a red Watt for a while, and your link not only has them but also with the 10th anniversary patch, which I really like. So, I finally took the plunge. How long does shipping usually take?
Don't wanna hijack the knockoff thread but my Andre Johnson Nike Game Jersey just came in and I must say its pretty freaking legit. It's not the elite but it's still awesome. It has a waaaaaay better feel than the reebok ones. The numbers aren't sewn on but they also don't feel like the painted ones reebok did. It's a different feel to the numbers and letters but it feels nice. I got a medium and it was 99.99. In my opinion it was worth it.
Thanks. That actually doesnt look bad at all. I got my Watt from NFL Shop but Im thinking about getting Foster, Johnson and maybe even Manning from this website. They have them all in Womens sizes, unlike @ the NFL shop website.
Not a prob!. It took about a week, ordered it in the early hours of Friday morning, and got it the following Thursday. They were stitched in. The numbers, letters, and the Texans embroidered right below the NFL logo in the front. There were maybe like 2-3 loose threads when I bought it on the numbers, but can be easily cut with a nail cutter. Here's close up of the stitching inside out Spoiler That's the site Dave ordered from. Scroll down to the bottom half and you'll see the ones with the patches. They have Watt, Foster and Andre in red/with patch.