You can tell his family and agents have been telling him to laugh at himself more to deal with his insecurities... because making fake accounts to troll 14 year olds and **** on his former organiation wasn't doing him any favors.
In my 25 or so years watching sports, I've never wanted anybody to fail more than this spineless, beta male piece of s**t Kevin Durant. Not Stockton/Malone, not Derek Fisher, not the Titans, not anybody or anything. The absolute lack of competitive fire from probably the second most talented player in the world goes against everything I love in sports. If we manage to beat this team at full strength it will be easily the most satisfying thing I have ever watched. Sticking with the Astros through the entire rebuild when so many others bailed was amazing, but a title combined with my seething hatred of Durant would top even that.
You know he's gonna b**** out and eat another haircut the moment Curry drops on his doorstep with a bouquet of roses.
He gonna join Bron in LA. Kevin Durant: We'll See What Happens After The Year Kevin Durant signed a two-year, $61.5 million deal with the Golden State Warriors in the offseason instead of a long-term deal. Durant's future remains uncertain and speculation has increased in the media that he could potentially leave the Warriors. "It's one of those things you're confident in those skills you want to keep it year by year," said Durant. "I easily could've signed a long-term deal, but I wanted to take it season by season and where it takes me. This whole year will be an exciting year for us all. We'll see what happens after the year."
Durant on why he joined Golden State: ""You can't learn about life if you're the only player on the team... You're the only player on the team and nobody is just as good as you, nobody has that experience or that thought process of how you're thinking as a ball player."
he's extremely sensitive about fans opinion. He's already hated if he joined a Lakers superteam he would become Hitler.I don't believe he has the balls to do it.
I’m not gonna lie, KD actually going to the Knicks would be really exciting. Bringing the Knicks to relevancy and possibly championship contention in the future could do a lot to repair his image. If he ever won a ring there as the man he’d be a god, and I bet most wouldn’t even care about his weak ass move to GS. What left is there for him to do at GS? Yeah, we already know u can win a title when you’re on 1 of the most stacked teams ever. Nobody is respecting those rings. the Lakers, Celtics, Knicks, and Sixers all being relevant at the same time would be great for the league...I also hope Kawhi stays in Toronto the East desperately needs more star power, and the Celtics, Raptors with Kawhi, Knicks with KD, and Philly with their young core being the top teams in the East would be fun