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kenyon martin wants out of nj!

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by a-rock, Aug 9, 2003.

  1. Sleepy

    Sleepy Member

    Sep 29, 1999
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    As Rocket fans some of yall have problems. Stop dreaming and be realistic. All of these off the wall trades is a joke and a waste of your time .This team is not able to bring in a big name player b/c of the poor judgement and horrible contracts they have giving to some players. So just admit to yourself that this team will be in the lottery for the 5th straight year. And you can thank the great CD for that.
  2. brocktoon

    brocktoon Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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    I may be wrong, but I don't think K-Mart is overpriced at all. He's making 5.1 million this next year, and still has another year on his contract after this season. Isn't he just trying to get an extension from NJ, and since they aren't making any progress they are thinking of a trade? Whoever gets Kenyon will be getting him at 5.1 mill fot at least 1 season, which I think is a pretty good bargain.
  3. bottlerocket

    bottlerocket Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    K-Mart would look real good in a Rocket's uniform (whatever they look like).
  4. bottlerocket

    bottlerocket Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    K-Mart would look real good in a Rocket's uniform (whatever they look like).

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    I don't know.

    A NJ official is still indicating that Kenyon Martin is being shopped, especially if it helps them dump Mutombo.

    With Mutombo signed through 2005 only, and considering how the Rox inquired after Jermaine O'Neal, Rasheed Wallace, and Antonio Davis, wouldn't they at least look into acquiring Martin? He brings all the attitude that Eddie lacks.

    NJ desperately needs scoring. Cat and Mo would help in that category. They'd field a lineup of JKidd, Cat, Jefferson, Mo, Zo, with Plicinic, Kittles, Rodney Rogers, Collins, and Aaron Williams(?) backing up.

    Of course, whether KMart is worth the max is another story.
  6. haven

    haven Member

    Oct 22, 1999
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    Of course he's much worse. Screw the "finals experience" (always overrated), and look at what they actually do in a game.

    Brand's a ferocious rebounder; Martin's merely a good rebounder. Brand has a good post game; Martin scores mainly through put backs. They both play pretty good defense, though I'd probably give Martin the edge there because he's a better shot-blocker.

    Brand is a much better player than K-mart. Martin shouldn't get bonus points because his teammates are better.
  7. rainmaker

    rainmaker Member

    Apr 4, 2003
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    Do we really want Mutombo at 17 million per over the next few years? He has one of the top 5 highest salaries.

    Kenyon Martin would be a huge upgrade over what we have, but he'd be a second tier PF in the West. Second tier PFs are not worth the max. He's hasn't done anything close to deserving the max. For his own ego he needs to stay in the East where he can be a big dog in a kennel full of puppies.

    Without Jason Kidd he'd be putting up half the numbers. I'd like to see him get traded to another team, play without Kidd, then try to negociate a max deal.
  8. Subliminal Shot

    Mar 4, 2002
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    TS - He would be second... Do not underestimate the tenasity that Vernon Maxwell played with. He forced the issue and never backed down. Plus... he was ripped like a MF...

  9. DieHard Rocket

    Sep 9, 2000
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    KMart is one of the most overrated players in the league, imo. Not that he's a bad player, but he's not as good as he's made out to be. He's not going to be worth a fat contract.

    I'd have a hard time dealing Cuttino for him. Anything else will probably be too little to get him.
  10. Malakai 2001

    Malakai 2001 Member

    May 13, 2002
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    He's a team player, he explosive, he has upside still left in him, his offense can only improve, he plays good defense, he has a good work ethic, and he has heart.

    With all that being said theres no way in hell we'd ever be able to get him. I don't think right now he's worth a max contract,maybe later but not now. It seems to me that ever since these MAX contracts came into place that every body and their momma thinks they're worth a max contract. To me unless ur a Jordan or a Kobe or McGrady or Iverson or Shaq or someone of that caliber u shoudn't be in the league of the people with Max contracts. I mean damn to me Francis or Ming aint worth max contracts but if you wanna keep them and see if they'll eventually develop into superstars you'll be forced to give them the contract strictly based on potential.

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