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Just what part of war on terror does neo-demos support?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by ROXRAN, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. Sishir Chang

    Sishir Chang Member

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Umm actually the first WTC attack occured under the Clinton Admin. along with the OK city bombming.
  2. Sishir Chang

    Sishir Chang Member

    Nov 12, 2000
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    For the love of God man don't stop watering your lawn!
  3. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    First Coulter then Horowitz?

    Neither of those articles is particularly accurate in the slightest. Others have already mentioned the numerous flaws in Coulter's article. But I will give you a long list of what the Dems are generally for.

    1. Wiretapping terrorists.

    2. Going after Al Qaeda leadership including Osama Bin Laden.

    3. Holding terrorists as prisoners, interrogating them, and finding out information

    4. Investigating Iran's nuclear program and discovering any connections it could have with terrorists in the middle east.

    5. Taking action against Hezbollah

    6. Cutting funds to terrorists and terrorist organizations.

    7. The conflict in Afghanistan and rebuilding a stronger democratic Afghanistan

    8. Helping democracy to flourish in the middle east.

    9. (most importantly, and the big difference between the Dems ideas and Bush's) upholding our constitution, and preserving the document that our nation is based in.

    I have posted several times monumental measures that Clinton took against terrorism, during his term in office. Many of which were rejected by the Republican majority, as well as statements by Republicans claiming that Clinton was too obsessed with getting Bin Laden or Al Qaeda.

    Bush did next to nothing about terrorism until after 9/11 despite attempts by people appointed by Clinton to introduce Clinton's measures.

    Trying to pass the buck is shameful.

    For the record I am not a huge Clinton supporter, and never voted for the guy. I think he could have and should have done more to combat terrorism. But he did do more than other Presidents, and certainly more than Bush pre-9/11.

    You posted to columns by hacks, and they were both inaccurate, and not a serious attempt to address the issues.

    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    It's cute to attack the messenger, but what is serious/shameful and verifiable is the massive intelligence cuts, when a lot of SIGNS were obvious...To say he did a lot/more than Bush is plain wrong. I applaud Bush for employing certain tactics to protect the American people with a post 9/11 mindset...!The article points out Clinton used a passive strategy aimed at being politically correct with the risk of lives attached with severe consequence...

    That is unacceptable! That is why I hate the neo-democrats utterly so!

  5. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    ACtually Clinton had the very first increase in spending directly tied to fighting terrorism, proposed other increases in intel spending which the Republicans voted down.

    Prior to 9/11 Bush did zilch regarding terrorism. Post 9/11 he instituted a lot of the plans that Clinton had already made and tried to get him to institute pre-9/11.

    If you would like I will once again post a list of a lot of the stuff that happened with regards to terrorism, Clinton and the GOP tonight or sometime this weekend.
  6. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Well that settles it, we all know that when ROXRAN comes out strongly against things they're doomed to failure.


    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    It's up to you, but Clinton clearly and unrefutably enacted cuts in intelligence, and please state your spin on the episode where Clinton let bin laden off the hook? The evidence and statements seem damning to him on this as well...All in all, Clinton was no good for prevention...The culmination of not being sensible led to 9/11 on numerous examples abound from his admin...
  8. GreenVegan76

    GreenVegan76 Member

    May 14, 2003
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    At this point, I only support Democrats because they're not Republicans. Gotta stop going backward before you go forward. So, I guess you could call me a Democrat. I won't even address how r****ded the term "neo-demos" is.

    What do I support on the war on terror? As it's defined right now -- and carried out right now -- virtually nothing. You fight terror with common sense and reason, not ego and violence. You withdraw from Iraq and compomise with Iran. We want peace, not bragging rights.

    You treat terrorists as the criminals they are. Try them fairly, convict them and throw their asses in jail. Show the world (especially the Arab and Muslim worlds) that American values aren't all bad. Show them we can be fair and honest.

    Reach out to Muslim communities -- instead of exporting rage, violence and military force, open a dialogue that addresses the similarities between Christianity and Islam. Instead of mutilating families with bombs, offer aid and assistance. Aid would go further in the so-called war on terror than all the missiles in our arsenal.

    Share the freaking oil. It's on their land -- if we actually let them use some of it, it would diffuse a lot of tension in the Middle East. For us to do that, we must develop other energy sources. Yeah, it would be expensive, but the war on Iraq and the war on terror are costing us TRILLIONS of dollars. It will continue to cost TRILLIONS of dollars.

    As much as Republicans rant about supply side economics, you'd think they would look at supply side terrorism. If terrorists lose support of entire populations, they lose their potency and they lose members. There's less supply. Yeah, there will always be wackjobs. But if you win the trust of the majority, you'll have eyes and ears all over the world.

    You *defend* American values. You *defend* Americans. You don't treat the rest of the world as your chattel. Of course military force will always be needed. That's an obvious point. Sometimes force will have to be used to protect Americans. But we don't have to use it for every single problem, or as a first option.

    You use defense for defense. "Going over there so they don't come here" is a simple-minded justification for killin' a bunch of "them."

    You defend your home, you don't go out in your city looking to kill potential burglars.
  9. GreenVegan76

    GreenVegan76 Member

    May 14, 2003
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    I think what FranchiseBlade outlined is a very good summary of what most Democrats believe. In fact, I would say a very good majority of Democrats would be OK with that outline.

    My opinions outlined above are only my opinions. They're no more valuable than ya'lls. I only hope that reason, objectivity and fairness played a larger role in the debate. Right now, the only options talked about are bombing, and bombing.
  10. underoverup

    underoverup Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    terrible article for the brainwashed bushbots. :rolleyes:
  11. bobrek

    bobrek Politics belong in the D & D

    Sep 16, 1999
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    "There's not a single bear in sight--the 'Bear Patrol' is working like a charm"

    "That's specious reasoning," Lisa retorts.

    "Thanks, honey," Homer says to her, adoringly.

    "According to your logic," she says, picking up a stone from their lawn, "this rock keeps tigers away".

    "Hmmm. How does it work?"

    "It doesn't."

    "How so?" Homer asks further.

    "It's just a rock," she says.

    "But I don't see a tiger, anywhere."

    "Lisa," concludes Homer, while pulling out his wallet, "I want to buy your rock."
  12. ROXRAN

    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    It's so terrible when true and cannot be refuted...yep.
  13. ROXRAN

    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    A lot of this was in keeping with the passive actions of the Clinton years as cited in the article I posted earlier...Clinton is a bright fellow. He had a rhyme and reason for his actions...passive they may have been with political correctness application sprinkled in...Still, it made it easier for terrorists to enter the country and be unnoticed/under the radar...

    In other words, Clinton had intelligence in what he did, but NOT the "sense" required to realize the scope of the true threat building and building through examples after the other starting with the first WTC attack in 1993...

    We cannot go through this mindset and ideology again! :mad:

    The next 3,000 plus deaths may be someone you know blown to hundreds and thousands of pieces...or simply ash scattered around. I pray the pain will not be realized...
  14. generalthade_03

    Feb 1, 2003
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    To say that SLICK WILLY did more than Bush again terrorism is laughable! How could he when the Lewinsky humidor is always around?

    And on the topic of apologizing to slavery, isn't SLICK WILLI the first African-American president in the US? Then that makes perfect sense why he apologized.

    Man, this board is way too left leaning for me. I served my country honorably for 4 years in the US Air force, accept for a few here, I bet the majority of you were never in the military.
  15. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    To be serious for a second, it's really insulting ROXRAN when you try to explain to me and others what a terrorist attack is all about and how I don't realize it.

    Quite honestly, having lived through september 11th while working in downtown manhattan (I still have a surgical mask covered in ash in my closet), I think it's fair to say that I understand exactly what it's all about, and probably have a different understanding than you did sitting around your house watching on TV back in Houston. How many terrorist attacks have there been on your subdivision, and why are you uniquely qualified to explain to us what they are like?

    Those feelings from that day are precisely why I oppose the disastrous policies of the neocons and those like them that have resulted in conditions that make the repeat of such a day more likely.
  16. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    well he did get more work done

    what if this board was right leaning with the majority never being in the military.. is that better for you?

    are you saying right leaning without military service >> left leaning without military service

    i think not because a war mongering non-military person is a hypocrite to say at the very least
  17. generalthade_03

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I like Greenvegan76's plan to fight terrorism: cut,run and surrender! And we can all hold hands, sing Kumbaya and apologizing to mister Osama while he and his peeps plant another explosive up our collective asses!

    Typical lefty :)
  18. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    This post has little substance and doesn't make very much sense. I applaude you serving in the military. My Nephew is currently in Iraq with the Marines, and my father was in the Navy, and my Grandfather in the army. I appreciate military service.

    However, people who didn't serve aren't less American, less patriotic or less knowledgable about policy decisions of various administrations.

    Your half-joking/non responsive answer about Clinton in Lewinsky has zero to do with his measures of counter-terrorism. To imply that because he had an affair he didn't have time to take any actions about terrorism is non-sensical.

    I do agree that this board could use some thoughtful conservatives to post and debate. I hope we get some.
  19. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    You shouldn't post things like that, giddy... I almost ruined another keyboard, spewing my coffee from laughing so hard!

    Keep D&D Civil.
  20. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Actually to attribute 9/11 solely to Clinton's alleged lack of action is inaccurate, and a waste of time.

    I'm not sure what you are talking about letting Bin Laden off the hook? You aren't talking about the myth where supposedly Sudan was going to hand over OBL are you?

    Clinton issued a directive to kill Bin Laden. He attempted to kill Bin Laden, and barely missed. How many attempts did Bush make prior to 9/11? How may directives did Bush issue prior to 9/11 regarding terrorism in general or OBL, specifically?

    I will definitely post the other measures he took toward fighting terrorism.

    That being said I have no problem saying that Clinton did not do enough to combat terrorism during his tenure as President. I also don't have a problem saying that Clinton should have done more.

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