whatever. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/stats?playerId=532 http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/stats?playerId=110 hmmmmmmm http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/gamelog?playerId=609&year=2005
I have no idea what point you were trying to get across with this post. Maybe that you know how to look players' stats.
Even in TMac's heyday, he's not as good as Kobe on defensive side. He's not as clutch as Kobe. He never had as good stats as Kobe when he had to share the ball with a legitimate bigman. They both led bad teams to playoff, but Kobe was in west.
Wilkins was another one of those guys that really deserved to win a championship but never could. There was no doubt that Jordan was better, but you cannot deny how hard Wilkins tried to carry the Hawks back then and how much they relied on him. Also, watching him and Jordan go at it in the dunk contests was some good times - none of the Nate Robinson trying 100 times to get a dunk garbage. In terms of Tmac and Kobe, there really is no comparison. Kobe is still playing at a high level, Tmac is not. Whether he is capable of it or not, he isn't right now. I loved watching Tmac play in his prime but to compare him to Kobe is ridiculous. You can't just compare one or two years of their careers, especially when they are both still playing basketball currently.
Did not mean to diss Nique. Nique was one of the league's best attractions. He was also beloved by Atlanta. The only knock on him was that he played too long in search of a ring. Tmac was not loved by any city the way Nique was. Plus Nique had style.
Agreed - can't blame a guy for wanting to try to get a ring. Nique was great and he put up some monster numbers, only second to Jordan. I think the biggest problem with Tmac is that he tended to look outwards for blame instead of toward himself, which is why he ends up throwing most teams under the bus when he can't win anything with them. His teams have sucked but he didn't have the same tenacity that Jordan had in improving his teammates (can anyone say Luc Longley?) Unfortunately for him, what he needed was a good mentor - sometimes I think he would've had more success had he played with Jordan (if the Pippen trade went through) since Jordan would have not taken any slack from him. Oh well, I guess it's back to burning bridges for him.
Another thing to point out for having success in the nba is the player/coach relationship. your best player should have a good relationship with the coach or nothing good will come out of it. Jordan and Phil Jackson Magic and Riley Dream and Rudy T Duncan and Popovich
I love this "minus the championships and MVPs", TMac in his prime was better. This might be true- assuming Kobe had absolutely nothing to do with the championships and MVPs.
T-mac was a good defender, he just had to carry so much of the offensive load. As a sg he blocked alot of shots when he was with Toronto, because he didn't have to score as much with vince as the focal point on offense.
You must be on something. I don't like Kobe at all but this comment shows you know nothing about basketball.
One more thing, T-Mac is not a Rocket anymore! For the life of me quit with the new threads about him already! If you want to post something new about him keep in the T-Mac as a Knick thread! T-Mac nut hugger
lol @ you thinking i know nothing about basketball. by the way, numerous other people agree with my opinion so are you saying that all of those people know nothing about basketball as well?