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Josh Howard continues his horrendous offseason

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by AstroRocket, Sep 16, 2008.

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  1. AstroRocket

    AstroRocket Member

    May 28, 1999
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    Hahahahaha!! hi-f'n-larious. Buy my life? Are you serious? Kid, you have no idea where I'm from or what I've seen if my life (remember, I am "from the hood"), but suffice to say, I do not give a sh-t what you say you can buy. Saying domething like that on a basketball bbs was pretty damn ignorant.

    Secondly, why are you posting here? If you cannot articulate your thoughts in a cogent and coherent enough fashion that the people you find yourself so enamored with talking to can understand a damn thing you say, then why the f-ck are you talking in the first place?

    As an "educated black man", as you like to say (I worked my way to degrees in Journalism and African-American Sociology), I can see that you actually have some valid points in that wall of angry text you're trying to pass off as English, but you really don't care enough to present it in a form that anyone can appreciate or may sway them to your point of view.

    Plus, you're acting like a complete *******. Honestly, I don't know what you were expecting.
  2. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Josh needs to go to Africa and see how the people are living over there.

    What an ASSHAT thing to say, he lives in America gets all the benefits of it, and then has the nerve to let his ignorance show by making a dumbarse comment.

    He needs some perspective, and should quit whining and start helping people less fortunate than him.....

    What a moron.

  3. ferrari77

    ferrari77 Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    A fair amount of people in certain countries in Africa are living large, not everyone is poor and living in a shack, fyi. (But I know what you mean and you are right).

    Say what you will about the USA and the history of the country but there's a reason immigrants from far and wide are still doing everything they can to come to this country. I love Europe and my family there but there are a ton of countries both major and minor that treat people of colour in worse ways than you could ever imagine seeing in America. There are very few countries in the world in which hardwork and persistence as a person of color can lead to prosperity and America is one of them, despite the negative past.
  4. ferrari77

    ferrari77 Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    That was hilarious. Who the heck thinks of this stuff?? :D

    What is the Velvet Elvis and what the heck is Celery soda???
  5. ferrari77

    ferrari77 Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Originally Posted by Ron Artest
    "I think josh howards comment is a reflection on education. I think the schools need to teach deeper in the history classes and make the students aware of racism but also teach them that all people are not bad. "I can relate to not feeling wanted by my own country at times but as I dug deeper I realized that America is divided and we need leaders to bring America closer together. An example where I felt unwanted by my country was when I didn't get a chance to tryout for my national team. I believed it was because my history.

    I hope he overcomes this.

    Wow. I can't believe this is coming from Ron Artest.
    Very Impressive.
  6. TMac640

    TMac640 Contributing Member

    Jan 10, 2005
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    Lol, Ol' Howard. What a jokester :)
  7. rockmanslim

    rockmanslim Member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Josh was just keepin it real.

    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="424" height="373" id="videovatPlayer" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.videovat.com/videoPlayer.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="flashvars" value="videoId=971" /><param name="allowFullscreen" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed src="http://www.videovat.com/videoPlayer.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars="videoId=971" width="424" height="373" name="videovatPlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /></embed></object>
  8. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Celery Soda is a type of soda made by Dr. Brown's- you can find it in some grocery stores and at Jewish-style delicatessens. Velvet Elvis refers to a Hispanic cook I used to work with at Victor's Restaurant on FM 1960. We used to joke about racial stereotypes and he once said, "You won't find me with no enchiladas or velvet paintings in my apartment." Then, when we went to his apartment one time for an after-work party, he had a painting of Elvis Presley that we jokingly referred to as the Velvet Elvis.

    Two of my best friends when I went to Westfield High School were Korean, and they used to always call me "white bread" as a joke. One time, when playing basketball, they said, "See- white bread can't play no basketball." And I said, "Hey, I don't need the Rice-A-Roni Patrol Director telling me how to play basketball when he can't shoot either!" Of course, among friends, you can get away with this- and they took no offense to it. You just can't stereotype or say things in public as a joke.

    "...join the Nazi party" is a quote from the Mel Brooks' movie The Producers.

    As someone who's Irish, I've heard all the Irish stereotypes from my Italian relatives in NY.

    You take inspiration in life from wherever it comes.
  9. R0ckets03

    R0ckets03 Member

    Nov 11, 1999
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    Go back to school.
  10. R0ckets03

    R0ckets03 Member

    Nov 11, 1999
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    People like to hate on US because they believe its racist. Of course we are not perfect, but I am willing to bet that there is a lot more racism is most other countries.
  11. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    You absolutely gotta love the "nerds on a message board" insult from a guy posting on said message board.

    No kcagbor, considering you can't put together a coherent sentence and apparently haven't mastered the use of punctuation marks, I don't wish I was you. But sure, go back to your bubble thinking you have it made in life as a "redshirt freshman". LOL. Good luck with that, buddy.
  12. WhoMikeJames

    WhoMikeJames Member

    Jun 28, 2005
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    A lot of people are overreacting in this thread... and I love how the discussion turned into racism.

    Did you ever consider he might just be joking? Oh but he talked during the star spangled banner, curse him because thats anti-American.

    He's just a dumbass for saying comments like that. Nothing else.
  13. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Agreed. Calling him anti-American for the comments is giving him way too much credit. He's just a complete idiot.
  14. kcagbor321

    kcagbor321 Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    yes the one and only great kcagbor is back and yes i got more rants to go on but im amazed (not really) of the uproar a black man causes when he speack his mind (cough cough josh howard)..
    first if all mr obb or whatever the **** ur name is my post is in english cuz aparently u can read and u get that damn point and i like i said i took english 1&2 last year at the university if houston and i got a B so when i wanna use punctuation marks ill use em but im not wriring a ****n essay on global warming so sorrry for not using my mla format or using punctuation marks or slang that u bloggers dont understand

    second tha cabbage ur a squid when u sit in ur cubicle wonderin y ur makin 9 dollas a hour and im out here doin what every1 on this board wishes they were doin (bein a star athlete) so i can see y ur pretty mad me being a redshirt freshman is more than youve accomplished in ur 9-5 life and dont even say that im not doin what yall wish u could cuz im sure if u were good enuff at a sport or even nething in general u would be doin that instead of makin 4369 post on a fan website.. get outta here u square..

    and for rockets 2 tell me to go back to school i have a 4.0 (ive only been here 2 weeks so it hasnt had a chance to drop yet lol) over here which im sure is higher than ur college and high school gpa together if u even made it that far

    and 2 my personal favorite blogger mr astro rocket u have no idea what ive seen my parents r from africa ive been there and they came from nothin to somethin wit hard work and yes they could buy everything u own and everything u wish u owned so maybe if ur nice or apologize if u have kids i mite buy em a car or pay for their college cuz im ballin like jim jones and i like 2 consider myself a philanthropist haha and im glad that a black man went 2 college and got ur degrees in journalism and in african american sociology (mad applause) but when u go to college maybe u should try study something that actually mite make money (for example im doin pharmacy and finance) so unless u work for the chron then get on my level son.. and as to why im writing on here i really dont cuz yall r really on some other **** i just got fed up wit yalls shananagins so i had to let it rip

    and for my favorite dumass on here mr dorokitty how am i stereotyping when i say the media loves white people especially lil white girls that go missing. u must not be watchin tv when ur hear this casey anthony **** or the **** about that lil beauty queen girl in colorado that been missing for years but people still like to bring up or that lil british girl that went missing.. the media runs this country.. the way they portrray is the way most people in the world r gonna think about u.. and i know u just didnt say irish people have it the worst.. did u not take history class and here how people went to africa took people from there homes and made black people in this country slaves for years.. get outta here that nonsense man.. i hate to be repetitive but 50 years ago in this country i wouldnt be school wit yall but u would be in there.. it took ****in tanks just let black people inside the school not counting the verbal abuse that they took (and still take) when they was tryin to go to school (here comes a racist comment) if u irish would put ur booz down and read a history book u would know that yall dont have it that bad.. and if u said i know how u people get put the kfc bucket down that really wouldnt inferiate me cuz i u hear alot worse in the warzone (football field for u nerds) and ps i dont eat fried chicken :D
  15. kcagbor321

    kcagbor321 Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    and 2 the cabbage if i was writing a paper in mla format which i dont have 2 do anymore than i ill use puntuation marks mmmmmkkkkk
  16. aussie rocket

    aussie rocket Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Wow KCagbor.

    I'd really like to read your big post up there, but ya know, time restraints and all that.
  17. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    and for my favorite dumass on here mr dorokitty how am i stereotyping when i say the media loves white people especially lil white girls that go missing. u must not be watchin tv when ur hear this casey anthony **** or the **** about that lil beauty queen girl in colorado that been missing for years but people still like to bring up or that lil british girl that went missing.. the media runs this country.. the way they portrray is the way most people in the world r gonna think about u.. and i know u just didnt say irish people have it the worst.. did u not take history class and here how people went to africa took people from there homes and made black people in this country slaves for years.. get outta here that nonsense man.. i hate to be repetitive but 50 years ago in this country i wouldnt be school wit yall but u would be in there.. it took ****in tanks just let black people inside the school not counting the verbal abuse that they took (and still take) when they was tryin to go to school (here comes a racist comment) if u irish would put ur booz down and read a history book u would know that yall dont have it that bad.. and if u said i know how u people get put the kfc bucket down that really wouldnt inferiate me cuz i u hear alot worse in the warzone (football field for u nerds) and ps i dont eat fried chicken

    OK, I am going to make one response and then I'm through with you. If you didn't realize that my comment about the Irish having it the worst was an obvious attempt at sarcasm, then you completely missed my point. I was a History minor, so don't even start telling me about the oppression of African-Americans- I fully understand the history behind it and the despicable actions of my ancestors.

    You know what? My grandfather was a racist a**hole- should I go around hanging my head? F**k that. In addition to 2 white guys, my best friends happen to be an African American, 2 Koreans, an Iranian, a Kenyan, and a Latino-American. Doesn't mean that I don't have prejudices that pop up every once in a while. If I'm walking in downtown Houston and I see 4 black people hanging on a corner, I'm probably crossing the street. No excuse for my action, but that's how it is. It's something that we as human beings have to fight against every day, because, to be perfectly honest, it's sometimes easier to be segregational than not.

    Going back to the point of this whole thread, Josh Howard said something in public that you just don't say in public- don't matter if you're black, white, or whatever. That's the point. You wanna argue that the media is biased? Fine, they probably are. You wanna argue that America is still a racist country that is prejudiced against African Americans? Fine, maybe you have a point.

    So, as this board is open to all opinions, no matter how warped they are, I do fully respect and acknowledge your right to state your imbecilic opinion. And being that there are no grammar requirements for posting in this forum, I have absolutely no right to criticize you for your gross misuse of the English language, and I will not do so. And as to your reference of me as a dumass and "dorokitty," since there is generally not a rule that you can't resort to sophomoric insults, flagrant disrespect, rising below vulgarity, and a complete, utter inability to create a cogent, logical, and fair argument, I do thank you for your thoughtful references to me and your keen perception of my intelligence.

    "Different strokes for different folks." - Sylvester Stewart.
  18. doboyz

    doboyz Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I'm not sure if you're just trolling or not, but I'm just gonna say if you don't like people making assumptions about you, don't go assuming things about other people and then throwing insults back at them. Also I'm pretty sure "star" athletes don't go to K-State to redshirt their freshman year. I'm pretty sure "star" football athletes don't go to K-State in general. How can you use that you have a 4.0 in college as a measure when you only been there for 2 weeks as an insult? That only makes you look ignorant.
  19. rhadamanthus

    rhadamanthus Member

    Nov 20, 2002
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    I thought Josh Howard was a stupid ******* before, and now it's confirmed.

    I thought Hosh Howard might be the stupidest *******, but then this kcbor dude proved me wrong.
  20. ferrari77

    ferrari77 Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Please just end this thread, it's just gonna get out of hand.

    What else is happening in the NBA? Did anyone hear that Lamarcus Aldridge has developed a mean crossover?
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