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Jerome Solomon completely owned Morey about calling players assets.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by T-Slack, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. T-Slack

    T-Slack Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    I don't like Solomon but you have to give the man his props for this one. Everyone knows these two cats don't like each other. Can't wait how Morey will respond on this one.

    "Did you catch Daryl Morey's media blitz this week?

    The Rockets' general manager ran around town defending the Rockets' decision to part ways with Rick Adelman. Some of it was quite entertaining.

    I don't know why he was so defensive. He didn't do anything wrong. The short version of the story is Adelman wanted to leave and Morey let him go.

    Adelman would have stayed under the right circumstances, but those circumstances don't exist, so there is not much for Morey to explain. Let's move on.

    Other than putting together a last-place team in his fifth season on the job, Morey has been pretty darn good. (Oh, another last-place cheap shot huh King? ... Check the standings.)

    Morey jumped on my man Fran Blinebury in a radio interview, disputing a couple of things Fran said on Sports Radio 610. With a station full of homers over there, one would think Morey wouldn't have had to defend himself, but he was passionate about it.

    It was fun to see him get so animated. And he made a couple of good points about accuracy.

    One thing about Daryl, he gives as good as he takes, and he accepts all criticism (well, almost all) as long as it is fair and accurate. (Of course, he gets to decide what is fair, which is only fair, right?)

    Wonder if Daryl thinks it is fair to double-check something he said?

    Like his latest take on reporters' use of the word "assets," when we describe players. I am not ashamed to admit that I use it all the time. Asset isn't one of the words I was taught not to ever use. Heck, it isn't even one of those I was taught to never use in polite company. It's just a word.

    Asset is the word Kevin Martin used to describe the way Rockets' players felt leading up to the trade deadline.

    "I was telling Daryl, going into the season 90 percent of the people on the team felt like a trade asset," Martin said.

    In response, Morey wanted to clear up one thing about players being assets.

    "I think they are basketball players," Morey said. "People use the word assets, I never do. We never say that. These are people."


    I immediately told Barry Warner and Jonathan Feigen that Morey's claim was complete ... uh ... one of those words I was taught never to use in polite company and the Chronicle won't let me use in this blog, but it rhymes with full mitt.

    I figured I would invest 15 minutes this morning to prove my point. If it is as much something that ryhmes with what a catcher has after hauling in a foul ball, that should be plenty time.

    In June 2008 (just before the Celtics and Lakers squared off for the NBA title) Morey said he thought the Rockets were one good player from being a championship contender. That player might not join the Rockets in the offseason Feigen reported.

    "Don't judge the team on Oct. 1. We think we've got a lot of assets that a lot of teams want — a lot of ways to upgrade," Morey said.

    Later that month, just before the NBA Draft, in a story by Chris Duncan of the Associated Press, Morey talked about the Rockets not likely trading up from its 25th slot.

    "Not a lot of home runs at 25. We're just trying to, if we keep the pick, get who we think is the best player who will help us over time. If we can trade it for an asset, we'll do it. We've got to go with what's best," Morey said.

    The next week, after the Rockets took Oregon forward Maarty Leunen with the 54th pick, Morey talked abut Leunen's potential.

    "He'll play on our summer league team," Morey said. "He's going to play overseas. He's someone who we'll keep the rights to. He's a shooting, spacing four who we think has a chance down the road. Obviously, he's been an accomplished player at Oregon in the Pac-10 where they've had a lot of success, and we feel like he's been apart of that. We believe in spacing fours as an important asset."

    The following June, as he prepared for the draft, Morey said the Rockets would like to make a trade to move up. (Later we found out the preferred target was Ricky Rubio.)

    "We do like some players high in the draft, where we would think about giving up some player assets," Morey said.

    A couple days later, after the draft, Morey talked about the Rockets having picked up Jermaine Taylor, Chase Budinger and Real Madrid point guard Sergio Llull.

    "We feel the two guys who are going to stay in the U.S. are talented guys who might contribute," Morey said. "We feel like Sergio Llull is an extremely talented point guard, a big point guard, which are hard to find. We feel like he is a real good bet as a trade asset or to bring over some day."

    Last June, after the Rockets drafted Patrick Patterson but made no other moves in the draft, Morey said the team wanted to be careful with its moves on draft night. The year before the Rockets had bought the draft rights to the aforementioned Taylor, Budinger and Llull.

    "That factored in, in terms of how aggressive we could be," Morey said. "We were saving assets to be flexible this summer."

    Now some of those references are probably to draft picks, not real people, but you get the idea.

    I would bet if I went through transcripts of Morey news conferences, there are many other times Morey has used the word when referring to people, but there is no need to kick him in his assets over it. People often say things they didn't realize they said."

  2. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    I think its common to talk about overseas players teams have the rights to -- or other things like cash, trade exceptions, draft picks -- as assets. In most of those quotes, Morey is using the word "asset" in a more a generic way -- not really referring to players on the roster in particular.

    But, yeah, to say claim he never used the words assets to describe players -- he either had a momentary memory lapse, or he's being disingenuous.
    #2 durvasa, Apr 23, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2011

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    The fact that the Queen called Fran "my man" reaffirms my hated for his useless commentary. Similar to his failed radio show and Fran's loss of NBA relevancy.
  4. slowmustang

    slowmustang Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Solomon has never liked Morey. Then again, at the time everyone was praising Morey so he had to take the other side to be controversial.
  5. Garner

    Garner Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Whether Morey calls our layers "assets" or not, they are still assets. Every team is composed of assets, some more valuable than others. I don't see what is so wrong about it.
  6. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    I love how he continues to use the completely arbitrary division finish to constantly highlight how the Rockets are a "last place team."
  7. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    what's arbitrary about it?

    we play in a division with other teams.

    we finished last amongst those teams.

    that's pretty objective data. if we had won the division, people would be lauding it.
  8. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    It's arbitrary because everyone knows it doesn't matter if you finish last in your division. And yes, first in the division is pretty arbitrary as well (a little less so because it at least guarantees you a top four seed even if you don't have a top four record). But in general, all that really matters is where you finish in conference rankings.
    1 person likes this.
  9. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    It's arbitrary because everyone knows it doesn't matter if you finish last in your division. And yes, first in the division is pretty arbitrary as well (less so because it at least guarantees you a top four seed even if you don't have a top four record). But in general, all that really matters is where you finish in conference rankings.
  10. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    We are last place relative to our division, and divisions really don't mean anything in the NBA. Who cares where we rank relative to other teams in our geographic vicinity?

    We were 9th place in a conference of 15 teams. We were in the top half of teams, league wide. Those rankings are more meaningful than last place in division.
  11. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    did every team in our division have a better record than us? objectively, yes. there is NOTHING subjective about that at all. add up each team in our division's wins...add up ours...we finished last. you play teams in division with greater frequency.

    no one is arguing that they finished 9th out of 15th. we shouldn't be celebrating that, either.
    1 person likes this.
  12. Victorious

    Victorious Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Haha I like the drama. It's a long off season do we need a little entertainment.
  13. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    So basically you're saying finishing 9 out of 15th is pretty arbitrary, right? Still tells you more about a team's standing than where they finished in their division.

    Phoenix is a second place team by the way.
  14. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    Players are assets. You just have to deal with the fact you are not a good enough winning team to complain about your job security. Its not like your the Celtics and even on the Celtics Kendrick Perkins got traded. So the pansy players have to get over and so do fans who think this is a big deal. They dont want to be talked about as trade peices? Win games then and stop whining. Thats what it is. Whining about getting traded because your not good enough a team to make a championship run. I have zero sympathy for them and Morey is 100% correct in what he is doing unless he starts to make bad moves.
  15. ILoveTheRockets

    Nov 1, 2008
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    Then he has the nerve to go around calling 610 sports radio HOMERS.

    ahahahahahahaha this guy seriously needs to get out of sports writing.
  16. gah

    gah Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    The Jerome [insert insult here] himself knows this is just a cheap shot.

    That should prove enough to silence MadMax.
  17. b2bizchina

    b2bizchina Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Yes! Just do right thing ! It's not just to do sth which everyone like
  18. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Not true. We played 16 games against SW division teams, 18 against Pacific division, and 18 against NW division.

    If you want to call it "objective", fine. We could also ring up our record against teams that have been around since before 1980 and call it "objective", but that doesn't make it meaningful. Its crystal clear what is the agenda of people that use such a statistic. Its definitely not about giving an accurate assessment of where we are as a team and how far we are from being really good.

    Not saying we should be celebrating our record, not at all. Bu to continually go on about "we're a last place team" is totally misleading, without also making the point that every other team in our division is better than every single team in the East that doesn't have home court advantage in the 1st round. When has that ever happened in the history of this league?
    #18 durvasa, Apr 23, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2011
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  19. Geaux Rockets

    Geaux Rockets Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    He wrote an entire blog about THIS? Really? Over a thousand words to prove that Morey has infact said the word "asset" at some point in his life? And then at the end he even admits that it's completely irrelevant that he has said it in the past? Im all for holding people accountable for what they say, but geez, that was a real waste of time proving THAT. Is it really worth a blog post correcting any little statement that isn't 100% correct?
  20. RedDragon01

    RedDragon01 Member

    Oct 13, 2009
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    And no one is arguing that Houston didn't finish in last place in its division, either.

    I can appreciate where you're coming from. You're trying to retain some fairness by fans of the job that Morey has performed. And calling the comment arbitrary seems like maybe calling it false for some, or at best subjective.

    The problem is that Solomon's argument against the Rockets' finishing last place in its division IS arbitrary, and that arbitrary has more than one strict definition. In this case it means "based on preference, bias, prejudice, or convenience rather than on reason or fact."

    Solomon has a history of bashing the Rocket's front office, in particular Morey. His preference is that Morey looks bad. He is biased against Morey. And it is convenient to point out a fact about the Rockets' placing within its geographical division if it helps makes his case against Morey.

    We all agree that Houston finished last in the Southwest Division. And so there is no value in proving that we did. No one claims that it was a subjective placing.

    What those of us that disagree with him about is the pertinence of his position that the Rockets finished in last place. In the NBA, divisions determine two 'major' things: number of games played against similar geographic teams, and whether a team is awarded a top four seed in the conference playoffs without having a higher record than four seeds below it.

    Therefore, a team's position at the TOP of a division matters in a discussion about how well a team finished. A team's position from 2nd to last place in its division has little to no affect on playoff seeding, what is vastly accepted by NBA fans and professionals as the standard of regular season success.

    Saying that the Rockets are a terrible team because they finished in last place in their division is equivalent to saying that Oklahoma City is a terrible team because it finished last among the top four seeded teams in the Western Conference. Sure, the teams finished in those respective positions, but by removing it from proper context, we are making an arbitrary statement to help build our biased position.

    Solomon's repeated stand that Houston finished last is entirely useless in determining the team's success this season.

    If he instead repeatedly mentioned that we failed to make the playoffs two seasons in a row, he'd have a foot to stand on regarding Morey's success with the team. But he isn't. (And even if he did, there would still be sound arguments supporting the GM's success)
    1 person likes this.

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