We're just being careful but I don't see the point in benching him. 1st quarter they would play together. 2nd quarter he rest or harden rest. 3rd quarter the person in the 2nd who didnt rest plays. 4th quarter can be a mixed lin/beverly/harden. That's what we've been doing and so far it's been good. so why changed it.
I agree but coaches are p*****s and don't have the balls to do it. Lin is good when he is the primary ball handler and plays along one dimensional teammates.
Based upon the first preseason game, and some of what seems to be coming from the organization, I'm not sure Harden is going to be handling the ball as much this year. At least when Lin is on the court. Still, I could see Lin as the 6th man if the second unit struggles as it did in the first preseason game. We'll see how it plays out. Competition is good. Guys being pushed for spots isn't a bad thing.
It's something that I doubt many of his fanbois even snap to in their mad rush to defend poor Jeremy from all the haters. If he, as a professional basketball player, has such little faith in his own abilities that he can be reduced to crap confidence because times are tough and some folks dont believe in him, then honestly I am not sure I want him. The best players take rough times and convert them into fuel to make themselves better....and if you dont think Lin needs to play better than you are just delusional. Some of you guys that think Jeremy is such an awesome player need to quit harping on the whole confidence thing, it just makes him look weak to the general NBA fan. For the record(its pathetic I feel the need to do this part) I dont think his confidence or ability to play is affected by the same kind of childish crap alot of the online fans think, the man is a professional basketball player and wouldnt even be in the position he is in now if he wasnt very good at what he does. Yall need to quit treating him with kid gloves and realize that what some fans may say very rarely even registers to these guys.
Your analysis is based all on previous years stats. A summer has gone by, and the team has changed a little. A major change was getting Dwight. So your stats won't really translate over to this team that smoothly considering a) Dwight is now on the team, this will change the way their game will be played, and teammates may have different, new/added roles b) Jeremy Lin and everyone else has had an off season to practice and work on their skills. You already mentioned that Lin was a 'disappointing' shooter, but it MAY have improved in the summer. Why don't you let things play it out before everyone says Lin should be sixth man. If the season progresses further and it seems like Lin should be a 6th, then maybe he should... I am a Lin fan btw.
Jeremy Lin isn't motivated by the LOF, he's motivated by JC. I saw the movie. Just like Run DMC's Down with the King
I've seen others say this including the article by Carl Fudge. If the team gets off to a slow start, in all likelihood it would be due to the PF spot. The team's weakest position, by far. I do not see how bringing Lin off the bench helps with that, or is even related. In fact, this line of thinking assumes that any problems the team will have initially will be due to Lin. An assumption that is illogical and at this time baseless. When the real games start, we are not going to see 5 man substitutions like in preseason. Chances are Harden, Howard, and Lin will all have an opportunity to play with the bench, separately and together. Just as we should have rim protection for 48 minutes now, one of those 3 playmakers should be on the court at all times as well. You can easily stagger their minutes to accomplish this instead of bringing Lin off the bench. The one and only reason to bring Lin off the bench is if he isn't fitting with the starters, or if he is struggling. If Beverley proves to be the better fit with the starters, then you bring Lin off the bench. If Lin is throwing up bricks and hurting the team, then you bring him off the bench, or better yet leave him on the bench. But until those things happen, you keep him as the starter and go with whats been working.
Jeremy runs the offense better with harden /howard. It's really that simple. Bringing in beverly off bench as 6th man of year and defensive closer. pace changer. Nasty man. I agree 2nd unit will need scoring punch and when howard and harden sit we need at least parsons or lin in there with 2nd team. It can be mixed and of course we play bev with harden and howard too but again bev is a closer/reaper/the cleaner (aka the wolf) Another question folks may or may not agree but I think she harden and howard are such badasses it should be a rule that if one of them is in the other needs to be in too,to maintain that base inside outside game at all times. The more I think about it I see no point in running howard without harden or vice versa at any time. We get our 2nd unit scoring when they both sit from parsons lin and garcia.
Jeremy is not weak or soft. Why? Because all of you have forgotten that Linsanity is an underdog story.
I'm thinking M - makes, A - attempt. If that's the case, better check the % numbers again. But strangely I do agree having Lin as the 6th man. Having a consistent scorer when Harden sits is a much better option compare to pit bull defense. But at the end of the day, what matters is who ends the game not starts.
Everyone needs to play better, not just Jeremy Lin. For example, in the playoffs last year, here is Beverley's line: 12/6/3 on 43% FG with 33% TH and 14.6 PER That's not bad. It's not great, but not bad. For the year, here's Lin's numbers: 13/3/6 on 44% FG with 34% TH and 14.9 PER Now, Lin struggled in the game-plus in the playoffs before he got hurt (against Russell Westbrook). No doubt about that. But Beverley didn't set the world on fire as has been reported in some parts. Particularly not in the final 5 quarters of the series. To help point this out, here are the stats for Reggie Jackson in the series: 14/4/4 on 46% FG with 35% TH and 16.0 PER In other words, the OKC back-up got the better of the HOU back-up. Contrary to some reports and impressions. Additionally, in the first preseason game, when Beverley "destroyed" Holiday, the lead went from HOU +9 to like HOU +5. It's great to win one-on-one battles. It's even better when the team does well and extends the lead when you are winning one-on-one battles. Does Lin need to play better? Yes, of course he does. Anyone who pretends he is a finished product is fooling themselves. And the truth is, his lateral footspeed issue is likely to always be there. He's a better defender than people think, though. Likely better than people such as Steve Nash, for example. Things should sort themselves out, in time.
Agreed. If Lin weren't mentally tough, he wouldn't have performed as well as he did in NY, or even with the Rockets in adapting to a new role. He's truthful though, almost to a fault, and everyone latches on to his every word and runs with it, drawing conclusions that can't be made. People go overboard trying to analyze and dissect everything about him, and it just leads to wild speculation.
You just wasted a crapload of writing. Save it for people who have an emotional stake in this...I don't. Im not interested in comparisons between one player and the other. That has been beaten to death here by lots of others who have the time and inclination to do so. Im stating a fact about the large number of folks online that think he is above reproach.....and constantly berate the others who dont agree. Way to really set that bar high. absolutely agree....and honestly, if all folks had that opinion we wouldn't have had to spend countless hours mediating the stupidass arguments in this forum about Lin. When it comes down to it....thats MY angle on this whole thing...I dont care about all the BS arguments...I just want you guys to be civil and realistic aboit the arguments so we dont have to spend so much time babysitting this forum.
No he needs to be the starter and his minutes need to be bumped up atleast to Westbrook @ 35 or a little under D lillard. You need to foward your chart to the coaching staff and maybe they will have the Lin do his duties like a pg at any level grade school, high school, college, and pros and let him initiate. Don't know why they forced Lin to spot up all year long when he was clearly more effective in the p&r. Last time I checked isn't that the job of the sg. Know your role.
6th man or not - dwight with lin has so much potential . and we all saw it working. it would be a shame that combo is broken up.
I agree that we should wait to see how the preseason plays out. We've seen how Lin got Tyson easy buckets, and his combo with Dwight could be dangerous. Again, Dwight does need pure spot-up shooters to be successful. When he was on Orlando, everyone was lights out from 3, all 4 positions. If Jeremy can't hit those, he may be better off the bench running P/R.
I have heard of this idea many times and to be honest its a good idea. Harden and Lin don't work that well together. Patrick is a better fit as the starting PG. He isn't a strong playmaker but he is a 3 and D type of player which is the type of PG which matches well with Harden. Lin will be more effective coming off the bench and could even be in the running for 6 MOY.
Why does making Lin the 6th man mean that the Lin Dwight combo will be broken up? They would still be on the court at the same time a lot.