But you are forgetting Carmello. He could be heading there next year to NY. The lineup right now in NY isn't set in stone. If Lebron is heading to NY, players will follow.
I knew you were. It's OK. While I wouldn't trade all my memories for anything (well, maybe a few of them could take a hike), it would be groovy to be your age.
They're actually not doin too bad for themselves since all this Strasburg hype has swelled up. The network is only about 3 or 4 years old and they have a few legit guys blogging for them.
LOL, I know who that is. His nick is Lurch and he's part of a DC morning talk show crew. They're funny as hell. He doesn't make stuff up for the hell of it, and he actually is connected, but that's more like knowing the Redskins coaches. So while I trust that he knows stuff, I'm wouldn't be surprised if his source was wrong. He's not lying, but his source could be misinformed.
Lebron is a smart guy. Creating all this drama and different scenarios only to announce he's signing back with Cleveland.
TMZ interview with Jared Dudley. Dudley says that he has a "source" that told him LeBron has notified the Knicks that he's going to play for them. Dudley says he hasn't talked to Amare about it. This actually might be bogus info. LeBron said he wasn't going to notify the team he chooses until 5 minutes before the press conference. According to Dudley, LeBron already told the Knicks. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="386" id="utv944651" name="utv_n_350617"><param name="flashvars" value="beginPercent=0.4934&endPercent=0.9021&autoplay=false&locale=en_US" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="http://www.ustream.tv/flash/video/8134367" /><embed flashvars="beginPercent=0.4934&endPercent=0.9021&autoplay=false&locale=en_US" width="480" height="386" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv944651" name="utv_n_350617" src="http://www.ustream.tv/flash/video/8134367" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
Chris_Broussard LeBron James spent Wed evening (6-8:30 pm) playing pickup softball with friends/fam in Akron. A shortstop, he led his team to victory.
PJ how do you feel about this circus that LeBron is creating. As you know I have been supporting him on this board but it's hard for to defend how he is acting right now. IMO he has known where he is going to play before the Free Agency period but is just toying around with the media and fans on each team who is involved. If that report you just reported is true all I can say is this has gotten pathetic. I'd hate to see how Lebron would be acting if he had already won a ring.
i'm sure that "source" is amare. he just doesn't want to put amare on blast b/c i'm sure lebron would be pissed if he knew amare leaked it.