Adidas has been on fire lately, the crazy explosive were dragged through the mud but seems like one of the best bball shoes out there right now. I'll definitely pick up the primeknit version of these
These shoes are disgusting. But it seems to be a result of so many people always clamoring for black hats with black logos, black NBA jerseys with black trim, black cars with blacked out lights and black badges, etc etc. Forget style, everything just needs to be black. These are the Brooklyn Nets of shoes.
Shame we allow outsiders to rag on our superstar all the time. When those curry "hospital shoes" came out during the playoffs I was ragging on curry on the warriors forum and was banned. Here on clutchfans we allow warrior trolls to come over and trash harden without fear of feeling the same wrath Warrior fans are super protective over curry. That's the only thing I envy about that garbage fanbase. They care for theirs. Until this city treats the rockets with the same importance as the texans. We will continue to be a laughing stock among the national media
Maybe it's just that we can take the heat a lot more than the Warriors California fashion show fans can. Even though society is evolving into a bunch of hyper-sensitive people who need a "safe space", we can roll with it and call things like they are. Sometimes Harden doesn't play defense. Harden makes a lot of turnovers. The team sucked last year. These are ugly shoes, doesn't matter if they're Hardens, Royce Whites, or Olajuwons. Still, Go Rockets.
I doubt that those are the finished product if even the shoes at all. Those look nothing like what was described from project Harden virtual reality experience. I feel like these were leaked on purpose for publicity and then in three weeks at media day he'll have the legit ones and everyone will lose their minds. Those don't even look like a shoe Harden would wear much less design, give the Beard a little more credit than that.
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black is great color though. simple and solid. stands out but not flashy. has plenty of style. black suits look the best, black cars look the cleanest. there can be overkill, but even an all black outfit looks better than any other all color outfit. color is almost secondary if you know how to style it right
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Early look at James Harden's signature shoe gets mocked online <a href=""></a> via <a href="">@houstonchron</a></p>— Jenny Dial Creech (@jennydialcreech) <a href="">August 24, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Make these non-slip and they would be great for working at Whataburger. <a href=""></a></p>— Whataburger® (@Whataburger) <a href="">August 24, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Looks like the black ones might me more of a lifestyle version compared to the Red/black/white model which looks like more of the Signature basketball shoe. Especially based on the look of the materials uses in the all black.Same thing they did with the Currys. People really like the basketball model, but hate the lifestyle version. Looks like the Signature shoe is gonna be primeknit with boost which is the best combination right now in basketballs shoe technology.
I know these aren't the official ones but I told people from the beginning design sells shoes not the athlete. As iconic as Jordan's shoes are, the look is what made them sell like they do. I have multiple pairs of kobes and I hate him more than any other athlete. It's crazy his designs have been bad too because boost/nmd's have had really great design