I wonder what the next season could be with this lineup. Amen/FVV Green/KPJ Brooks/Whitmore Jabari/Eason Sengun/Jock 22 year old Green and Sengun with Green being 23 by seasons end. If these young guys work they could make some real noise by the end of the season in 2025.
Jabari is still really raw and young. I have followed him as a high school senior and of course at Auburn. Now with the Rockets last year. He seemed to really come around the end of last season. I think it is so easy to make knee jerk judgements. I am really encouraged by the way Bari was used this first game. I realize this is Summer League but, he was the difference in the 2nd half...notably scoring 18 of like our 24 in the 3rd. I was encouraged that he was able to put a bad start behind him and shine in the 2nd half. If he puts on a few good pounds, it would really help him. I don't want to get too high or too low regardless.
Bari and Sengun are guys you build around. I really think this guy can be Durant-lite on offense and a great defender on D if he hits his peak.
Haters say bad locker room. All I see is Jabari showing some love to KMj who is no longer on the team. Blood in, blood out homes.
He's obviously throwing that in Udoka and Rafael's faces. I see discontent and a malcontent. Must nip it in the bud and cut him. Start a petition. I.D.I.O.T.
I liked how Bari went out there and talked about helping the youngins out when he's still the 2nd youngest player on the roster lmao
Listening to Spurs GM and he’s talking about their core being 23 and younger. Ours has to be 21 and younger?