During last night's game, all the announcers were talking about was Chris Paul's legacy. How he's never made it to the conference finals, and how he and Blake have turned the Clippers from an LA laughing stock, into a contender on the verge of making history for the Clippers. It felt like Houston was an afterthought. When Houston, was mentioned, what was the narrative? We have no heart, threw away game 1, Dwight is soft, Harden has no help (which has been the narrative we ourselves pushed all season to help push MVP votes), etc. Basically, people used Houston as a punching bag but for the most part we were an afterthought, to the Clippers making history. After last night, the narrative changed. The story going into game 7 will be how Harden's lack of a team carried HIM (he does have help, he does have a team), how this team never gave up, how a scrappy injury-riddled team that somehow managed to scrape together a 2 seed, somehow managed to scrape together a game 7. The Rockets are now in the spotlight and are going to be "the story" with the Clippers being the afterthought (and the little narrative about them will be similar to ours... they choked away a gimme game similar to us in game 1). However, the winners write the history books, and we have to close out Sunday. The Clippers get redemption with a win in Houston. No one cares that they choked game 6 if they are fighting for a conference title come Tuesday. The Clippers realize this and will for the very first time this series, be playing without home court advantage, with their backs against the wall. Houston cannot come out thinking they've "done enough" having erased the bad taste of this series last night... not even close. They did a great job shifting the narrative last night, but have to win Sunday to stamp it. Let's do it Houston!
Agree completely. We have to make this sting of defeat and choking game 6 be a lasting one. If we win game 7 the Clippers will FOREVER be haunted by their game 6 4th quarter collapse. It will go down in the history books. We can't let them win and write the story.
The narrative is still about G6 right now. Just wait after we win G7 and take series 7 from a improbable 1-3 hole ... The basket history will be re-written with a chapter about this series.
No, let's keep the negative narrative to fuel this vindictive fire even more. It's been working for us the last two games. What's with all the positivity on CF all a sudden? We haven't won the series yet! Let's bump those negative threads guys! Keep calling for McHale's firing! Keep up those "Harden is a Frauden" threads! Bump those "Morey sucks" threads! Bump those "trade Dwight" threads! Just don't touch this one http://bbs.clutchfans.net/showthread.php?t=265605 Don't reply, don't even read it. Leave it as it is until this is over lol.
Yup, that's why we NEED to win Game 7. Game 6 will not mean much without taking the series. Have to take advantage of their fragility now. Two days rest actually works in their favour now.
no surrender!!! get your nantucket reds blazers and support dwight! we've been waiting 21 years for this.
Op... The narrative will be about the clippers and how they messed up. Not how we did well. The media hates Houston. Period.
We absolutely have to win Game 7. Or else this game would only be a footnote in history. In fact, if we lose, it would even heighten Clippers' heroic, just like our Choke City thing. We just CANNOT let the Clippers steal our Clutch City legacy.