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it's that time of the year again

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by thacabbage, Oct 7, 2002.

  1. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    "The Lakers"

    1.Lakers - Shaquille O'neal is still the game's best inside player and Kobe Bryant is still the game's best perimeter player. As long as those two are healthy along with their usual supporting cast of nifty role players (Horry, Fox, Fisher), the Lakers will win it all.

    "The Contenders"

    1.Spurs - I really think the Spurs don't get enough hype. Duncan is the 2nd best player in the game and can singlehandedly carry a team to the conference finals. The additions of Bateer and Willis are huge as they provide the Spurs with some real inside depth. Speedy Claxton and Tony Parker are overrated but they serve their purpose and will play their roles well. The Spurs should again be fantastic but look for them to make their big title push in 2003-2004 with serious money under the cap this summer.

    2.Kings - The hype will catch up soon. That offense doesn't work without Divac and he is on his last legs. Webber will always choke in the playoffs. Bibby is above average but certainly not as good as he is hyped up to be.

    3.Mavericks - The trio of Nowitzki, Nash, and Finley is incredible and will again lead the Mavs to a high seed. But when the playoffs roll around, they still don't have the interior presence needed to go far.

    "The Pretenders"

    1.TWolves - Losing Billups hurts badly and Brandon will never be the same player he once was in his Cleveland days before a plethora of injuries. This team is doomed to mediocrity until management is somehow able to add more talent or KG steps up like Olajuwon did. KG is good enough to guarantee them a spot in the playoffs.

    2.Blazers - With the Kings, Mavericks, and Rockets loading up on talent over the last few years, the Blazers really don't seem all that talented anymore. Is Rasheed Wallace better than Steve Francis? Is Stoudamire better than Mobley? Will Wells/Anderson be more productive than Taylor/Thomas/Griffin? The Blazers should make the playoffs again but does anyone really take them seriously anymore?

    3.Rockets - I honestly think the Rockets are due for a breakout year if they are healthy. When on his game, Steve Francis is more often than not the best player on the court. The Rockets will go as far as the trio of Griffin/Taylor/Thomas takes them. If they are able to establish a legitimate frontcourt threat for the Houston offense, the playoffs are a lock.

    4.Clippers - Losing Odom hurts, but a Brand-Miller duo is scary. Francis-Griffin scary. Add in quality depth like QRich and Chris Wilcox and the Clips should be back in the playoffs this season.

    "These Teams Suck"

    1.Sonics - Rashard Lewis is hands down the most overrated player in the league. He's not even half the player Detleft Schrempf was in his prime. Payton is still incredible but will have no help.

    2.Suns - I always laugh whenever I hear someone say the Suns could be good. They have no interior game to speak of and Marion is not a front-tier superstar.

    3.Jazz - the end is upon us.

    along with the usual cast of characters in Golden State, Memphis, etc....
  2. CriscoKidd

    CriscoKidd Member

    Oct 18, 1999
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    Damn cabbage, are you reading my mind? That's exactly how I feel about each of those teams right down to the letter. Freaky.

    The only thing I would add in is the injuries of the some of the other Clipps, but I doubt Brand and Q will be sidelined for too long.
  3. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    That's why the Rockets will be no lower than a 6th seed.
  4. lovermanbuda

    lovermanbuda Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I agree 100%
  5. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    I don't think the Twolves are a lock for the postseason. No point guard, no shooting guard, no center, and no bench makes for one crappy ass team. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Suns or even Grizzlies overtake the Twolves this year.
  6. coolpet

    coolpet Member

    Jun 30, 2002
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    Jazz and sonic are not sucks..and rockets are not lock to playoffs. guess these three team will be compete for 8th spot
  7. Holden

    Holden Member

    Sep 21, 2000
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    i just dont understand how people can say the Lakers are unbeatable as long as shaq and kobe are healthy. if you watched that series against the kings last year, you know the lakers are very very beatable. one call this way, or one call that way, and its a totally different champion. they are a great team, but seriously the kings are EQUALLY as good and the lakers were lucky they got to the finals. there is no way after watching the lakers kings series of last year, THE ENTIRE SERIES, not just game 7 , that you can say the two teams arent equal.
  8. Isle

    Isle Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    ...when Shaq is taken out of his game by the refs...

    He was NEVER called before the way he was in the playoffs last year...
  9. francis 4 prez

    Aug 15, 2001
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    you mean fairly?

    and anyway, once the refs saw the lakers would lose if they kept officiating fairly, they turned it back up in games 6 and 7 (although seven was actually fair for the most part, the shaq treatment was back to normal) and handed it to the lakers (along with doug "you mean i'm supposed to aim for that orange rim thingy" christie).
  10. Live

    Live Member

    Dec 4, 2000
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    Great post thecabbage.

    I totally agree with you with one exception: The Mavs. I'd put them with the 'Pretenders.'

    They'll be great again this year, but they won't be able to wear people down this year, just about everyone has improved their depth. Plus, with memories of the Kings-Mavs series still fresh in everyone's minds, I think everyone's going to really attack their defense.

    The Mavs will still beat most teams and be a factor, but I actually think (and I may regret typing this) that the Blazers are a contender this year, more so than Dallas.

    - Wallace has to grow up eventually. Ditto for the whole team, actually.

    - Wells is just beginning to establish himself as a star.

    - Pippen may not be able to play big minutes anymore due to injuries, which finally gives the Blazers a chance to get his ineffective ass out of the lineup once & for all. Could a combo of Anderson & Wells work on the wings, or is Woods ready to at least be a role player?

    My $0.02.
  11. RocksMillenium

    Dec 28, 2000
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    Competing for the 8th seed? So you think Minnesota is a lock ahead of them for the 7th seed? Or the Clippers, two teams ravaged by injuries? The Jazz are worse then last year talent wise, and the Sonics aren't exactly overflowing with frontcourt talent, then they get rid of Vin Baker. People may rip Baker but he was their only consistent physical frontcourt player, now who will it be? The Jazz will miss Donyell Marshall.
  12. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    great post thacabbage,

    However, I agree with Holden, as well. the Kings were one unlucky bounce away from going up 3-1. They have it in them to run away from the Lakers. They will likely win the most games in the regular season again and have home court advantage again.

    What they need is not as much Webber trying to force it as a low post GoTo guy <i>outside his game</i>, but Peja to stop choking <i>at his game</i> (and especially against the Lakers). He shoots 39% lifetime in the playoffs spanning 28 games, and something really bad like 30% in elimination series.

    Also, the Kings did add Keon Clark.

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