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Issel vs Sloan

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by gr8-1, Jan 4, 2000.

  1. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I read on nbatalk.com that issel was mad at sloan for leaving his starters in too long. Sloan mentioned something like "im disappointed in him quiting half way through the season." Issel then said "i have a long memory."

    Both of these guys are fiery, and i for one would love to see issel beat the crap out of jerrry, lol. Im not a big fan of Sloan.

    "Don't they get cable in Canada ?" Keith olbermann, after watching hakeem block terry catledge's shot 5 times.
  2. Jenna

    Jenna Member

    Mar 4, 1999
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    This is how I saw it:

    Toward the end of the game, Dan walked down to near half court and screamed "I'll remember this!" at Jerry. Apparently, Dan thought Jerry was trying to run up the score by keeping Stockton and Malone in when the game was clearly over. Anyhoo, Jerry then walked down to near halfcourt to render his response, but he was stopped by the officials. The rest of the game, Dan just stared at Jerry. Literally, he just stared at him. And, believe me, that's not the guy you want to anger, much less have starring at you.

    I'm kinda worried about their next matchup....

    I'm bringing Shandon back to Utah....

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