you can’t afford me you pig For the really good **** me and @Jontro will give you double trouble for a couple cheeseburgers (each).
"Anyone who doesnt like my post or agree with me I will call them a dishonest Tillman Troll, because those exist forreals and that should make up for my lack of intellect. I will just deflect from lack of any substance at all, they wont see right through bullshit" LMAO You care or else you wouldnt have made the dumbest post ever asking everyone a stupid question and attacking everyone who disagrees with the answer in your head. lol You even took the ****ing time out to make a poll. You definitely care lol
Its going to ugly but if you are interested in going to games tickets should be dirt cheap in the secondary markets.
We'll come or should finish bottom 3 in the West. Preferably last. But the young kids are going to be fun to watch. And wins will feel a lot better this season than previous seasons. As they will be rare. And probably be because of the promise a young kid shows.
League pass? Nah brother. Find a stream if you can, otherwise dont bother. Ill probably catch some games here and there but no way can I see myself paying A lot of the "diehard" fans are talking big right now, but dont let them fool you. This section was dead as **** last season
I've got league pass and I expect to watch 75+ games like I do every year. I'm looking forward to this season more than last season, but for me, as long as we have interesting players I'll still be interested. I like watching the young developing talent and seeing if they can improve. Unless Sengun Green Wood and Porter Jr all get injured I'll be tuning in. They're going to lose a lot of games and look bad, so if you only like watching when they're winning, definitely avoid it this season.
I used to watch as much sports as I could digest but these days I watch the teams I have a rooting interest in (local teams) and the rest I could care less.
I just have HOPE they will find a winning lineup and play good defense and limit turnovers. I remember after the Harden trade they were very good.
I bought league pass every year too. I'm probably going to continue to buy it to see how KPJ progresses. I also want to see if Silas can be the coach I hope he can be. I just haven't liked what I've seen so far. But we'll see.
I’ll be in a suite on Sunday but it’s my GF who bought the suite. They moved us to mid court because of availability I guess… I expect a pretty empty arena but it will be fun to see the young guys grow at least.
You better be talking about.the cheap pathetic owner that's turned this franchise into a lottery team from a perennial championship, otherwise more toxic hate from another scoundrel.
I've always gotten at the very least to the All Star break before the tanking mode starts kicking in. This year, the season hasn't even started and I've already begun wondering who the Rockets can get with their lottery pick.