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Is Stevie in Adelman's Doghouse?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Old Man Rock, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    This is strictly speculation and fodder for the brain and I first would say my apologees to Stevie and his family if there truly is a personal matter that is of emergency importance. And if that is the case I deeply wish the best outcome for him… That being said my gut feeling says there is more going on here and rather than a personal matter it seems Stevie’s absence is job related.it I mean come on, most players in this league rarely miss a practice much less a game. And when they do it is usually announced, unless it is of a grave subject matter and/or extremely personal.

    The fact is Stevie is disgusted with his role on the team whether he publicly acknowledges it or not and perhaps he let Adelman know it in no uncertain terms and was asked to go home for a night. Why else would Stevie make the trip and then suddenly have to leave but then it’s reported he will return against Memphis. I mean what become so important that he had to rush home to take care of but can be resolved in a couple of days. And why is it so secretive that he can’t say I am going to see my sick Grandma or visit my baby because she has the flu. Of course there are always mitigating circumstances that shouldn’t be second guessed. But this is Stevie and he does have a history plus regardless of the talk in the media he is a disgusted by his current role on the team. Perhaps it reached it’s boiling point somewhere on the trip and Adelman asked him to take a break. Adelman also preferring not to make a media circus out of the event let it be announced as a personal matter.

    Of course this is just speculation and again I apologize if I am wrong. I would also like to make it clear I am not a Stevie hater, on the contrary I am a big fan of his. I love the intensity he always brought to the court for the Rockets before and I hoped to see that again. Of course Stevie had a problem dribbling too much and not looking for his open teammates unless it was an alleyoop. Which by the way he did beautifully to many players but that’s what you get with his package. Steve has never been a prototypical PG and never will be. But what he does bring to the court is another player who can create his own shot. When Rafer and even James try to create a shot in the paint it’s just a joke but Stevie can do it. That’s an uncommon quality in this league and enough of an asset that you find a place on the court for him.

    Given Stevie’s talents and IMO his ability to still bring them to the table I still think he has a role on this team. Rafer without a doubt is the worst starting PG in the league. I expected more from James but he currently sucks as well. So certainly Steve at least deserves a look. But only if he is willing to put the team first. Yes he may have taken less money to come here but hasn’t he learned from Bonzi’s experience, it doesn’t give you a free pass. You mostly get what you deserve in this league. Hard work has it’s rewards. It seems Stevie came in with a “they are lucky to get me so cheaply attitude”. And that does not work for me or this team. I hope stevie comes around and I hope he gets his opportunity to contribute… (God knows we need him, we need someone else besides the current guys at the point) But if he doesn’t do the work and isn’t willing to contribute in whatever way he is asked then good riddance. If he prefers to sulk on the bench then he is throwing away a golden opportunity to help this team. I hope more than anyone all my speculation is wrong. And I hope that Stevie never has to look back at this time with regrets. This is a Good Rockets team that has a chance to do something special this year, and Stevie has a chance to be a part of it.
  2. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    I don't know what personal reason he had for missing yesterday's game.

    That aside, as I understand the Steve Francis situation in general, Steve has been doing the bare minimum. They put him on some workout program or something where they're asking him to come in early. No real details that I can post, but he's not putting forth maximum effort there. He's not happy either and it's showing. He is very much this year's version of last year's Bonzi Wells.

    I don't think Rick Adelman had anything against Steve ... Steve didn't perform in the preseason while Rafer did, and Steve hasn't done himself any favors since.

    Of course, Rafer hasn't done Rick any favors since then either.

    As bad as Rafer and Mike James have shot, for Steve to still not get even a minute of PT, I think it's obvious that Adelman is taking a hard line stance and does not want to reward Francis for whatever it is he's doing or not doing.
  3. rofflesaurus

    rofflesaurus Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    inside information! :D

    this is the 2nd steve thread after the bobkittens game. i predicted there would be 3 so the next one should show up sometime soon. :D

    steve missing a game due to "personal matters" sounds EERILY familiar to last year when Bonzi Wells missed games due to "personal matters". next thing you know we'll be seeing cards and posters of Francis promoting a party.
  4. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    Thanks Clutch for clarifying the situation at least a bit. Part of what made me think Stevie is in the doghouse was his non existence on the court with James and Rafer stinking it up. I always Steve had primadoona tendencies but he is supposed to be a little older and I had hoped a little wiser. Let's hope he comes around before it's too late.
  5. benum

    benum Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    I feel so sorry that Steve still has such an attitude. After all he went through, he is still the old steve.

  6. chow_yun_fat

    chow_yun_fat Member

    May 19, 2002
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    That's pretty obvious since you made a thread about him with 3 huge paragraphs.
  7. Blake

    Blake Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    Is there any way to sticky this post as it's own locked thread so we don't have 5 new "Play Steve" threads each day? :p
  8. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    I tried to post some substance on the matter, unlike some people who post just to get their count up.
  9. kryten128

    kryten128 Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Old dogs can't learn new tricks.

    He has missed a golden opportunity with James and Rafer playing so poorly.

    Now he will remain the the doghouse.

  10. mrm32

    mrm32 Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    you would think that yao would give him a talk considering how close they are
  11. Blake

    Blake Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    Yeah, you actually did, though Steve is the new Vspan in this forum
  12. jdryden103

    jdryden103 Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I could not have been happier when Steve left. I was so sick of him and his ball hogging. However, when he came back, I decided I would give him a chance before immediately hating him. So far, he has given me no reason to want him back. I agree with Adelman not letting him play. I don't think that a player should get PT when they are acting as Steve is acting. I hope he will wise up and we'll get to see Steve play, but not until he's proven that he wants to work at it.
  13. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Sorry to hear this. If true exactly the way Clutch says it is, then SF needs to shape up soon or leave. What a big disappointment. :(

    I'm not a SF hater nor a fan of his, but after he re-joined the Rockets, he got my support back. If he is indeed this year's version of last year's Bonzi Wells, the Rockets shouldn't wait the entire season to do something about it.
  14. n8rox06

    n8rox06 Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    You're right. They should wait until at least December 15, then see if they can trade him. Personally, I think Rafer will play his way out of the rotation soon, and then SF or Brooks could get their shot. I just don't see either one being the pass-first prototypical PG that we need. Rafer is the closest thing we have to that, so he gets the minutes. I hate it, but that's the way it is.
  15. TeamUSA

    TeamUSA Member

    Aug 2, 2006
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    RA is just doing his job, to make the team better to win games. If he thinks SF3 is ready to help, I don't see any reason why he would not do it.
  16. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    What I still don't understand is why isn't Francis getting a shot at playing at the 2 guard? We've got a glut of supposed point guards but at the two there is only T-mac and Bonzi. Why not bring in Francis to spell those guys and let Alston run the point or even more T-Mac to the point since he's our best ball handler and passer.
  17. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    On the original subject of the thread I think its obvious that Francis is and has been in Adelman's doghouse. I have no idea if its personal but it doesn't sound like Francis is doing enough to change Adelman's opinion. My own view is that Adelman had some higher expectations for Francis and was really let down by him coming out of shape into training camp and also with his low BBall IQ. I hope they can patch up their differences and Francis can get into shape because I'm still convinced Francis can really help this team.
    #17 rocketsjudoka, Nov 12, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2007
  18. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I am pretty sure Adelman doesn't have a doghouse. All the players that play for him say he's a player's coach. If Stevie is upset about playing time and blew off at Adelman about it, Adelman may have suggested taking a day off and gave Steve the opportunity to skip a game, but I really doubt that even happened.

    I would say the odds are something is going on personally with Steve, it might have been as simple as a sick child, or maybe a personal business dealing, whatever. And I think Adelman made the decision to let him go take care of his bidness, not matter how basic it was, because Steve is not in the rotation right now.

    Steve may be unhappy in his role here, but Adelman is not the type of coach to punish a player. Adelman is a player's coach.
  19. Wink123

    Wink123 Member

    Jun 14, 2002
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    WHAT ELSE DO YOU EXPECT HIM TO DO?..first you get rid of him and after 3 yrs he comes back just to be with a team that he did everything for and you sit him on the BENCH for some personal reasons..no one knows if he's out of shape or not..which i think he's not bcuz 3-4 months ago this guy is starting on a team and all of a sudden you declare him out of a shape tht he can't even play..good job coach!!

    if a guy who is used to start and which he can still start...ofcourse he's gonna look at other options and not just sit on the bench..even though he came here to help this team out to get a championship..there's no way tht he will even get to play!!

    People are starting over him and doing extremely bad tht their performance can cost us a game..and even then you don't play him and sit him on the bench..What does this tell you???
  20. n8rox06

    n8rox06 Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    You have a point there. He certainly couldn't do worse than Luther is doing right now, and SF could at least take the ball to the basket and get in the paint to create...there's gotta be something else going on here that Rox mgt isn't addressing publicly. They are usually pretty good at being tight-lipped about stuff.

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