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Is Silas really to blame or is our roster simply not that good?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by a time to chill, Nov 19, 2022.

  1. a time to chill

    Jul 8, 2012
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    I was looking at cleaning the glass and I see that the Rockets have the 8th best location effective field goal in the league. Location effective field goal measures what the team's effective field goal percentage would be if they shot the league average of the shots they are currently taking. In reality, they are in the 29th percentile for eFG, second worst in the league and only Detroit has a worse eFG.

    This begs the question, is Silas running a good offensive system and the players simply lack the talent to execute?

    We have a severe lack of veterans on the roster with only Eric Gordon - his performance has been up and down. Jalen Green has yet to take the leap toward a player that can provide consistent scoring on a nightly basis. His performance has been inconsistent as well. And we thought that Jabari Smith would be performing better than he currently is. Not to mention the Rockets are the worst in the league when it comes to turnovers.

    I think his lineup decisions deserve legit criticism. However, Silas isn't the one turning the ball over or missing good, open shots...that's more of a player-talent issue.

    So would this team with the exact same roster really look better with another coach?
    HP3, Corrosion and txtodd like this.
  2. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    I think silas is the one at fault. Talent is there, man just has really have awful rotations.

    He plays favorites and yanks others over little mistakes.

    Most glaring issue is he doesn't prioritize development of the rookies and is dead set on the kpj pg project regardless of the demerit it has on the other players.

    Coaching issue, no doubt.
  3. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    You are as stupid as you are smelly if you thought Silas didn’t have any sort of system or he just rolled the ball out or didn’t coach.

    I don’t think Silas is good coach but I think the roster is the greater issue. I saw a similar stat from last season where we attacking in all the right locations but not converting. This team just doesn’t have players who know how to play team NBA basketball.
    topfive, Dopamine, jim1961 and 2 others like this.
  4. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Really look better is subjective, but I'm pretty sure it's not too illogical to to think that we wouldn't be dead last for the 3rd year running with a better coach.
    aaquaa, persian hoopa and red5rocket like this.
  5. Plowman

    Plowman Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    Half our roster is 21 or younger. At least 35 - 40 % of our offense will eventually go through Sengun...when he's ready. As of now, we basically have no frontline. Be patient. Let these guys mature and develop.
    We have oodles of talent. Give it time.
    cbass, lakersuck2, jim1961 and 4 others like this.
  6. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Silas sucks, but people severely overrate the talent on this roster

    with a different coach, we likely wouldn’t be on the verge of 3-peating as L champions, but we still would’ve sucked mightily
  7. Carpe82

    Carpe82 Member

    Oct 25, 2022
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    Blame in order:
    1st: Silas
    2nd: Stone
    3rd: Rockets fans
    4th: Players
    BigShasta and Corrosion like this.
  8. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Yea we might be 2nd or 3rd from dead last with a better coaching staff.
    jim1961 and No Worries like this.
  9. harold bingo

    harold bingo Udoka Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    Why not both? This roster is bad, you could put any coach on this team and they aren't winning 30 games. That doesn't mean you can excuse Silas because "we would be bad anyway." There are certain things you like to see from a head coach on a young developing team.

    My take on the specific issue you brought up is - look at the list of teams. It's pretty clear that's a bad metric, because you've got a lot of bad teams up there. So ask yourself why? To me that indicates clueless coaching, and having players take shots they aren't good at just because you think they are "good shots." Hypothetically you could have a team with 5 Clint Capelas shooting open corner 3s and they'd blow everyone out of the water according to this metric. But that team would also score 0 points per game. Shot quality isn't independent of the shooter, look at the lakers, they're at the top because they jack up 50 open 3s per game, but that's because the roster is constructed of really poor shooters that get left open. That's a big reason the lakers are so bad.
    BallSoHarden, clutchdabear and aaquaa like this.
  10. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Folks need to b realistic. I knew we weren't going to play in but I'm pretty sure coaching is an issue if somehow we are still dead last for the 3rd straight year.
    I would also blame the front office for betting so much on kpj to b the pg of the future, it's not paying off.
  11. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    I think FO is wanting to tank hard before we start owing our picks to OKC again. Would they welcome Green having a Morant level sophomore season? Or Jabari looking like a franchise player? Of course, because that portends having a high level franchise player.
    Invisible Fan and Corrosion like this.
  12. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    It’s definitely an issue but it might not be bigger than the roster issue.
  13. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    This is a good debate. There’s is no doubt that the roster is raw and fundamentally unbalanced. But I also see a lot of pure talent in this group. So one would think you’d be able to see some level of progress.

    I think Silas is getting good effort out of his players; there have been lapses, but for the most part, effort is not the problem. That reflects well on the coach.

    but the statistics show that the rotations we use most are the least productive. And we seem to shy away from exploiting obvious matchup advantages, or we go away from them when they are working. That doesn’t reflect well on the coach.

    the fact that we don’t have someone that can run the floor is definitely not Silas’ fault. We can debate whether or not running the offense through KPJ is the best alternative; it’s certainly not good enough. But Stone is to blame for not having a point guard. I’ll chalk the Nix minutes up to lack of point guard desperation.

    we were always going to be a lotto team; we are still rebuilding. But you want to see some level of progress in year 3 and I don’t see that yet. That’s on the coach. Pop would be doing much better with this roster. An extreme example to be sure, but u get my point.
  14. Tato1971

    Tato1971 Member

    May 7, 2013
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    Our roster isn't bad, our roster is extremely young and doesn't have a natural PG (except for TyTy).
    My concern is not about the results today, my concern is that every day I confirm that Silas is not the coach this team needs nor the right person to be in charge of the development of these young players.
    slothy420 and ashleyem like this.
  15. nolimitnp

    nolimitnp Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    I'm disappointed in Jabari more than anything. I'm not sure how missing wide open 3s is Coach Silas' fault.

    That said the KPJ experiment is a disaster. It kinda scares me we don't have a backup plan, unless the plan is tank for Scoot.
    Dopamine likes this.
  16. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Yes, Silas is to blame for not giving the team movement and structure, and allowing young players to try to figure it out on their own instead of teaching them.

    He is awful for this young team.

    Xopher, aaquaa, persian hoopa and 4 others like this.
  17. ashleyem

    ashleyem Member

    May 1, 2009
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    Silas said the roster is good

    Caesar and Aruba77 like this.
  18. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    i feel like this is the worst roster and system (or lack there of) for a prospect with Jabari’s skill-set and I think Jabari’s shooting issues are mental (confidence).

    i agree that we can’t rely on those excuses forever, but I do think we should give Jabari the first half of the season to get comfortable and then see if he improves on the back end like Jalen did last year.

    I just think we are making it hard for him given the weaknesses we know he had in his game when we drafted him (I.e. getting his own shot).
    Believe It! and albuster like this.
  19. a time to chill

    Jul 8, 2012
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    I think the team is in desperate need of a true center. Getting Victor Wembanyama would be a blessing. I like Sengun but he's best suited in the forward position. Jabari also has no business playing the center position as well.
    maj21 likes this.
  20. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    No idea. If you tune in to Silas with Matt Thomas and you're a fan of ball movement, Silas will leave you yelling "Fk Yeah! We're going to see the ball move like it's Sactown 2002! I'm Hypeddddd!" yeah, then it never happens.

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