Excuse me., . . but alot of Americans want Iran WIPED from the map including politicians and of course religious leaders so When the other side says something similar. . .why are we surprised Also . . .. What is the history of Isreal? Some one please clarify it for me because from what I understand . .. it was CREATED by powers OUTSIDE the region for the Jewish People. Basically. . like me coming to your house and telling you that your kids room now belongs to that guy you hated all your life then Everytime that guy b*tches. . . I take his side. and beat you down It is a simplification but .. . . Can we not at least understand they ain't happy and why . .. as for them hated 'Zionist' in principle. . .that is different to me Rocket River
Pretty close, Jackie. Which one has started an illegal and imoral war during their term in office? Bush has said some crazy things, too. BTW both are pushing a form of religious extremism in their countries.
Ya think??? the comment makes headlines around the world....but in the D&D it's just a guy blowing off a little steam and not nearly as bad as what GWB does... ....he lied about the war, you know?
You might want to brush up on your reading comprehension skills (Rice must be really bad at teaching such topics). SJC asked if someone was "equating" GWB and "this guy" and I pointed out some apt comparisons, comparisons that you have chosen not to refute in favor of twisting the meaning of my post, per your usual. AS I have said before, I am not a Democrat, I am an independant who wishes that the GOP still reflected my fiscal conservatism. Blinded by hatred is more your bailiwick than mine, anyway.
Maybe so, but when you have the neocons trying to start another illegal war, this time with Iran and/ or Syria it tends to make one sensitive.
All accounts show that when Bush took office, he and key members of his staff had a premeditated plan to invade Iraq and finish his daddy's war. He then used the first foreign attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor as propaganda to rally the American people and gall us into attacking a country on false terms and faulty, if not made up, information. We're fighting a "war on terrorism," but really all we're doing is creating more American hatred in the Muslim world. I don't think Bush is a bad or evil man. I prefer to think of him as zealot who has taken his cause too far. We should have gone after Osama bin Ladin. By expanding the war in Afghanistan to include Iraq, and actually any country "harboring terrorists," Bush has created a quagmire, which I at least hope he finally realizes. He may have actually thought he was protecting the American people by expanding the war, but I don't see how it will.
I've always been of the opinion that Bush isn't a bad guy actually. He's just the figurehead of a group of people who want to run the government their own way, only he doesn't know he's the figurehead
difference is they say it and we think it i bet if you took a poll asking people if they could wipe Iran off the map they would,,,,, people dont exactly realize that Americans arent everyones favorite and we Americans refuse to belive we do anything wrong...
I can understand why some might chose to compare this Iranian lunatic with our own extremist lunatic. At the same time, I have to say that we must prevent Iran from aquiring atomics. It's vital to our security and our national interests. And that is one of the reasons I'm so angry about the debacle in Iraq... Bush's voluntary war. Iran (their fundamentalist government... the people who actually control the country. The Iranian people, the majority, have been marginalized.), feels they can aquire atomics now because we are bogged down in Iraq, and will do nothing. Had we not invaded and occupied Iraq, and shown how weak we are compared to how the world, in general, viewed us as being, Iran would be far more circumspect about furiously working to obtain the bomb. If they get what they desire, then they believe they will be safe from attack, regardless of their actions. We should be very worried. Keep D&D Civil.
but if you were an Iranian wouldnt you feel the need to acquire as many weapons as you can because there are bigger and more powerful countries who will voluntarily go to war with you because they dont like your beliefs im not siding with Iran for any reason but people have to look at both sides..and to make it clear im not an anti-american and hope Iran gets nukes i just hope there are diplomatic ways of figuring all this out
Hello and welcome to the year 2005. It's been over 50 freakin years since Israel has been there. Isn't it about time that we realize enough people have died over such a small piece of land? I know there has been a lot of pain on both sides, but for the love of god, enough is enough. Israel has always been under scrutiny by the arab world not because of its policies, but because its citizens are jewish. The palestinians are victims of their own corrupt leadership and the refusal of other arab nations to provide help (unless you count arming them and convincing them to strap a few bombs on to meet some virgins help).
you really don't know what is going on in Palestine and what the people went through, Isreal is one of the most powerful nations in the world. When you can't get to the people who hurt you....you go after those you can. That's the mentality......both sides are wrong...they are both responsible for the situation.
kinda hard to know when the media pulls this crap... watch the video.. its about 18 min http://seconddraft.org/streaming/pallywood.wmv
Pray tell, 50 years is enough to wipe away the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people? If an entire generation of indigenous people is wiped off its land, denied human rights, and sent to refugee camps living in the worst of conditions, it's their fault and they should just suck it up and deal with it?
If you and your community are ever uprooted from your homes and denied right of return, remind me to tell you to quit whining.