@Buck Turgidson asked me to start this so here I am. I have no idea if this will be interesting or fun for anyone else, but I imagine I will update it at least once a week when I do my research for my pod. my discovery last week: Bregman babip is something like 217. His career babip is 287. We can see his quality of context is similar to last year as last year his expected wOba was 351 for the year and this year his xWoba is 352. If you normalized Bergman’s BABiP this year to career averages his slash line would be something liken280/380/460 for an 840 ops. His career Ops is 870. His career Ops without the 2 near mvp seasons with the juiced ball is basically 830 or 840. Alex Bregman has been a league average offensive player this year. Alex Bregman has hit the ball, walked and slugged the same as he always has when he’s typically 25 or 30% above league average. Alex Bregman is basically the same guy he’s always been. He’s just an unluckier version of that right now. anyone else got any stats they love or hate or think illuminate something with the Astros?
Is this an appropriate place for the Front Office moves as well? ie - Garcia still being on the 15 day IR will permit an addition to the 40 man roster by merely moving him to the 60 day IR and without exposing a current 40 man roster player to waivers. This is preparation for either a trade or a non 40 call up later, but keeping the 40 man full until then.
I started this because Buck told me to. I think that stuff is probably more for the season thread. This is probably number geek stuff. Maybe it’s not a good thread- I don’t know.
Yordan and Tucker are pretty much first or second in all these stats, so putting them aside as clearly our 2 best hitters Yainer Diaz's team ranks among everybody else xBA 2nd (.260) xOBP 2nd (.327) xSLG 1st (.481) xOPS 1st (.808) He would also be 1st in exit velocity, 1st in barrel rate, and 2nd in hard hit %. His exit velocity and barrel rate are actually better than Tuckers and would both be in the top 15% of the entire league if he qualified. It's completely understandable that he averages 1.3 PA per game. It's not like our offense has struggled and he's some highly regarded hitting prospect.
I’m shamelessly stealing this next week with your permission. Good stuff. Yes, I’ve said a few times that I’m beyond convinced that Diaz is at worst am average hitter. People push back with his lousy numbers. This tells a different and better story.
IIRC I asked about 3 people to start this thread, for sh!ts and giggles, good on you for being the one to do it. I do not know if it will be interesting to anyone either, I really thought it'd make a nice safe place to corral all you nerds. But seriously, there are various interesting things posted in the "game threads" and they just get lost, so I thought this might be a place to collect them.
Now everybody has to go back and edit their posts as soon as the stats get adjusted with every AB…. Good job guys!
Why would that be the case? Each post has a date and numbers. Therefore as noted date of the post, that was where the player was on his stats. i would hope nobody would go edit numbers, so that the post could maintain historical authenticity.
If only there were websites that updated stats in real time!!! oh wait... Also, in case you haven't noticed, there's a ton of sarcasm in here... including BT's goading somebody into starting a thread like this. But yes, if somebody wants to post where player X ranks in counting/average stats at any given time to make a point for or against them playing... and lets just say things drastically change (or in some players' case, regress towards the mean), there will be a built-in receipt.
Today's line-up stats (5/21) POS LAST First________OBP SLG OPS+ 2B ALTUVE, Jose_______333 286 74 3B BREGMAN, Alex____335 371 95 DH ALVAREZ, Yordan___385 569 159 1B ABREU, Jose_________273 259 44 RF TUCKER, Kyle________295 425 96 SS PENA, Jeremy________295 425 96 CF MEYERS, Jake________336 402 103 LF McCORMICK, Chas__343 452 117 C MALDONADO, Martin_278 275 54 Interesting point McCormick would be better batting 4th and Meyers would be better batting leadoff. CF MEYERS, Jake________336 402 103 3B BREGMAN, Alex____335 371 95 DH ALVAREZ, Yordan___385 569 159 LF McCORMICK, Chas__343 452 117 RF TUCKER, Kyle________295 425 96 SS PENA, Jeremy________295 425 96 2B ALTUVE, Jose_______333 286 74 1B ABREU, Jose_________273 259 44 C MALDONADO, Martin_278 275 54
The team is 7-3 with Diaz as the starting catcher. The team is 18-16 with Maldy as the starting catcher. The manager just told me the reason we are winning all these games is because Maldonado is playing all the time. diaz OPS+ as a catcher is 120 Maldy’s ops as a catcher is 54. somebody make it stop. If you aren’t going to take the ability to make a lineup away from him until the post season at least make him not say stupid **** completely at war with reason.
can someone look up the stats on how many runs the astros have scored with the bases loaded? so far, i think it's like 5 or something. and i'm sure i'm wrong.
I have occasionally brought them up after some updates but before all updates like OPS+ is updated. But that can change anytime between 12 and 8.